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Lost in the Sauce: DHS hides intelligence that reveals Trump using Russia's playbook, again

Welcome to Lost in the Sauce, keeping you caught up on political and legal news that often gets buried in distractions and theater… or a global health crisis.

Trump’s playbook is Russia’s playbook

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in July withheld an intelligence bulletin warning of a Russian plot to spread misinformation regarding Joe Biden's mental health. The bulletin, titled “Russia Likely to Denigrate Health of U.S. Candidates to Influence 2020 Election,” was blocked by the office of acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf on July 9.
  • The bulletin states that analysts had “high confidence” in their conclusion. However, a DHS spokesperson tried to defend the “delay” in issuing the document by saying it did not meet the agency’s standards. This is curious because just a week later, on July 16, DHS circulated a bulletin on anarchists in Portland that officers admitted they had “low confidence” in. Why was the Russia memo held back but the Portland one released?
  • Trump has been pushing the same line of attack against Biden for months - yet another instance of Russia and Trump operating from the same playbook. For instance, in March Trump said there was “something going on” with Biden; in June Trump ran selectively edited ads asserting that Biden is “unfit to serve as Commander in Chief”; last month Trump ran a digital ad portraying Biden as perpetually confused and mentally unstable. Most recently, Trump said questions about his own health are only in the news because “they want to try and get me to be on Biden's physical level."
DHS is just the latest agency in the Trump administration to erode election security, following actions by the Justice Department and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) last month. DNI John Ratcliffe announced he was ending in-person congressional briefings on election security ahead of November and AG Bill Barr removed a leading career official at the Justice Department’s national security division, replacing him with an inexperienced political appointee.
The ODNI’s decision to halt congressional election briefs may have been influenced by top White House officials. National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien and Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, among others, have repeatedly discussed in meetings with staff and with Trump “how to restrict and control the flow of information on such sensitive topics to Capitol Hill.”
One White House official told The Daily Beast that Meadows has for months been wary of the type of briefings on Capitol Hill that Democratic sources can potentially use to try to make Trump look bad through surreptitious leaks to media outlets.
Meanwhile, interim Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee Marco Rubio (R-FL) said last week that his committee will be granted an exception to the ODNI’s new policy and continue to receive in-person briefings from top U.S. intelligence officials about election-security issues. This essentially means that only Democrat-led committees have been cut out of the process ensuring election security.
House Democrats wrote to Ratcliffe insinuating if his office does not provide the previously scheduled briefings this month they will issue subpoenas and/or defund the ODNI in the appropriations bill due by the end of the month. Read the letter here.
In addition to attacks on Biden’s health, DHS has determined that Russia is seeking to “amplify” concerns over the integrity of U.S. elections by promoting allegations that mail-in voting will lead to widespread fraud. Intelligence analysts say this strategy has been underway since at least March, coinciding with Trump’s own assaults on mail-in voting.
  • For instance, in March Trump said if he agreed to funding vote-by-mail expansions in the first coronavirus stimulus bill, the U.S. would see “levels of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again” (clip). Fact check: Neither party has historically benefited. On April 7, at the White House press briefing, Trump claimed: "Mail ballots are a very dangerous thing for this country, because they're cheaters… They're fraudulent in many cases" (clip). Fact check: There is no evidence that mail ballots are dangerous or fraudulent.
At a White House press briefing on Friday, Trump denied there is any proof that Russia poisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Instead of backing the German government's analysis of Nalvany's illness, Trump then redirected the criticism from Russia to China (clip).
"I don't know exactly what happened. I think it's tragic. It's terrible; it shouldn't happen. We haven't had any proof yet, but I will take a look. It is interesting that everybody is always mentioning Russia - and I don't mind you mentioning Russia - but I think probably China, at this point, is a nation that you should be talking about much more so than Russia. Because the things that China's doing are far worse.”
Trump then went on to say he’s “taken stronger action against Russia than any other country in the world,” but added “I do get along with President Putin” (clip).
  • RELATED: Leaked notes obtained by the Telegraph say that when Theresa May asked for Trump to take a strong stand after Russia poisoned Sergei Skripal, Trump replied “I’d rather follow than lead.” He pushed May to “put together a coalition” first.
The Trump administration plans to deport a Russian national living in America, a move experts say is in response to a politically motivated request by Russia. Gregory Duralev was persecuted by the Russian state for exposing corruption. He fled to America and applied for asylum in 2015. While waiting for a decision on his application, he was arrested by ICE and jailed for nearly 18 months. His case is now in court.
“DHS has acted no better than the Russian authorities,” Duralev said. “They simply fabricated charges against me for violations I never committed — and if DHS can trump up charges against immigrants with impunity, nobody can guarantee they won’t start doing it” to regular Americans. “So that’s the main message I now hope to send.”

Michael Cohen & Peter Strzok

Former FBI agent Peter Strzok has a book coming out called “Compromised.” In it, he alleges that FBI investigators came to believe it was “conceivable, if unlikely” that Russia was secretly controlling President Trump after he took office:
“We certainly had evidence that this was the case: that Trump, while gleefully wreaking havoc on America’s political institutions and norms, was pulling his punches when it came to our historic adversary, Russia,” Strzok writes. “Given what we knew or had cause to suspect about Trump’s compromising behavior in the weeks, months, and years leading up to the election, moreover, it also seemed conceivable, if unlikely, that Moscow had indeed pulled off the most stunning intelligence achievement in human history: secretly controlling the president of the United States — a Manchurian candidate elected.”
He now says he doesn’t believe that Trump is literally a Russian spy: “I don’t think that Trump, when he meets with Putin, receives a task list for the next quarter,” Strzok said, referencing the Russian president, Vladimir Putin. “But I do think the president is compromised, that he is unable to put the interests of our nation first, that he acts from hidden motives, because there is leverage over him, held specifically by the Russians but potentially others as well.”
In an interview with Politico, Strzok confirms that he and then-deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, opened a counterintelligence case on the president, but that it likely was never pursued. Two weeks ago, NYT reported that Rosenstein secretly closed it.
As if there weren’t enough political books coming out this summefall, Michael Cohen is releasing his, called “Disloyal: A Memoir.” The following a couple of quick takeaways:
Cohen says that he, Trump, Aras Agalarov, Emin Agalarov, and others, watched a strip show in Las Vegas where one performer simulated peeing on another performer, who pretended to drink it. Trump reportedly reacted with “delight.” Aras Agalarov, a Russian real estate mogul, is a trusted associate of Putin and reportedly served as a liaison between Trump and the Russian president during Trump’s trip to Moscow.
On Russia, Cohen writes that the cause behind Trump’s admiration of Russian President Vladimir Putin is simpler than many of his critics assume. Above all, he writes, Trump loves money — and he wrongly identified Putin as “the richest man in the world by a multiple.” Trump loved Putin, Cohen wrote, because the Russian leader had the ability “to take over an entire nation and run it like it was his personal company — like the Trump Organization, in fact.”
...According to Cohen, Trump’s sycophantic praise of the Russian leader during the 2016 campaign began as a way to suck up and ensure access to the oligarch’s money after he lost the election. But he claims Trump came to understand that Putin’s hatred of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, dating to her support for the 2011 protest movement in Russia, could also help Trump amass more power in the United States.

USPS & mail voting

According to a Washington Post report yesterday, Postmaster Louis DeJoy engaged in campaign money laundering, also called a straw-donor scheme, at his former logistics business. Five of his former employees told WaPo that they were “urged” to donate to politicians in North Carolina and would be paid back through bonuses from DeJoy. Such a plan would allow DeJoy to illegally circumvent campaign donation limits.
“Louis was a national fundraiser for the Republican Party. He asked employees for money. We gave him the money, and then he reciprocated by giving us big bonuses,” said David Young, DeJoy’s longtime director of human resources, who had access to payroll records at New Breed from the late 1990s to 2013 and is now retired.
“He would ask employees to make contributions at the same time that he would say, ‘I’ll get it back to you down the road,’ ” said [another] former employee.
...A Washington Post analysis of federal and state campaign finance records found a pattern of extensive donations by New Breed employees to Republican candidates, with the same amount often given by multiple people on the same day. Between 2000 and 2014, 124 individuals who worked for the company together gave more than $1 million to federal and state GOP candidates. Many had not previously made political donations, and have not made any since leaving the company, public records show.
More than one million mail-in ballots were sent late to voters during the 2020 primary elections, an audit by the USPS IG’s office determined. Most of the ballots were late, the USPS says, because local election boards sent the ballots to voters at the last minute. Official press release.
[The audit] found the problems during primaries had been most pronounced in Kentucky and New York, where a combined 628,000 ballots were sent out late. In 17 states, the audit found, more than 589,000 ballots were sent from election boards to voters after the state’s ballot mailing deadline. In 11 states, more than 44,000 ballots were sent from election boards to voters the day of or the day before the state’s primary election.
One particularly troubling situation, auditors found, unfolded in Pennsylvania, where 500 ballots were sent to voters the day after the election.
Furthermore, only 13% of the ballots were mailed with the recommended bar code tracking technology.
Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D) was blocked from attending two scheduled tours of USPS facilities last week. Local Postal Service officials informed her and union leaders waiting to accompany her into the building that national USPS leadership had directed them to bar the group from the building. A Postal Service spokeswoman said they simply needed more notice for a tour.
Many states, including important battleground states, are not legally permitted to process mail-in/absentee ballots until Election Day, leading to concern that results will be delayed by days or weeks. For instance, in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan election officials cannot even begin processing ballots until Election Day. Processing involves opening envelopes, flattening ballots to run through the scanning machine, and prepping for the scanning.
"When voters have to wait so long for results, it erodes trust in the process and leaves room for partisan bad actors to dispute the will of the people," said Amber McReynolds, CEO of the National Vote at Home Institute, a nonprofit organization.
AG Bill Barr made three stunning false claims about mail voting during an interview with Wolf Blitzer last week. First, Barr wouldn’t even acknowledge that voting twice is a crime - because just hours earlier, Trump encouraged his North Carolina supporters to vote twice to “test” the state’s mail-in voting system (clip).
BLITZER: It sounds like he’s encouraging people to break the law and try to vote twice.
BARR: It seems to me what he’s saying is, he’s trying to make the point that the ability to monitor this system is not good. And it was so good, if you tried to vote a second time you would be caught if you voted in person.
BLITZER: That would be illegal if they did that. If somebody mailed in a ballot and then actually showed up to vote in person, that would be illegal.
BARR: "I don't know what the law in the particular state says.”
BLITZER: You can’t vote twice.
BARR: "I don't know what the law in the particular state says.”
Then, Barr tried to assert that foreign countries could fake ballots, but when challenged he admitted he had no evidence (clip).
BLITZER: You’ve said you were worried that a foreign country could send thousands of fake ballots, thousands of fake ballots to people that it might be impossible to detect. What are you basing that on?
BARR: I’m basing — as I’ve said repeatedly, I’m basing that on logic.
BLITZER: Pardon?
BARR: Logic.
Finally, Barr cited a supposed incident of mail-in voting fraud in Texas. Too bad it doesn’t exist.

The payroll

Charles Rettig, the Trump-appointed IRS Commissioner who has refused to release President Trump’s tax returns, has made hundreds of thousands of dollars renting out Trump properties while in office. Rettig makes $100,000 - $200,000 a year from two units at Trump International Waikiki. When first nominated, Rettig failed to disclose his financial ties to Trump Waikiki. When questioned by Congress, he did not directly answer concerns about the properties.
CREW: With Trump’s name removed from some buildings as it began to hurt property values, we can only imagine how toxic it would become if a bombshell in his tax returns were released. Which means the IRS Commissioner has a vested interest in the success of the Trump brand—and of preventing anything that could damage it.
Voice of America staffers say Trump appointee Michael Pack is threatening to wash away legal protections intended to insulate their news reports from political meddling. Since arriving, Pack has fired the network's leaders, pushed out agency executives, refused to approve allotted budgets, and refused to renew visas for foreign employees.
  • Further reading: “Deleted Biden video sets off a crisis at Voice of America,” Politico.
Pack suggested the staff he fired and foreign journalists he essentially kicked out may have been foreign spies, without offering any evidence to support his claim. A group of 14 senior VOA journalists are openly disputing his explanation:
“Mr. Pack has made a thin excuse that his actions are meant to protect national security, but just as was the case with the McCarthy ‘Red Scare,’ which targeted VOA and other government organizations in the mid-1950s, there has not been a single demonstrable case of any individual working for VOA — as the USAGM CEO puts it — ‘posing as a spy,’ ” they wrote.
The White House is searching for a replacement for Federal Trade Commission Chair Joe Simons, a Republican who has publicly resisted President Donald Trump’s efforts to crack down on social media companies. Simons, a veteran antitrust lawyer, cannot legally be removed by the president except in cases of gross negligence. But the White House has already interviewed at least one candidate for the post.
  • RELATED: The Justice Department plans to bring an antitrust case against Google as soon as this month, after Attorney General William P. Barr overruled career lawyers who said they needed more time to build a strong case.
Richard Grenell, formerly the highest-ranking out gay official in the Trump administration, has joined a law firm founded by Pat Robertson that has a history of opposing LGBTQ+ rights. Grenell also recently joined the Republican National Committee to do outreach to LGBTQ+ voters.
The Trump administration has quietly named a new acting State Department inspector general. Matthew Klimow, the U.S. ambassador to Turkmenistan since mid-2019, is the third acting IG since Trump and Pompeo ousted Senate-confirmed IG Steve Linick in May.
Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s current special envoy to Northern Ireland, former Chief of Staff, and former acting head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, is starting a hedge fund focused on financial services regulation. Ethics experts say Mulvaney explicitly using his knowledge of CFPB to place bets for and against companies gives him an unfair and perhaps illegal advantage.

Court and DOJ matters

Court cases
The Trump administration must, for now, stop winding down in-person counting efforts for the 2020 census, a federal judge in California ordered.
The three-judge panel hearing a challenge to Trump’s new anti-immigrant census policy seemed hostile to the government’s arguments in a hearing last week.
A federal judge has stopped the Trump administration from enforcing a rule change that would let health care providers deny medical services to LGBTQ patients on the grounds of religion.
Justice Department
Federal prosecutors are preparing to charge longtime GOP fundraiser Elliott Broidy in connection with efforts to influence the U.S. government on behalf of foreign interests. Broidy helped raise millions for Donald Trump’s election and the Republican Party.
Barr ordered another round of changes to FISA rules, tightening the use of government surveillance on political candidates or their staffers — a move conservatives will likely cheer, as they have long criticized how the FBI investigated the Trump campaign in 2016.
Before conducting physical searches or wiretaps of a federal election official, members of the official's staff, candidates for federal office, or their staff or advisers, the FBI must now consider giving them a "defensive briefing," to tell them that they could be the target of foreign influence.
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Gratorama Casino Review

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Founded in 2008, around a decade of experience has gone into choosing the right content and putting the necessary safeguards in place to ensure this is a top-notch experience, and that’s immediately evident.

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Gratorama Games

Although the idea of only having scratch card games and slots sounds a little limited in comparison with ‘full size’ online casinos that can offer roulette, poker, blackjack, and a host of other alternatives, what Gratorama lacks in a variety of styles, it more than makes up for with sheer variety within the confines of its chosen styles.
Sweet Candy Slot isn’t just a clever name- it’s a fantastic 25 reel slot that is loads of fun and pays out big time. Other stands out titles include Tiki Beach, and Farm Scratch, which, rather than referencing an outbreak of ticks on a ranch in Texas, is a wonderfully moreish, and delightfully innocent, scratch card game that invokes memories of children’s books. Only this time you’re an adult and the money is real.
More adventurous types might want to go for the impressively animated Dragon Slot, whereas traditionalists are well served by the likes of Lucky 7 and other classically-focused efforts that are available on Gratorama.
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In Conclusion

It’s safe, has loads of options, and seems to really want to give you free money. None of which are negatives from where we’re looking.
Gratorama is a really professionally put together casino that doesn’t have much time to mess about with superlatives – it saves bells and whistles for the games to roll out when they’re ready, and all the better for it, because it means the games themselves are all of a very high standard. On top of this, the great deals that are circulating on this website make it difficult to work out what you could possibly complain about, other than the drab homepage (which can in turn be forgiven once you’re on the website proper).
Some people prefer to have a download option just to make sure things will run smoothly, rather than having a web browser open as a kind of middle man between their machine and the web. This is understandable, but realistically Gratorama isn’t losing out on that much by not offering this- anyone with a decent enough connection to stream video without problems will be fine with things as they are, which sounds like a bit of a side point, but really that’s the most important bit of this entire review – the fundamental experience, which in this instance is pretty much second to none.
The pleasure from start to finish, with digital offerings like this it’s looking easier and easier to stay at home whilst the world collapses around your house. Or an apartment.
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Anonymity by State/Country: Comprehensive Global Guide III

Ever since i started playing regularly, i've researched anonymity in places. Here is what i have for each state plus a bunch of other countries. If anything is outdated or incorrect, please comment.
United States
Alabama: No current lottery. Source:
Alaska: No current lottery/Not Anonymous. "Unlike most other states, Alaska doesn’t have a state-sponsored lottery." Source: Alaska does permit charities to run lotteries, the largest one is Not Anonymous. Source:
Alaska's governor has proposed a bill to create an official Alaska State Lottery. Source:
American Samoa: No current lottery. Source:
Arizona: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner for all wins of $100,000 and over. Source:
Arkansas: Not Anonymous/Other entities unclear. "Winner information is subject to disclosure under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). A winner who receives a prize or prize payment from the ASL grants the ASL, its agents, officers, employees, and representatives the right to use, publish (in print or by means of the Internet) and reproduce the winner’s name, physical likeness, photograph, portraits, and statements made by the winner, and use audio sound clips and video or film footage of the winner for the purpose of press releases, advertising, and promoting the ASL". Source:
California: Not Anonymous/Only individuals can claim. “ The name and location of the retailer who sold you the winning ticket, the date you won and the amount of your winnings are also matters of public record and are subject to disclosure. You can form a trust prior to claiming your prize, but our regulations do not allow a trust to claim a prize. Understand that your name is still public and reportable”. Source:
Colorado: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via trust. “As part of the Open Records Act, we are required to release to the public your name, hometown, amount you won and the game you played. This information will be posted on and will be furnished to media upon request.” Source: Source:
Connecticut: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via a trust or LLC, "Certain information about our winners is public information: Winner's name and place of residence, date of claim, game played, prize amount won, and the selling retailer's name and location. While most winners claim prizes using their individual names, some winners come forward using other legal entities (i.e., trusts, business partnership) to claim their prizes. In those instances, the Lottery will promote the win using that legal entity's name. For more information about such instances, please consult your personal accountant or legal advisor.” Source:
Delaware: 100% Anonymous if requested by winner. "Many winners have chosen to remain anonymous, as allowed by state law, but their excitement is yours to share!" Source: and
DC: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via a trust or LLC. Anonymous question is not directly answered on lottery website. "In the District of Columbia, specific lottery winner information is public record." However, a Powerball Jackpot win was claimed via a LLC in 2009. Source:
Florida: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via LLC. "Florida Lottery winners cannot remain anonymous. Florida law mandates that the Florida Lottery provide the winner's name, city of residence, game won, date won and amount won to any third party who requests the information; however Florida Lottery winners' home addresses and telephone numbers are confidential." Source:
The Florida Lottery allows trusts to claim it, however winner information is still released in compliance with the law. A $15 Million jackpot was claimed by an LLC. Source: Source:
Georgia: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner for all prizes over $250,000. Source:
Guam: Anonymity appears to be an option. Source:
Hawaii: No current lottery. Source:
Idaho: Not Anonymous."By claiming a winning lottery ticket over $600, winners become subject to Idaho’s Public Records Law. This means your “win” becomes an offcial Idaho public record. Your full name, the town where you live, the game you won, the amount you won (before and after taxes), the name of the retailer where you bought the ticket, and the amount the retailer receives for selling the ticket are all a matter of public record." Can seek anonymity if you have specific security concerns (rarely granted). Source:
Illinois: Not Anonymous/Anonymous if requested by winner for all wins over $250,000 however info will be released to a FOIA request. "However, Murphy also cooperated with the Illinois Press Association in adding an amendment that ensures that Freedom of Information Act, an act designed to keep government agencies transparent by allowing the public to access any public record by request, supersedes the privacy law, according to attorney Don Craven, the press association’s legal counsel." Source:
Indiana: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via LLC or trust. "Indiana law allows lottery jackpot winners to remain anonymous, with the money being claimed by a limited liability company or legal trust." Source:
Iowa: Not Anonymous/Can use a trust to claim but information will be released. "When you win an Iowa Lottery prize of $600 or more, you have to fill out a winner claim form that includes your name, address and Social Security number before you can claim your winnings. Iowa law makes the information on that claim form public, meaning that anyone can request a copy of the form to see who has won the prize. We redact sensitive information, such as your Social Security number, from the form before we release it, but all other details are considered public information under Iowa law (Iowa Code Section 99G.34(5)." Source:
For group play, "Prizes can be paid to players who play as a group. A check can be written to an entity such as a trust or to a single individual." Source:
Kansas: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. "Kansas is one of a handful of states that does not have this requirement. If you win a prize in Kansas, you may request that your identity not be released publicly." Source:
Kentucky: Anonymity appears to be an option. Anonymity or who can claim is not addressed on lottery website. But multiple instances of winners claiming anonymously have been reported in the news. "Kentucky Lottery spokesman Chip Polson said the $1 million Powerball winner claimed the prize on May 15 and the Mega Million winner claimed the prize on May 12. He confirmed that both players wanted their identity to remain a secret." Source:
Louisiana: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via trust. "Under the Lottery's statute, all prize payment records are open records, meaning that the public has a right to request the information. Depending upon the amount won and public or media interest in the win, winners may NOT be able to remain anonymous. The statute also allows the Lottery to use winners' names and city of residence for publicity purposes such as news releases. The Lottery's regular practice is not to use winner information in paid advertising or product promotion without the winner's willingness to participate. Source: Source:
Maine: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via trust. "In the event that Maine does have a Mega Millions winner, he or she can opt to remain anonymous — but Boardman says that’s never happened. “What a winner could do in Maine is they could file their claim in the name of a trust, and the trust becomes the winner. So that’s how a winner could claim their ticket anonymously,” he says." Source:
Maryland*: Not Anonymous by Law, Anonymous in Practice. "However, the legal basis for this anonymity in Maryland is thin. The Maryland Lottery does not advertise that lottery winners may remain anonymous, but it posts articles on its website about winners and notes those winners who have “chosen to remain anonymous:” Source:
*"Please note that this anonymity protection does not apply to second-chance and Points for Drawings contests run through the My Lottery Rewards program. Those contests are run as promotions for the Lottery. As such, they are operated under a different set of rules than our draw games and scratch-off games. The rules of participating in our second-chance and Points for Drawings contests state that winners' identities are published."" Source:
Massachusetts: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via trust "Lottery regulations state that a claimant's name, city or town, image, amount of prize, claim date and game are public record. Therefore, photographs may be taken and used to publicize winnings." Source:
Michigan: Not Anonymous for Powerball and Mega Millions/100% Anonymous if requested by the winner for all other winners over $10,000. "Winner Anonymity. Michigan law requires written consent before disclosing the identity of the winner of $10,000 or more from the State lottery games Lotto47 and Fantasy 5. You further understand and agree that your identity may be disclosed, and that disclosure may be required, as the winner of any prize from the multi-state games Powerball and Mega Millions." Source:
Minnesota: Not Anonymous. Anonymity or who can claim is not addressed on lottery website but lottery blog states "In Minnesota, lottery winners cannot remain anonymous. A winner's name, city, prize amount won and the place that the winning ticket was sold is public data and will be released to media and posted on our website." Source:
Mississippi: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. "In accordance with the Alyce G. Clarke Mississippi Lottery Law, the Mississippi Lottery will not disclose the identity of the person holding a winning lottery ticket without that person's written permission." Source:
Missouri: Not Anonymous. "At the Lottery Headquarters, a member of the Lottery's communications staff will ask you questions about your win, such as how many tickets you bought, when you found out that you won and what you plan to do with your prize money. This information will be used for a news release. You will also be asked, but are not required, to participate in a news conference, most likely at the store where you purchased your winning ticket." Source:
A Missouri State Legislator has submitted a bill to the State House to give lottery winners anonymity. Source:
Montana: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via trust. "In Montana, by law, certain information about lottery winners is considered public. That information includes: the winner's name, the amount won and the winner's community of residence. Winners may choose to claim as an individual or they may choose to form a trust and claim their prize as a trust. If a trust claims a lottery prize, the name of the trust is considered public information. A trust must have a federal tax identification number in order to claim a Montana Lottery prize." Source:
Nebraska: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via LLC. Anonymity or who can claim is not addressed on lottery website but a winner created a legal entity to claim anonymously in 2014. "Nebraska Lottery spokesman Neil Watson said with the help of a Kearney lawyer, the winner or winners have created a legal entity called Carpe Diem LLC." Source:
A Nebraska State Legislator has now filed a bill to give 100% Anonymity to all winners over $300,000 who request it. Source:
Nevada: No current lottery. Source:
New Hampshire: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via a trust. Anonymity or who can claim is not addressed on lottery website but a winner successfully sued the lottery and won the right to remain anonymous in 2018. Source:
New Jersey: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
New Mexico: Not Anonymous. “Winners of $10,000 or more will have name, city, game played, and prize amount and photo on website.” Can seek anonymity if you have specific security concerns (rarely granted). Source:
New York: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via a LLC. Anonymity or who can claim is not addressed on lottery website but per Gov. Cuomo: "For the past 40 years, individuals wishing to keep their name and information out of the public view have created LLCs to collect their winnings for them." Source:
North Carolina: Not Anonymous. "North Carolina law allows lottery winners' identity to remain confidential only if they have an active protective order against someone or participate in the state's "Address Confidentiality Program" for victims of domestic violence, sexual offense, stalking or human trafficking." Source:
North Dakota: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Northern Mariana Islands: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Ohio: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via trust. Anonymity or who can claim is not addressed on lottery website but appears to have an anonymous option. "The procedure from there was a little cumbersome. I needed to create two separate trusts. One trust was to appoint me, as the trustee on behalf of the winner, to contact the Lottery Commission and accept the Lottery winnings. The secondary trust was set up for me as trustee of the first trust, to transfer the proceeds to the second trust with the winner as the beneficiary. This enabled me to present the ticket, accept the proceeds, and transfer it to the winner with no public record or disclosure." Source:
Oklahoma: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via trust or LLC. In accordance with the Oklahoma Open Records Act and the Oklahoma Education Lottery Act, the name of any individual, corporation, partnership, unincorporated association, limited liability company, or other legal entity, and their city of residence will be made public. Source: Source:
Oregon: Not Anonymous. "No. Certain information about Lottery prizes is public record, including the name of the winner, amount of the prize, date of the drawing, name of the game played and city in which the winning ticket was purchased. Oregon citizens have a right to know that Lottery prizes are indeed being awarded to real persons. " Source: Can seek anonymity if you have specific security concerns (rarely granted). Source:
Pennsylvania: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via trust. Source:
Puerto Rico: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Rhode Island: Not Anonymous/Anonymous if requested but all info is subject to FOIA. "While the Lottery will do everything possible to keep a winner's information private if requested by the winner, in Rhode Island and most other states, this information falls under the Freedom of Information Act, and a winner's name and city or town of residency must be released upon request." Source:
South Carolina: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Anonymity or who can claim is not addressed on lottery website but appears to have an anonymous option based on prior winners. Source:
South Dakota: Not Anonymous for draw games and online games/100% Anonymous for Scratchoffs if requested by the winner. "You can remain anonymous on any amount won from a scratch ticket game. Jackpots for online games are required to be public knowledge. Play It Again winners are also public knowledge." Source:
Tennessee: Not Anonymous/Can use a trust but info subject to open records act. Anonymity is explicitly noted as not being allowed on the official lottery website. Source:
However if it is claimed via a trust then the lottery will not give out your information unless requested to do so. "The TN lottery says: "When claiming a Lottery prize through a Trust, the TN Lottery would need identity documentation for the grantor and all ultimate beneficiaries. Once we are in possession of these documents and information, records are generated. If a formal request is made by a citizen of Tennessee, the Trust beneficiary's name, city and state must be made available under the Tennessee Open Records Act." Source:
Texas: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner for $1 million or more IF the winner claims it as an individual AND chooses the Cash option. Not Anonymous if claimed by a trust or LLC or if the winner chooses the Annuity option. Source:
Utah: No current lottery. Source:
Vermont: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via trust. “The name, town and prize amount on your Claim Form is public information. If you put your name on the Claim Form, your name becomes public information. If you claim your prize in a trust, the name of the trust is placed on the Claim Form, and the name of the trust is public information.” Source:
Virginia: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner for prizes over $10 million. "A new law passed by the Virginia General Assembly and signed by the Governor prohibits the Virginia Lottery from disclosing information about big jackpot winners." "When the bill goes into effect this summer, the Virginia Lottery will not be allowed to release certain information about winners whose prize exceeds $10 million, unless the winner wants to be known." Source:
US Virgin Islands: Anonymity appears to be an option. A $2 Million Powerball winner was allowed to remain anonymous. Source:
Washington: Not Anonymous/Can use a trust but info subject to open records act. "As a public agency, all documents held by Washington's Lottery are subject to the Public Records Act. Lottery prizes may be claimed in the name of a legally formed entity, such as a trust. However, in the event of a public records request, the documents forming the artificial entity may be released, thereby revealing the individual names of winners."
West Virginia: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner for prizes over $1 million and 5% of winnings remittance. "Effective January 1, 2019, House Bill 2982 allows winners of State Lottery draw games to remain anonymous in regards to his or her name, personal contact information, and likeness; providing that the prize exceeds one million dollars and the individual who elects to remain anonymous remits five percent of his or her winnings to the State Lottery Fund." Source:
Wisconsin: Not Anonymous/Cannot be claimed by other entities. "Pursuant to Wisconsin’s Open Records law (Wis. Stats. Secs. 19.31–19.39), the Lottery is required to disclose a winner’s name, likeness and place of residence. If you win and claim a prize, the Lottery may use your name, likeness and place of residence for any purpose without compensation to you.
Upon claiming your prize, you waive any claims against the Lottery and its representatives for any and all liability which may result from the disclosure or use of such information." "The original winning ticket must be signed by a single human being. For-profit and non-profit entities, trusts, and other non-human beings are not eligible to play or claim a prize." Source:
Wyoming: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. "We will honor requests for anonymity from winners. However, we certainly hope winners will allow us to share their names and good news with other players." Source:
Other countries
Australia: 100% Anonymous if requested by winner. "The great thing about playing lotto in Australia is that winners can choose to remain anonymous and keep their privacy, unlike in the United States where winners don't have such a choice, and are often thrown into a media circus." Source:
Bahamas: No current lottery. Source:
Bahrain: Not Anonymous. Source:
Barbados: Not Anonymous. "No. Barbados Lottery winners cannot remain anonymous. The Barbados Lottery mandates the winner’s name, address, game won, date won and amount won be provided; however Barbados Lottery winners' home addresses and telephone numbers are confidential." Source:
Brazil: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Canada: Not Anonymous. Every provincial lottery corporation in Canada requires winners to participate in a publicity photo shoot showing their face, their name and their municipality. Can seek anonymity if you have specific security concerns (rarely granted). Source:
Carribbean Lottery Countries (Antigua/Barbuda, Anguilla, St. Kitts/Nevis, St. Maarten/Saba/St. Eustatius, and Turks/Caicos): Not Anonymous. "No. Caribbean Lottery winners cannot remain anonymous. The Caribbean Lottery mandates the winner’s name, address, game won, date won and amount won be provided; however Caribbean Lottery winners' home addresses and telephone numbers are confidential." Source:
China: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Must appear in a press conference and photo but allowed to wear disguise. Source:
Cuba: No current lottery. Source:
EuroMillions Countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, and UK*): 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
*United Kingdom: Excludes
*Caymen Islands, and Falkland Islands: No current lottery. Source: Source:
*Anguilla, and Turks & Caicos: Not Anonymous. Source:
EuroJackpot Countries (Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands*, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden): 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
*Netherlands: Excludes
*St. Maarten, Saba, and St. Eustatius: Not Anonymous. Source:
Fiji: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Georgia (Kartvelia): Anonymity appears to be an option. "2.9.1. Prizes and Winners. Each Bidder shall provide details winners who waive their right to privacy will be treated;" Source:
Greece: Anonymity appears to be an option. "The bearer of the ticket shall keep the details of the ticket confidential and not reveal them to any third party." Source: https://www.opap.gen/identity-terms-of-use-lotto
Guyana: Not Anonymous. Source:
India*: Not Anonymous. Source:
*: Only available in the states of Kerala, Goa, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, West Bengal, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Sikkim, Nagaland and Mizoram. Source:
Indonesia: No current lottery. Source:
Israel: Not Anonymous by Law, Anonymous in Practice. “[A]lthough we have this right, we have never exercised it because we understood the difficulties the winners could encounter in the period after their win. We provide details about the winner, but in a manner that doesn’t disclose their identity,” Dolin Melnik, then-spokesperson for Israel’s Mifal Hapayis lottery told Haaretz in 2009." Source:
Jamaica: Not Anonymous. First initial and last name of winner was released but winner was allowed to wear a mask for photo. Source:
Japan: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Kenya: Not Anonymous. "9.1 When You claim or are paid a prize, You will automatically be deemed to grant to O8 LOTTO an irrevocable right to publish, through all types of media broadcasting, including the internet, for the purposes of promoting the win, Your full name (as well as Your nick name), hometown, photograph and video materials without any claim for broadcasting, printing or other rights" Source:
Malaysia: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Nagorno-Karabakh: Not Anonymous. Source:
New Zealand: 100% Anonymous if requested by winner. Source:
North Korea: Not Anonymous. Source:
Northern Cyprus: Anonymity appears to be an option. Source:
Oman: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Philippines: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Qatar: Not Anonymous. Source:
Romania: Anonymity appears to be an option. Source:
Russia: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Samoa: Not Anonymous. Source:
Saudi Arabia: No current lottery. Source:
Singapore: Anonymity appears to be an option. Source:
Solomon Islands: No current lottery. Source:
South Africa: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
South Korea: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Sri Lanka: Anonymity appears to be an option. Source:
Taiwan: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Trinidad and Tobago: Anonymity appears to be an option. Source:
Tuvalu: No current lottery. Source:
United Arab Emirates: Not Anonymous. Source:
Vatican City: Anonymity appears to be an option. Source:
Vietnam: Anonymity appears to be an option. Source:
Windward Lottery Countries (Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines): Not Anonymous. "Prize winners asked to do so by Winlot must give their name and address, and satisfactory establish their identity. All winners of the Jackpot (Match 6) prize will be photographed. Note that Winlot and CBN reserve the right to publish the names, addresses and photographs of all the winners." Source:
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About Slotastic Casino [Review]

Slotastic is an established online casino operator which stays true to its name and offers a nice range of world-class slots courtesy of respected software developer RealTime Gaming.
The focus here is indeed on slots, with players being able to choose from hundreds of bespoke titles, which boast different themes and features. There are options to suit all preferences, styles of play, and bankroll sizes as the casino offers both classic one-arm bandits and more advanced video slots as well as games with progressive jackpots that can change players’ lives overnight.
It may have borrowed its name from everyone’s favorite one-arm bandits but this by no means should cause players to jump to the conclusion the casino has nothing else to offer. Quite the contrary, the library features a number of other premium options, including iconic table games like roulette, poker, craps and blackjack, as well as various arcade games like Keno and many video poker variants.
The casino attracts players from a great number of countries with its easy-to-navigate, well-organized, and vividly colored website. Yet, great visual appearance and hassle-free navigation are hardly the only positives of joining the vast community here. The casino has a number of other perks to offer to enthusiastic players, including very time-efficient and friendly customer support, the option to play on the go on widespread smartphones and tablets, fair payouts, and numerous promotional incentives to keep both new and existing customers happy.
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Software by Real Time Gaming

This casino operator went online back in 2009, after partnering with world-renowned casino software provider RealTime Gaming, also vastly known as RTG. Their partnership has proved to be long and extremely productive, not to mention it has attracted the interest of hundreds of thousands of players who have come to associate RTG with seamless gameplay and user-friendly interface.
This is anything but surprising considering Real Time Gaming is one of the oldest and best known developers of premium casino software on the online gambling scene. The company was founded almost twenty years ago, in 1998, and quickly built an enviable reputation among players and casino industry insiders alike, a reputation it successfully maintains to this very day.
At RTG, they claim to “Take gaming seriously” and it truly shows in the quality of their products. Each game that bears the brand name of “RealTime Gaming” is instantly recognizable with its flashy colors, life-like audio effects, and sleek animations. What is more, players who open their accounts here will benefit from a variety of useful features RTG games normally boast, including flexible betting limits and lots of cool bonus rounds.
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Play Slotastic Casino Games

As was previously mentioned, the operator focuses primarily on slots and has plenty to offer in that particular department. In fact, there are so many titles in the casino’s slot collection that even the most avid reel fans can remain on the edge of their seats for hours on end.
More importantly, new titles are added regularly, so the casino’s content library is constantly growing. Players are presented with two different options as the casino offers free downloadable software but also supports Instant Play.

Video Slots

The online casino's gaming collection comprises over 300 games and the majority of these are indeed slots. Players get to make a pick from an impressive arsenal of classic and five-reel titles but it is the selection of Real Series slots that attracts hordes of reel enthusiasts to the website.
Naturally, these games are unique only to casinos running on RTG’s software but what is more important, players get the chance to collect random jackpots. This may not sound like anything new to those unfamiliar with RTG’s Real Series slots but the games are unique in that one is not required to line up a particular combination of symbols across the reels in order to collect the jackpot. Winning the jackpot is possible at any stake as players are not expected to bet the maximum in order to qualify.
That being said, the games in the operator's slot portfolio certainly do not lack in terms of features.
Players will also benefit from multiple paylines, special symbols like wilds and scatters, various bonus games, multipliers, and free spins. Some of the most noteworthy titles in the gaming collection include Aladdin’s Wishes, Mermaid Queen, The Three Stooges, Goblin’s Treasure, and T-Rex.
Slot fans looking to bag a massive prize should head to the casino’s jackpot section where they will be able to try their luck on several progressive titles, including Shopping Spree II, Aztec’s Millions, Jackpot Piñatas, Cleopatra’s Gold, and the newer addition to RTG’s library, Spirit of the Inca.

Video Poker

Many players prefer video poker over slots since it is among the few casino games which can actually offer positive expectation if a good playing strategy is at hand. Unlike slots, this type of game is not based solely on chance as players can influence the outcome with their decisions. As video poker is a simplified version of five-card draw, it is suitable for players at different skill and experience levels.
The online casino strives to meet the needs of video poker fans by offering them a nice selection of bespoke variations, including all-time favorites like Jacks or Better, Deuces Wild, Bonus Poker, All American Poker, and Joker Poker.
Those who are interested in playing something less standard can opt for the Loose Deuces variation where the lowest paying hand is a Three of a Kind. Another interesting option is Sevens Wild where sevens can substitute all other cards, regardless of their suit or value.

Table Games

The online casino operator targets predominantly slot fans, its selection of table games is not extensive. This is not to say, players are left without options but the operator also demonstrates quality is far more important than quantity since all card and table games on offer impress with authenticity, superior graphics, intuitive interface, and immersive sounds, which are normally part of the unique ambiance of landbased casino floors.
Blackjack fans can attack the virtual tables of Suit’em Up Blackjack, Match 21, Perfect Pairs, European Blackjack, Super 21, and Face Up 21. One variation of Pontoon is also available. Roulette fans are granted the option to test their luck in the European, American or French variations of the game or opt in for Multiplayer Roulette.
It also offers several quality variations of the game of poker, namely Vegas Three Card Rummy, Texas Hold’em Bonus, Caribbean Stud, and Tri Card Poker. It is also possible to shoot the dice in a game of Craps or Sic Bo, but these can be found in the Specialty Games section.

Arcade Games

Betting enthusiasts who lack the necessary knowledge and experience to play card games but are not interested in slots, either, are not left without options. The casino offers a separate category of Specialty Games, where players can make a pick from various scratchcards and bingo games.
One of the most interesting options is the game Treasure Tree, where players need to choose money bags hanging from the branches of a magical tree to earn monetary prizes or more free games. Those who succeed in revealing three bags of the same color can collect either 500x their initial bet or 25 free games where the payouts are actually tripled.
Fans of number games will not be disappointed either as they are presented with several enticing options.
Roaring Twenties Bingo is a dynamic bingo variation where it is possible to play up to a hundred cards simultaneously. Interestingly enough, the game is played with 91 balls, one of which is a wild. Playing Bonus Bingo is also a great option for fans of this particular type of game. One variant of the lottery-style game Keno is also available in the Specialty Games section.
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Supported Devices

The casino keeps up to date with the trends in the industry as becomes apparent by its compatibility with an extensive range of devices, both desktop and mobile. The desktop casino is available for a free download via the casino client which is only 1.4 MB in size so that players will not have to waste too much of their disk space if they decide to install the software.
Once installation is completed, players will be prompted to sign up with a real-money account by filling in their personal and banking information in the registration form. As of the present moment, the downloadable client is compatible only with desktop devices running on Windows OS.
Many members prefer to enjoy their favorite games in Instant Play. This allows for greater flexibility since it enables players to access their casino accounts from any desktop device they like as long as it is connected to the Internet. The website and games run smoothly on all widespread operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and Mac.
Some players have noticed the graphics and sound effects of the Instant Play version of the casino are not as crisp as those in the downloadable software, but this can be explained by the fact the games are loaded directly in the browser. Also, this would not be an issue provided that a reliable Internet connection is at hand. Speaking of browsers, the Instant Play version of the casino runs seamlessly on all widely used options, like Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera.
Mobile gaming is the latest craze among a huge number of online casino enthusiasts.
This casino caters to popular demand and enables registered members to enjoy their favorite slots and casino games while on the go. At the present moment, the casino does not offer downloadable applications for smartphones and tablets, but players will never miss out on any of the action as the casino’s website is mobile-friendly and can be accessed via devices, based on iOS, Windows OS, Blackberry OS, and Android.
To access this online casino on the go, players only need to type in the address in the phones’ browsers and will automatically be redirected to the mobile version of the site.
Scanning the QR code is also an option. The mobile casino features a smaller number of games, with players being able to choose from around 35 titles. Yet, all the popular games have made it to the mobile site, including vivid and engaging slots like Enchanted Garden, T-Rex, Achilles, and Count Spectacular. The mobile casino is very intuitive and easy to navigate. Players will also benefit from the easy-to-use cashier menu and various exclusive mobile promotions and extra spins offers.

Slotastic Bonuses and Promotions

One great way to increase the value of your betting session and potentially give your starting bankroll a boost is to partake in the promotional incentives of the online casino.
The casino also rewards existing players for their loyalty by offering them a broad choice of ongoing promotional offers.
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Payment Methods

The online casino supports several trusted and convenient payment solutions players can use to boost their accounts’ balance or cash out the winnings they have accrued while spinning the reels if exciting slots.
Players can conveniently load money into their accounts by using their credit or debit cards by Visa or MasterCard. One important thing to mention is that when depositing via their cards, players are required to fill in a credit card authorization form for every card they have used at the website before they are allowed to make a withdrawal.
Those, who are reluctant to use their cards for online gaming purposes, are provided with the option to deposit via popular digital wallets, such as Neteller, Skrill, and ecoPayz.
Depositing via Bitcoin is yet another option that grows in popularity among online casino players. One of the safest methods for online payments and purchases is Paysafecard. This method is also supported here and is very popular among casino players as it enables them to retain their anonymity while gaming online since it is prepaid and there is no need to disclose sensitive information when using it.
One of the deposit methods, EasyEFT, is country-specific and is reserved exclusively for casino fans from South Africa. Players’ accounts are credited with the deposited amounts instantly, so they can join the action right away. Deposits are normally transferred to players’ balance for free but the deposited amount needs to be turned over at least once.
The minimum limits for deposits vary depending on the method players use.
Withdrawals can be processed via a range of reliable methods, such as digital wallets like Skrill and Neteller. Another way to cash out your winnings is to use international wire transfers but in this case, you will need to wait for 10 to 20 working days until the money reaches your account. Customers from the United States can withdraw via checks as well.
You'll want to familiarize yourself with the specific payment methods' minimum and maximum deposit limits.

Slotastic Customer Support

The customer service provided by the online casino's support agents is known as adequate, timely and rather efficient. The members of the support team work around the clock to ensure all inquiries are replied to and all issues are resolved as soon as possible. At the current moment, there is no section with Frequently Asked Questions on the website so if players need information concerning payments, software or promotional offers, they will have to contact the support representatives to request assistance.
Luckily, the casino’s website has a very convenient and easy-to-use live chat functionality, which makes receiving answers to your queries as easy as pie. The support agents are very obliging and work tirelessly 24 hours per day, seven days a week to help players. The weekends and public holidays are not an exception.
Another option is to call over the phone on the toll-free hotline. If you are not in urgent need of assistance, you can always reach the support team via email and will receive a response within several hours. The operator's friendly support representatives can also be contacted via Skype at “slotastic_support”. Both the website and the support service are available in one language only, which is English.
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Licensing and Restricted Countries

Players, who register their accounts here can rest assured they are joining a dependable and secure gambling website. The casino brand is owned and managed by a company called Orange Consultants Ltd. The casino is licensed and regulated by the government of Curacao.
The operator is committed to protecting its players’ privacy as all the information they provide in the process of registration is kept strictly confidential and is never shared with any third-party companies. Additionally, players can have their peace of mind that their sensitive banking information is in good hands as the casino has adopted the latest SSL encryptions to encode all transactions to and from the website.
The RealTime Gaming software the operator uses is tested on a regular basis and is proven to be fair.
The online casino is also a strong proponent of responsible gambling and utilizes special controls to ensure only persons of legal gambling age can open accounts at its website. Special measures are taken against illicit activities, such as money laundering, as all players are required to fill in a special credit card authorization form for all cards they use at the casino. Players are expected to go through this verification procedure for security reasons.
One of the greatest positives of this casino is that it welcomes players from the United States. However, there are some exceptions as the operator does not allow players from certain states to register at all. These include New York, Kentucky, Maryland, Louisiana, Missouri, New Jersey, and Washington.
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Online Poker in Switzerland?

Hi guys
I'm searching for a good way to play online poker (nl texas hold em) with real money in switzerland. Due to the legal restrictions (law of gambling) i can't access the popular sites like pokerstars, etc. (and if possible, i would like to not require a vpn)
When i look on the official sites from the swiss casinos, i don't seem to find texas hold em online games (only this video poker bullshit).
Anybody has some expierience?
Thanks in advance&cheers
submitted by _youarewhalecum to Switzerland [link] [comments]

Rizk Casino 50 No Deposit Free Spins (Bonus Code)

Rizk Casino 50 No Deposit Free Spins (Bonus Code)

Rizk Casino Free Bonuses & Review
Create your account at RIZK CASINO and play 50 free spins on jackpot slots. No deposit needed! Next, make your first purchase and collect up to 150 EUR free money. Enjoy 1000+ best slots, progressive jackpots, live casino and sportsbook!
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Betsson Group AB owns RIZK Casino. The company is based in Malta and operates around a dozen online casinos in total. The casino is aimed at those who want a fun, enjoyable and adventurous online gambling experience. Those who developed the casino aim for it to be unlike any other online casino.


At this online casino there are over 400 slots you can play. They come from lots of top providers, such as Play’n Go, Microgaming, Quickspin and NetEnt. Quite a few of them are branded titles themed after popular films and TV shows. Examples include slots themed after Game of Thrones, Family Guy and Jurassic Park. In addition, the slots are separated into lots of different categories to make finding the right one a lot easier. Among the collection are around 20 progressive jackpots. These include some of the biggest ones in the world today, such as Mega Moolah, Mega Fortune and Hall of Gods. Demo play is available on most of the slots.
This lets you try them out for free so you can get used to them without risking any money. There are regular Rizk Races – there are tournaments with prizes available for the very best players. If you can’t decide which slot to go for, Captain Rizk himself has a few picks: Starburst, Wild Dodo, Incinerator and Gonzo’s Quest.

Table Games

However, the casino offers around a dozen table games. Most of these are blackjack and roulette games. The only other table games you can play are red dog and super wheel – the latter is a game where you bet on what number on the large wheel will be spun. It’s quite similar to Wheel of Fortune and has lots of betting options. There are also around a dozen video poker games. Table games are a good alternative to slots. They’re more about skill and decision making. A good one to start with is European roulette. It’s easy to play and offers great odds
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Rizk Live Casino

Live casino games are standard casino games run at a gaming table by a human dealer. The game is broadcast live so that players can watch and take part in it. There are lots of live casino games ready to play at this casino. There are quite a few options for roulette and blackjack. As well as this, you’ll find casino hold’em, three card poker, baccarat, Texas hold’em and Caribbean stud poker. The live games are supplied by NetEnt and Evolution Gaming.

Rizk Mobile Casino

For those who enjoy gambling while out and about, there’s the mobile casino. It’s fully compatible with Windows, iOS and Android devices. Another option is the app. It can be downloaded to practically any device and offers a seamless mobile gaming experience. Both the mobile casino and the app offer a great selection of the main casino’s most popular games. They’re optimised for handheld devices and run very smoothly and quickly.

Rizk Casino Support

There are two ways of getting in touch with the customer support team: live chat and email. Live chat appears to be available round-the-clock. The casino doesn’t state how long it should take to reply to any emails.

Rizk Casino Payments

The following payment methods are for both deposits and withdrawals: Visa, MasterCard, Neteller, Skrill and Paysafecard. Bank transfer is also available for withdrawals. All deposits are instant. For withdrawals, if using a card or bank transfer it should take up to three working days; if using any other payment method, it should be instant. For e-wallet deposits, there’s no fee. If using a card there’s a fee of 2.5% and for Paysafecard it’s a 5% fee. All withdrawals have a fee of GBP 2.50.
For deposits the minimum is GBP 10 and the maximum GBP 5000, though for Paysafecard it’s GBP 200, withdrawals the minimum is GBP 20, bank transfer the maximum is GBP 50,000; an for cards and e-wallets it’s GBP 5000 and for Paysafecard it’s GBP 200.
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This online casino, in addition, is very modern in design and has a really cool superhero theme. Captain Rizk invites you to try out the casino’s many games by top providers. There are plenty of slots you can play, along with some table games and live casino games. We like the design and layout; it looks great and it’s really easy to find your way round. You can access it on mobile devices by downloading the app or visiting the mobile casino. Both offer high quality mobile gambling experiences and a selection of the casino’s top games. Play now at Rizk Casino and help save the day!


The casino has a bold, fresh design. It has a well presented superhero theme, with its mascot the superhero Captain Rizk. Its red, yellow and black colour scheme matches the mascot’s superhero costume. The site is very easy to navigate and there’s minimal clutter, which is great. Its design is very clean and simple, so it should be easy for new players to find their way round. Here the focus is clearly on the games. There’s very little in the way of distractions, such as lots of links everywhere, which is always refreshing.


Noteworthy, MT SecureTrade Limited is the company that operates this online casino. It has two active licenses. One is from the Malta Gaming Authority, the other from the UK Gambling Commission. Online casinos need to have licenses to show they’re legal and can be trusted. If a casino doesn’t have a license, you should avoid it and play elsewhere. A casino without a license may not be safe to play at.

Responsible Gambling

The casino takes the wellbeing of all its players seriously. It has a page on ‘Responsible Gaming’ that offers plenty of information on gambling addiction. It tells you what the casino does to help prevent this problem and offers contact details for various charities. There’s also information on limits you can impose on yourself. There are lots of options available to help you limit how much money and time you spend at the casino.
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Star Casino 100 no deposit free spins bonus code (Italia)

Star Casino 100 no deposit free spins bonus code (Italia)

Star Casino free spins and welcome bonus
Join Star Casino Italia and receive 100 free spins without deposit! This exclusive promotion is combined with a massive first deposit bonus of 100% up to 1.000 EUR! Play now and win jackpots!!!
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Star Casino Review

Star Casino is an online casino website based in Italy. Ever since it was founded in 2012, the casino has gathered several noteworthy accolades. The casino is operated by Betsson Group, a Maltese company and subsidiary of Betsson AB. This company has been in the gambling business since the 1960s and has earned an excellent reputation since then.
Back in 2010, online gambling was legalized in Italy and as a result, many foreign and domestic companies could release their online casinos to the general public. All they had to do is gain a license from the Autonomous Administration of State Monopolies, or AAMS (from Italian) for short, which sets the standards and regulations for games of chance and skill, casino games, sports, and horse race betting. Star Casino is indeed licensed by this government institution.
Star Casino has all the right stuff going for it and in 2012 it was named Casino Operator of the Year at the eGaming Review (EGR) Awards in London. The games are provided by NetEnt, which means that StarCasino hosts some of the best slot games out there, as well as live and virtual game tables. Games diversity is excellent and there is something for everyone here. Their customer support is also impeccable and considering that they won the Best Customer Services Operator at EGR Awards in 2012, you can rest assured that you are in safe hands.

Star Casino Software Providers

Star Casino has teamed up with NetEnt for the supply of their games and software. Having its humble beginnings in the distant 1996, NetEnt has gained critical acclaim and proven itself to be a reliable and trustworthy software provider. Nowadays NetEnt is one of the biggest and most recognizable brands in the online casino industry and it services a staggering number of reputable online casinos. Some of the most popular online casino games in the world such as Starburst, South Park, and Mega Fortune were developed by NetEnt.
Following NetEnt’s standards, the games hosted on Star Casino simply ooze quality. All games are Instant Play and do not require any additional software to be run. They feature top-notch graphics and audio while providing a fun and exciting gameplay experience. The variety of games is nothing to scoff at either. With over 200 unique titles, Star Casino boasts an exceptional selection. The randomness of the games is tested by a third-party company so that the results are guaranteed to be genuine and untampered.
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Play Star Casino Games

Available Games

Star Casino has a wide array of games available on offer. The selection of games is enough to satisfy even the most demanding of gamblers. Here you will find all the classics, along with many different newer styles. Star Casino constantly improves its game selection by adding new titles while keeping in line with its current standards of quality. To ensure transparency and honesty, StarCasino has posted the player return percentage of each game on their platform. This is a gesture of good faith that not all casinos are prepared to make and it deserves to be recognized.


The majority of StarCasino’s gaming portfolio consists of slots and the casino has nearly 200 of them on offer. A player may go on for days and weeks before they can experience every single game in this section. As with most NetEnt games, the graphics are beautiful and clear, while the music is immersive and engaging from the beginning.
Veteran slot fans can immediately play their favorite Starburst, Gonzo’s Quest, Twin Spin, Wild Wild West, and much more. Additionally, you will also find slots themed with various popular culture intellectual properties such as Guns n’ Roses, Batman, and The Flash, among others. The games impress not only with their visual and audio quality but with a number of great features as well, including profitable symbols like wilds and scatter, and free spins rounds.


Blackjack players will be delighted to know that the casino hosts several blackjack games. The blackjack selection is not as extensive as what some other casinos have to offer, but the games stand out with top quality. You can expect to find Single Deck Blackjack, BJ Double Exposure, Pontoon, Ventuno, and Blackjack Champion.
The games are exceptionally authentic, so players will never again think of visiting a land-based casino in order to enjoy their favorite game of twenty-one. Additionally, you can engage in Live Blackjack games that are hosted by professional croupiers with years of experience behind their back.


The casino has provided some excellent poker games to its loyal clientele. Players who are new to poker and therefore, lack the required experience and skill, can try out some of the available video poker variations including staples such as Jacks or Better Double Up, Joker Wild Double Up, All American Double Up, and Deuces Wild Double Up.
More skilled players are given the option to dive in StarCasino’s fantastic selection of table poker games, which consists of Texas Hold’em, Oasis Poker, Casino Hold’em, Caribbean Poker, Ultimate, and Texas Hold’em, among others. When playing in the Live Casino, you can dabble in Live Poker and test your skills against the friendly and seasoned dealers as the games are streamed in real-time.


Seeing the roulette wheel spin is a thrill anyone can enjoy. At StarCasino, you can have your pick from a large variety of live and virtual Roulette titles, each one impressing with authenticity, flexible bet limits, and seamless gameplay.
The selection includes many different styles of roulette, including traditional options such as French Roulette, Classic Roulette, and European Roulette, which are preferred due to their lower house advantage. Also, there are some more extravagant types like Golden Ball, Lucky Lady Roulette, Sizzling Hot Roulette, Dolphin Pearl Roulette, and more.


A player wishing to get rich quick can try their shot at winning a huge jackpot at Star Casino. These games offer a very large payout potential and guaranteed fun while playing them. Star Casino currently offers four different Jackpot games, which are Divine Fortune, Chili Gold 2, Cosmic Fortune, and Caribbean Stud Poker. NetEnt jackpot classics such as Arabian Nights or Mega Fortune are not available at this casino at the moment, but surely more progressive titles will be added to the portfolio in the future.

Live Casino

If you wish to have the experience of playing at a brick-and-mortar casino without leaving the comfort of your surroundings, you can opt to play at StarCasino’s Live Casino. There you will be served by professional dealers, who aim to offer a top-quality service to all players. These croupiers speak fluent Italian and will help you with any and all questions you may have. The Live Casino hosts a wide array of games including different variants of Roulette, Blackjack and Baccarat as well as several variations of Poker.
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Supported Devices

In order to play at StarCasino, all you need to have is a stable Internet connection and an Internet browser. All games are run using Adobe Flash Player, so make sure that you have downloaded it from the Adobe website or that it is embedded in your browser. Luckily, all modern commercial browsers, such as Opera, Chrome, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox, come with a pre-installed Flash Player so you need not worry about anything when playing.
If you do not wish to be tied down to your computer or laptop, or if you are on the go but still want to play, you can do so on your smart device. The site supports a mobile version for smartphones and tablets, running on iOS and Android. Games are adapted for mobile use and are optimized to fit the smaller display, while still retaining their usability and rendering information just as well as on your desktop computer. What you have to also keep in mind is that some games may not run on your mobile device. There is no official post listing the unsupported games so you would have to find that out on your own.
At the present moment, StarCasino does not offer a native downloadable app for smartphones or tablets when other similar websites go out of their way to provide one to their player base. However, StarCasino is more than likely to change this omission in the near future.
The experience of playing on a mobile browser may prove to be sub-par compared to that on a dedicated app or on a desktop computer. Different smartphones perform differently and some players may not have any issues, while for others, it may be unplayable. It is recommended that you play on a newer device as those have way fewer problems in terms of performance and stability.

Bonuses and Promotions

Star Casino offers enticing bonuses and promotions for new and returning players. The Casino offers a no deposit bonus of €10. The Welcome Bonus rewards you with 200% of your deposit up to €100. Your second deposit will get you a 200% bonus up to €200. When depositing for the third time you will receive a bonus of 200% of your deposit up to €300, while the limit of your fourth deposit goes up to €400. The site does not mention the wagering limit on these bonuses, so it is better to turn to customer service to make sure what their terms are.
The casino offers a loyalty point system for long-time players. Every €5 played on slot machines, or €10 wagered on video poker and table games, will earn you points which you can later redeem for cash. The minimum you can convert is 100 points, which equals €1. Any money gained via this loyalty point system must only be wagered one time so that you may keep your winnings from it.
Star Casino also offers weekly or monthly bonuses for a limited time, where you have a chance to gain a cash bonus, free spins or if luck was not on your side you may recover a portion of your money. These offers are diverse and fun, so each time you will have a different experience. They also change on a regular basis so check the Promotions page to see what is currently available.
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Star Casino Payment Methods

Star Casino supports the most commonly found payment methods. Supported credit or debit cards are Visa, MasterCard, Postepay, and Maestro. Skrill, Neteller, and PayPal are the alternatives when it comes o e-Wallets. There is also the option to deposit via a Recharge Voucher. The minimum deposit one can make is €10 across the board, with a maximum deposit of €2,000 at a time for bank cards and PayPal and a maximum of € 45,000 for Neteller and Skrill. Transactions take place instantly and you can gamble away as you please. The casino does not charge any commissions for the deposits, although the payment service may inflict their own fees.
Withdrawing your winnings is just as easy as making a deposit. You can order a payout via your bank card if you have a Visa, Maestro, or American Express. You also are eligible to use Skrill, PayPal, or Neteller if you have an account with them, or alternatively, order a withdrawal via Bank Transfer.
The transactions take between 2-3 business days, which compared to other casinos is much faster, with the exception of the Bank Transfer method, where it will take anywhere between 6 and 9 business days, at which you may even forget that you even ordered a cashout. You are required to withdraw using the same method that you deposited with. The casino works only with EUR and if you deposit in any other currency, the casino will convert it to EUR at the current exchange rates.

All Accepted Methods

Customer Support

As mentioned above, StarCasino received the Best Services Operator award in 2012 at the EGR in London. They have supplied multiple methods of communication should you wish to contact them with a problem or a question. The most convenient way would be to call them at over the telephone. Another way to get in touch is via email, at [email protected]. The third option is to use the live chat system on their website. All operators speak excellent Italian and will be able to assist you with any and all problems. Customer Service is available to players seven days a week.
Customer Service and the website itself are available only in Italian. You have to keep that in mind if you are an international player and wish to make use of the casino’s services.

Licensing and Restricted Countries

Star Casino is one of the most respected casinos on the Italian gambling market. It holds a license issued by the Autonomous Administration of State Monopolies (AAMS from Italian), which regulates and sets the standards for casinos operating in the jurisdiction of the Italian Republic. Additionally, their random number generation systems are tested regularly by TST, a reputable firm known for guaranteeing the randomness of online casino games. With all this in place, players can rest assured knowing that their results are truly random and are not tampered with.
Star Casino is primarily directed at the Italian market and is not intended for international users. Despite this, players from foreign countries may attempt to register on the website. On the registration page, you will be asked to supply proof of identification and enter some personal information. This is a standard requirement for every well-established online casino with an AAMS license. If you manage to register you have to keep in mind that the website and the support service provided by its agents are exclusively in Italian, so if you do not speak the language, you will have a hard time here.
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Mega eTextbooks release thread (part-29)! Find your textbooks here between $5-$25 :)

Please find the list below:
  1. Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual: Making Connections, 2nd Edition: Catharine C. Whiting
  2. Quality and Safety in Nursing: A Competency Approach to Improving Outcomes, 2nd Edition: Gwen Sherwood & Jane Barnsteiner
  3. Public / Community Health and Nursing Practice: Caring for Populations, 2nd Edition: Christine L. Savage
  4. The Ethical Life: Fundamental Readings in Ethics and Contemporary Moral Problems, 4th Edition: Russ Shafer-Landau
  5. Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery, 27th Edition: Norman S. Williams & P. Ronan O'Connell & Andrew McCaskie
  6. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery: The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice, 20th Edition: Courtney M. Townsend & R. Daniel Beauchamp & B. Mark Evers & Kenneth L. Mattox & Courtney M. Townsend & R. Daniel Beauchamp & B. Mark Evers
  7. Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, 7th Edition: Charles J. Yeo & David W McFadden & John H. Pemberton & Jeffrey H. Peters & Jeffrey B. Matthews
  8. Equine Veterinary Nursing, 2nd Edition: Karen Coumbe
  9. West's Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials, 10th Edition: John B. West & Andrew M. Luks
  10. A Manager's Guide to Financial Analysis: Powerful Tools for Analyzing the Numbers and Making the Best Decisions for Your Business: Eliot H. Sherman
  11. The Wiley International Handbook of History Teaching and Learning, 1st Edition: Scott Alan Metzger & Lauren McArthur Harris
  12. Differential Diagnoses in Surgical Pathology: Genitourinary System, 1st Edition: Jonathan I. Epstein & George J. Netto
  13. Lab Manual and Workbook in Microbiology: Applications to Patient Care, 12th Edition: Josephine Morello & Paul Granato & Verna Morton
  14. Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, Enhanced Edition, 4th Edition: Mark Bear & Barry Connors & Michael A. Paradiso
  15. Above the Fold: Understanding the Principles of Successful Web Site Design, Revised Edition, Brian D Miller
  16. Essentials of Clinical Radiation Oncology, 1st Edition: Matthew C. Ward & Rahul D. Tendulkar & Gregory M. M. Videtic
  17. Introductory Chemistry, 5th Edition: Nivaldo J. Tro
  18. Principles of Microeconomics, 12th Edition, Global Edition: Karl E. Case & Ray C. Fair & Sharon E. Oster
  19. Mosby's Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference, 14th Edition: Kathleen Deska Pagana & Timothy J. Pagana & Theresa N Pagana
  20. Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, 13th Edition: John E. Hall
  21. The Bacteria Book: The Big World of Really Tiny Microbes: Steve Mould
  22. Stroke: Practical Management, 4th Edition: Charles P. Warlow & Jan van Gijn & Martin S. Dennis & Joanna M. Wardlaw & John M. Bamford
  23. Pulmonary Embolism, 3rd Edition: Paul D. Stein
  24. Making the Team: A Guide for Managers, 6th Edition: Leigh Thompson
  25. Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, 10th Edition: John C. Kotz & Paul M. Treichel & John Townsend & David Treichel
  26. Diagnostic Imaging: Brain, 3rd Edition: Anne G. Osborn & Karen L. Salzman & Miral D. Jhaveri & A. James Barkovich
  27. C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures, 8th Edition: D. S. Malik
  28. Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, 9th Edition: John C. Kotz & Paul M. Treichel & John Townsend & David Treichel
  29. Racial Formation in the United States, 3rd Edition: Michael Omi
  30. Ethics and Politics in School Leadership: Finding Common Ground: Jeffrey Brierton & Brenda Graham & Daniel R. Tomal & Robert K. Wilhite
  31. Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Applications, 4th Edition: Malcolm Rowland & Thomas N. Tozer
  32. Political Contexts of Educational Leadership: ISLLC Standard Six, 1st Edition: Jane Lindle
  33. Psychology in Action, 12th Edition: Karen Huffman & Katherine Dowdell & Catherine A. Sanderson
  34. Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications, 4th Edition: Yunus Cengel & John Cimbala
  35. BRS Physiology, 7th Edition: Linda S. Costanzo
  36. Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis, 5th Edition: Roxy Peck & Chris Olsen & Jay L. Devore
  37. Principles of Microeconomics: An Integrative Approach, 1st Edition: Martin Kolmar
  38. Feigin and Cherry's Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases: Volume 1, 8th Edition: James Cherry & Gail J. Demmler-Harrison & Sheldon L. Kaplan & William J. Steinbach & Peter J Hotez
  39. Social Problems in a Diverse Society, 6th Edition: Diana Kendall
  40. Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning from Data, 4th Edition, Global Edition: Alan Agresti & Christine A. Franklin & Bernhard Klingenberg
  41. BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Fracture Repair and Management, 2nd Edition: Toby Gemmill & Dylan Clements
  42. The McGraw-Hill Guide: Writing for College, Writing for Life, 4th Edition: Duane Roen & Gregory Glau & Barry Maid
  43. Texas Politics Today 2017-2018 Edition, 18th Edition: Jones & William Earl Maxwell & Ernest Crain & Morhea Lynn Davis & Christopher Wlezein
  44. Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues, 9th Edition: Barbara MacKinnon & Andrew Fiala
  45. Fisiologia Humana: Uma Abordagem Integrada, 7th Edition: Dee Unglaub Silverthorn
  46. C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 8th Edition: D. S. Malik
  47. Development Across the Life Span, Global Edition, 8th Edition: Robert S Feldman
  48. Introduction to Comparative Politics: Political Challenges and Changing Agendas, 8th Edition: Mark Kesselman & Joel Krieger & William A. Joseph
  49. Introductory Chemistry: An Active Learning Approach, 6th Edition: Mark S. Cracolice & Edward I. Peters
  50. The Oxford Handbook of Disability History: Michael Rembis & Catherine J. Kudlick & Kim Nielsen
  51. Joint Action: Essays in honour of John Shotter, 1st Edition: Tim Corcoran & John Cromby
  52. Calculus, 8th Edition: James Stewart
  53. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, Global Edition, 7th Edition: Keith Ross & James Kurose
  54. Exploring Microeconomics, 4th Canadian Edition: Robert Sexton & Peter Fortura & Colin Kovacs
  55. Business Law Today, Comprehensive: Text and Cases: Diverse, Ethical, Online, and Global Environment, 10th Edition: Roger LeRoy Miller
  56. Organic Chemistry, 9th Edition: John E. McMurry
  57. Framework for Marketing Management, 6th Edition: Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller
  58. Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research, 2nd Edition, New International Edition: Denise F. Polit
  59. Abnormal Psychology: Perspectives, 6th Edition: David J.A. Dozois
  60. Business Law: Text and Cases, 14th Edition: Kenneth W. Clarkson & Roger LeRoy Miller & Frank B. Cross
  61. Biology: A Global Approach, Global Edition, 11th Edition: Neil A. Campbell & Lisa A. Urry & Michael L. Cain & Steven A. Wasserman & Peter V. Minorsky
  62. Biology, 11th Edition: Eldra Solomon & Charles Martin & Diana W. Martin & Linda R. Berg
  63. Macroeconomics, 6th Edition: Stephen D. Williamson
  64. Macroeconomics, 5th Edition: Stephen D. Williamson
  65. Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Culture for Writers, 8th Edition: Sonia Maasik & Jack Solomon
  66. Introduction to Nursing Informatics, 4th Edition: Kathryn J. Hannah & Pamela Hussey & Margaret A. Kennedy & Marion J. Ball
  67. An Introduction to Genetic Analysis, 11th Edition: Anthony J. F. Griffiths & Susan R. Wessler & Sean B. Carroll & John Doebley
  68. Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism, 7th Edition: Sareen S. Gropper & Jack L. Smith & Timothy P. Carr
  69. Kuby Immunology, 8th Edition: Jenni Punt & Sharon Stranford & Patricia Jones & Judy Owen
  70. Human Development: A Cultural Approach, 2nd Edition: Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
  71. Handbook of Multicultural Counseling, 4th Edition: J. Manuel Casas & Lisa A. Suzuki & Charlene M. Alexander & Margo A Jackson
  72. Functional Assessment and Program Development for Problem Behavior: A Practical Handbook, 3rd Edition: Robert E. O'Neill & Richard W. Albin & Keith Storey & Robert H. Horner & Jeffrey R. Sprague
  73. College Algebra, 10th Edition: Michael Sullivan
  74. Good Reasons: Researching and Writing Effective Arguments, 7th Edition: Lester Faigley & Jack Selzer
  75. Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 2nd Edition: Theresa Kyle
  76. Experiencing MIS, 7th Edition, Global Edition: David M. Kroenke & Randall J. Boyle
  77. Money, Banking, and the Financial System, 3rd Edition: R. Glenn Hubbard & Anthony Patrick O'Brien
  78. Classics of Public Administration, 8th Edition: Jay M. Shafritz & Albert C. Hyde
  79. Harrison's Hematology and Oncology, 3rd Edition: Dan Longo
  80. Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition: Gregory J. Privitera
  81. Mechanics of Materials, 7th Edition in SI Units: Ferdinand P. Beer & E. Russell Johnston & John T. DeWolf & David F. Mazurek
  82. Statics and Mechanics of Materials, 2nd Edition: Ferdinand Beer & E. Johnston & John DeWolf & David Mazurek
  83. Principle Highway Engineer, 5th Edition: John Wiley & Sons
  84. Java in Two Semesters: Featuring JavaFX, 4th Edition: Quentin Charatan & Aaron Kans
  85. Complete Business Statistics, 7th Edition: Amir D. Aczel
  86. Statistics: Learning from Data, 2nd Edition: Roxy Peck & Tom Short
  87. College Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences, 13th Edition, Global Edition: Raymond A. Barnett & Michael R. Ziegler & Karl E. Byleen
  88. Merenstein & Gardner's Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care, 8th Edition: Sandra Lee Gardner & Brian S. Carter & Mary I Enzman-Hines & Jacinto A. Hernandez
  89. Excellence in Business Communication, 10th Edition: John V. Thill & Courtland L. Bovee
  90. The Oxford Handbook of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe and Colonial America, 1st Edition: Brian P. Levack
  91. Business Statistics, 3rd Edition, Global Edition: Norean R. Sharpe & Richard D. De Veaux & Paul F. Velleman
  92. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 8th Edition: Kenneth Rosen
  93. Excel 2016 for Business Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems, 1st Edition: Thomas J. Quirk
  94. Practical Business Statistics, 7th Edition: Andrew Siegel
  95. The Science of Nutrition, 4th Edition: Janice J. Thompson & Melinda Manore & Linda Vaughan
  96. A Concise Guide to Market Research: The Process, Data, and Methods Using IBM SPSS Statistics, 2nd Edition: Marko Sarstedt & Erik Mooi
  97. Forensic Plant Science, 1st Edition: Jane H Bock & David O. Norris
  98. Intro Stats, 5th Edition: Richard D. De Veaux & Paul F. Velleman & David E. Bock
  99. Understanding Nutrition: Dietary Guidelines Update, 14th Edition: Ellie Whitney & Sharon Rady Rolfes
  100. Frank Wood's Business Accounting, 13th Edition: Alan Sangster & Frank Wood
  101. Nutrition for Health and Health Care, 5th Edition: Linda Kelly DeBruyne & Kathryn Pinna
  102. Prebles' Artforms, 11th Edition: Duane Preble Emeritus & Sarah Preble & Patrick L. Frank
  103. Strategies for Technical Communication in the Workplace, 3rd Edition: Laura J. Gurak & John M. Lannon
  104. Technical Communication with 2016 MLA Update, 11th Edition: Mike Markel
  105. Advanced Accounting, 12th Edition: Paul M. Fischer & William J. Tayler & Rita H. Cheng
  106. International Relations, Brief Edition, 7th Edition: Jon C. W. Pevehouse & Joshua S. Goldstein
  107. Technical Communication: Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition: Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta Sharma
  108. Pharmacotherapeutics For Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers, 4th Edition: Teri Moser Woo & Marylou V Robinson
  109. Social Psychology, 10th Edition: Elliot Aronson & Timothy D. Wilson & Robin M. Akert & Samuel R. Sommers
  110. Mastering Technical Communication Skills: A Student's Handbook, 1st Edition: Peter Wide
  111. Calculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic, 4th Edition: Ross L. Finney & Franklin D. Demana & Bert K. Waits & Daniel Kennedy
  112. Technical Communication, MLA Update, 14th Edition: John M. Lannon & Laura J. Gurak
  113. Therapeutic Gastrointestinal Endoscopy: A Comprehensive Atlas, 2nd Edition: Hoon Jai Chun & Suk-Kyun Yang & Myung-Gyu Choi
  114. Corporate Financial Reporting and Analysis: A Global Perspective, 4th Edition: S. David Young & Jacob Cohen & Daniel A. Bens
  115. Clinical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy: A Comprehensive Atlas, 2nd Edition: Hoon Jai Chun & Suk-Kyun Yang & Myung-Gyu Choi
  116. Scientific Examination of Documents: Methods and Techniques, 4th Edition: David Ellen & Stephen Day & Christopher Davies
  117. Nature, Artforms, and the World Around Us: An Introduction to the Regions of Aesthetic Experience, 1st Edition: Robert E. Wood
  118. M: Management, 5th Edition: Thomas Bateman & Scott Snell & Robert Konopaske
  119. Essentials of Strategic Management: The Quest for Competitive Advantage, 4th Edition: John Gamble & Arthur Thompson & Margaret Peteraf
  120. Marketing: An Introduction, 6th Canadian Edition: Gary Armstrong & Philip Kotler & Valerie Trifts & Lilly Anne Buchwitz
  121. Applied Behavior Analysis, 3rd Edition: John O. Cooper & Timothy E. Heron & William L. Heward
  122. Darby and Walsh Dental Hygiene: Theory and Practice, 5th Edition: Denise M. Bowen & Jennifer A Pieren
  123. Principles of Marketing, 7th European Edition: Philip Kotler & Gary Armstrong & Lloyd C. Harris & Nigel Piercy
  124. Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), 7th Edition: Howard K. Butcher & Gloria M. Bulechek & Joanne M. McCloskey Dochterman & Cheryl M. Wagner
  125. Marketing Management, 15th Edition, Global Edition: Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller
  126. The Insects: Structure and Function, 5th Edition: R. F. Chapman & Stephen J. Simpson & Angela E. Douglas
  127. International Relations, 2013-2014 Update, 10th Edition: Joshua S. Goldstein & Jon C. Pevehouse
  128. Human Biology, 14 Edition: Sylvia Mader & Michael Windelspecht
  129. Litt's Drug Eruption & Reaction Manual, 25th Edition: Neil Shear
  130. Precalculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic, 8th Edition: Franklin D. Demana & Bert K. Waits & Gregory D. Foley & Daniel Kennedy
  131. Financial Management: Theory & Practice, 15th Edition: Eugene F. Brigham & Michael C. Ehrhardt
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  133. Basics of Engineering Economy, 2nd Edition: Leland Blank & Anthony Tarquin
  134. Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach, 2nd Edition: Marjorie Kelly Cowan & Jennifer Bunn
  135. Corporate Finance: Principles & Practice, 7th Edition: Denzil Watson
  136. Operating System Concepts, 10th Edition: Abraham Silberschatz & Greg Gagne & Peter B. Galvin
  137. Linux with Operating System Concepts, 1st Edition: Richard Fox
  138. Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning, 6th Edition: Graham Hooley & Nigel Piercy & Brigitte Nicoulaud & John Rudd
  139. Abnormal Psychology, 8th Edition, Global Edition: Thomas F. Oltmanns & Robert E. Emery
  140. Krugman's Economics for AP®, 2nd Edition: David A. Anderson
  141. Using IBM® SPSS® Statistics for Research Methods and Social Science Statistics, 7th Edition: William E. Wagner
  142. Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease Review and Assessment, 10th Edition: Emad Qayed & Nikrad Shahnavaz
  143. Maternal Child Nursing Care, 5th Edition, Study Guide: Shannon E. Perry & Marilyn J. Hockenberry & Deitra Leonard Lowdermilk & David Wilson
  144. Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory, 3rd Edition: Peter Barry
  145. Crime Scene Investigation and Reconstruction, 4th Edition: Robert R. Ogle & Sharon Plotkin
  146. Snapshots of Hemodynamics: An Aid for Clinical Research and Graduate Education, 3rd Edition: Nicolaas Westerhof & Nikolaos Stergiopulos & Mark I.M. Noble & Berend E. Westerhof
  147. Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms, 1st Edition: Shai Shalev-Shwartz & Shai Ben-David
  148. Movement Disorders (What Do I Do Now? ), 1st Edition: Richard A. Walsh & Robertus M.A. De Bie & Susan H. Fox
  149. Internet Infrastructure: Networking, Web Services, and Cloud Computing, 1st Edition: Richard Fox & Wei Hao
  150. Information Technology: An Introduction for Today’s Digital World, 1st Edition: Richard Fox
  151. Abnormal Psychology, 8th Edition: Thomas F. Oltmanns & Robert E. Emery
  152. Evidence-based Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 4th Edition: John W. D. McDonald & Brian G. Feagan & Rajiv Jalan & Peter J. Kahrilas
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  154. Walker's Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disease: Pathology, Diagnosis, Management, 6th Edition: Ronald E. Kleinman & Olivier-Jean Goulet & Giorgina Mieli-Vergani & Ian R. Sanderson & Philip M. Sherman
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  156. Wong's Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 10th Edition: David Wilson & Cheryl C Rodgers & Marilyn J. Hockenberry
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  158. Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science, 11th Edition, Global Edition: Richard Saferstein
  159. Maternal Child Nursing Care, 5th Edition: Shannon E. Perry & Marilyn J. Hockenberry & Deitra Leonard Lowdermilk & David Wilson
  160. Research Methods in Psychology: Evaluating a World of Information, 3rd Edition: Beth Morling
  161. Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology, 6th Edition: Hugh Coolican
  162. Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in Psychology, 3rd Edition: Dennis Howitt
  163. Research Methods in Psychology, 5th Edition: Dennis Howitt & Duncan Cramer
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  183. Biology Today and Tomorrow with Physiology, 4th Edition: Cecie Starr & Christine Evers
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  191. Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive Version, 11th Edition, Global Edition: Y. Daniel Liang
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  209. Physics of PET and SPECT Imaging, 1st Edition: Magnus Dahlbom
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  218. Calculus and Its Applications, 2nd Edition: Marvin L. Bittinger & David J. Ellenbogen & Scott A. Surgent & Gene Kramer
  219. Handbook of X-ray Imaging: Physics and Technology, 1st Edition: Paolo Russo
  220. Data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++: Walls and Mirrors, 6th Edition: Frank M. Carrano & Timothy M. Henry
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  233. School Psychology: Professional Issues and Practices, 1st Edition: Sally L. Grapin & John H. Kranzler
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  239. Introduction to Politics: 2nd Canadian Edition: Robert Garner & Stephanie Lawson & Peter Ferdinand & David Bruce MacDonald
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  243. Abnormal Psychology and Life: A Dimensional Approach, 3rd Edition: Chris Kearney & Timothy J. Trull
  244. Laboratory Manual for Introductory Geology: Bradley Deline & Randa Harris & Karen Tefend
  245. Essentials of Economics, 10th Edition: Bradley Schiller & Karen Gebhardt
  246. What is Life? A Guide to Biology, 3rd Edition: Jay Phelan
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  250. Unification and Supersymmetry: The Frontiers of Quark-Lepton Physics, 3rd Edition: Rabindra N. Mohapatra
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  256. Structural Dynamics: Theory and Computation, 6th Edition: Mario Paz & Young Hoon Kim
  257. Special Topics in Structural Dynamics & Experimental Techniques, Volume 5: Proceedings of the 37th IMAC, 1st Edition: Nikolaos Dervilis
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  259. Structural Dynamics: Concepts and Applications, 1st Edition: Henry R. Busby & George H. Staab
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  262. Foundation Design: Principles and Practices, 3rd Edition: Donald P. Coduto & William A. Kitch & Man-chu Ronald Yeung
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  264. Empowerment Series: Direct Social Work Practice: Theory and Skills, 10th Edition: Dean H. Hepworth & Ronald H. Rooney & Glenda Dewberry Rooney & Kim Strom-Gottfried
  265. Abnormal Psychology in a Changing World, 10th Edition: Jeffrey S. Nevid & Spencer A. Rathus & Beverly Greene
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  267. Ethical Issues in Social Work Practice, 1st Edition: Antonio Sandu & Ana Frunza
  268. Advances in Psychology and Law: Volume 4, 1st Edition: Brian H. Bornstein & Monica K. Miller
  269. Campbell Essential Biology, 6th Edition, Global Edition: Eric J. Simon & Jean L. Dickey & Jane B. Reece & Kelly A. Hogan
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  277. Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Social Work, 2012th Edition: James W. Drisko & Melissa D Grady
  278. Pandemics, Publics, and Narrative: Mark Davis & Davina Lohm
  279. A+ Guide to IT Technical Support, 9th Edition: Jean Andrews
  280. Personality Disorders: Elements, History, Examples, and Research: Vera Maass
  281. Progress in Materials Science and Engineering, 1st Edition: Carlos Brebbia & Jerome J. Connor
  282. Neoliberal Psychology, 1st Edition: Carl Ratner
  283. International Human Rights and Counter-Terrorism, 1st Edition: Eran Shor & Stephen Hoadley
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  287. Fit To Be Well, 5th Edition: Alton L. Thygerson & Steven M. Thygerson
  288. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: 7th Edition: American Psychological Association
  289. Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Conditions: A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Management, 4th Edition: Ann W. Kummer
  290. Davis's Comprehensive Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications, 8th Edition: Anne M Van Leeuwen & Mickey L Bladh
  291. Law and Language in the Middle Ages: Matthew W. McHaffie
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  293. Berkowitz's Pediatrics: A Primary Care Approach, 5th Edition: Carol D. Berkowitz
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  347. Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues, 9th Edition: Robert M. Kaplan & Dennis P. Saccuzzo
  348. Research Methods, Design, and Analysis, 12th Edition, Global Edition: Larry B. Christensen & R. Burke Johnson & Lisa A. Turner
  349. Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches, 6th Edition: Robert Burke Johnson & Larry B. Christensen
  350. Adolescence, 11th Edition: Laurence Steinberg
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Life As a VIP High Roller At the Casino: What It's Like ...

Financial literacy isn't a skill -- it's a lifestyle. Take it from Curtis "Wall Street" Carroll. As an incarcerated individual, Caroll knows the power of a d... In this video, I am going to detail for you what it's like being a high roller at the casino, what VIP status is like, how the casino determines whether or n... While state lawmakers have squabbled over gambling in Texas for decades, a small casino operation has quietly popped up along the Mexican border, helping a l... Watch Part 9: 7: 1: Purchase Micahe... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Playing a full pack (25 tickets) of $500,000,000 Cash. $500 in tickets. This pack was loaded with so many wins!👨‍👩 Become a Fixin Family Member - https://... Our Community Guidelines and policies apply to all YouTube content and define what you can and cannot do on YouTube. SHOP on Amazon (affiliate link)Main Channel - - you make money... Six locations in Central Texas suspected of hosting illegal gambling were investigated Friday, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety. Scott Braddock and Chad Hasty discuss the possibility of legalized sports betting coming to the state of Texas. (February 08, 2021)If you're new, Subscribe: ...

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