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WATCH LIVE 2:30 PM Governor John Bel Edwards COVID-19 Press Conference

During the last press conference, Governor Edwards stated that the next conference would take place the same time next week, and as of 9:30 AM, there hasn't been an announcement stating otherwise. I will update this post if the time changes.


Gov. John Bel Edwards
The "Great Doctor" Billioux - LDH continues to try to publish more and more data weekly. They have added more information such as the percent of positive cases by regions and hospitalization breakdown by region to the Dashboard. - The difference between this rise in cases and what we saw earlier on is that we have significantly more data which allows us to communicate to you a lot more early warning signs. - We haven't yet seen real big rises in ventilator usage like our neighbors in Texas, but if these curves continue we will probably see these numbers go up. - More individual information was added this week regarding race data. * Louisiana was one of the first states to provide race data for people dying by COVID-19. - LDH now feels comfortable putting out race data by cases. * There is still 19% of cases that they do not have race data. Whether it is from lack of information taken when someone is tested or inability to get information from contact tracing. - Still see there is a disproportionate number of African Americans who are contracting COVID-19 when compared to their white counterparts. * This is also true for our Latin-X communities. - The disparity is starting to narrow, at least for deaths. - It is important that we know where COVID-19 is and how to protect ourselves. - At the regional level, we can see other races beyond the Black and White races available for parish data. - Where is COVID Spreading?
Outbreak Setting Number of Outbreaks Cases % of Cases
Food Processing 11 423 30%
Bar 36 393 27%
Industrial Setting 16 117 8%
College/University 3 84 6%
Restaurant 16 68 5%
Construction Site 3 48 3%
Casino 4 38 3%
Social Event - Private 3 38 3%
Office Space 8 36 3%
Wedding 7 31 2%
Gym/Fitness Setting 3 26 2%
Ship/Boat 1 25 2%
Other Worksite 8 24 2%
Social Event - Public 1 24 2%
Child Daycare 7 17 1%
Religious Services/Event 2 17 1%
Recreation 2 10 1%
Retail Setting 3 8 1%
Camp 1 5 0%
Grand Total 135 1,432 100%

Questions by Dr. Billioux

Explain the 14-day quarantine...
Gov referenced the need to quarantine for 14 days. As we do contact tracing and tell them they may have been exposed, we know that some people's initial urge is to go out get tested. More often than not its been several days since your exposure, so testing is reasonable. If you know you have been exposed today it is not advisable to get a test today. Regardless of being tested, 5 days after exposure and it is negative, you can still turn positive on day 13 or 14. Quarantining is for 14 days regardless of your test result. If you ae been exposed you need to do whatever you can to isolate yourself from other members of your household and certainly do not go out.
Why we are seeing cases in college universities when they are currently closed?
So there is a couple of data points that we have around that. One is that for the last week or so more than 1/3 have been from 18-29 certainly 29 or less. So that is the same population we would see around college campuses. The other point that I may is that even though the universities may not be open hey still remain centers of our community were people of this age group reside. A university draws a large group from that age range so it is not surprising to see an increase in those locations. Note it is 3 we have identified out of 84 cases. We are trying to engage college students to make sure our message is clear to inform them on the best ways to keep themself safe. Even though are seeing very few people are needing hospitalization and even fewer are dying but if you increase the number of people who are exposed in this age group the number of people who will be hospitalized or who die will also increase. We now have 25,000 active cases statewide, even if these individuals are in a low-risk group for bad outcomes for COVID, but anywhere anyone else goes there is a higher chance of being exposed to COVID-19 whether they are going to bar or a gym the likelihood of catching the virus is higher.
Cannot hear question - will update later
We definitely see most cases coming from population centers but from the beginning, we have seen cases coming from rural settings. If you look at the map every parish has cases, as we increase testing in smaller parishes we see increases in cases. Some of our smaller parishes rank highest in the amount of COVID cases and deaths in the nation. It is a problem that is truly statewide. This is not a New Orleans or EBR problem, we have COVID cases rises spreading everywhere across the state in the way we did not in March.
Are you tracking cases in prisons and correctional facilities? Why isn't this reported on the Dashboard.
We track cases wherever they come from. We want to know if they are from individuals that are residing in the setting or staff that work in a setting. We recently partnered with the CDC to do more comprehensive testing in a prison int he North, we work with the DEpt. of Corrections with their testing procedures, same on the parish level to help them support their testing. Individuals' locations are not identified to the public unless they are posing a risk to the public. If we take an example of the bars in Baton Rouge and were not able to identify everyone who had been there we did make a public statement. It is not mandated by the Federal government to be reported like nursing homes are.
How can we make restaurants safer
We always look at how we can make any setting safer. Recently we are looking at how we can increase enforcement. Having people in these settings to makes sure staff and patrons are doing what they can reduce their risk in these settings. Bars produce a particular risk. You may be leaning in closer to yell over sounds or if you are slowly drinking a drink you are not taking a mask on and off. We are visiting those sites.
How many new citations or violations have been given from the LDH
Data is not available. Normally we give a warning and then a follow-up visitation and if that is not corrected by the followup visit a citation is not ordered.
Are you planning to break up COVID-location exposure by regions
No. Anyone one of these settings you should assume it is going on in your neighborhood. What is more important is to make a self-assessment when you enter a setting if it is safe for you to be there or not.
Gov. John Bel Edwards

Question by Gov Edwards

Earlier you compared us to Texas. Texas is limited crowd size, cracking down on restrictions, and adding a statewide mask mandate. Are you considering limiting crowd sizes, adding restrictions, or instituting a mask mandate?*
Other states are considering closing bars and indoor dining. Seeing the surge in cases have you reconsidered the current restrictions on restaurants and bars?
I will tell you that we are getting the guidance directly from the cOronavirus task force as well we have done over 3,100 site visits over the last 10 days or so. Primarily working through the Free Marshall Office we are trying to gain more compliance with existing restrictions and are having success in almost every case. We will be starting our followup visits and if there are repeat violations actions will be taken there. In regards to 50% occupancy for on-premises dining, we are on par with what Texas is doing now. Our decision not to go into Phase 3 was the right decision. I can only imagine what the case would be if we removed to Phase 3. We are paying attention to all of these things and maybe making some adjustments to the restrictions. Currently, we remain focused on getting compliance with existing restrictions. If this proves to be insufficient to get our numbers under control we whatever is necessary to not put a strain on our hospitals. We are not there today but we are on-trend to get there.
President Trump says he wants all students returning to school for in person instruction, do you have guidance on what you would like to see with schools reopening?
First of all, I would hope aspirationally we want to see our schools open 5 days a week for in-person instruction, but at the same time, we have to balance the interest of preserving the health of students, staff, and faculty. We need to look at what situation is at any given time of the situation, particularly in advance of when that school year will commence. You will see school districts implementing even more measures to protect students, staff, and faculty. Under no circumstance do we anticipate a return to pre-COVID normal. Even if we have in-person instruction on campus it will not look like how it was prior to COVID. Not like to see school assemblies, students eating in lunch, students will not be coming into contact with people who are not their immediate cohorts. It is important to get students back onto campus not just for education but for nutrition, social well being, mental health services, and we have to remember that teachers and school counselors are mandatory reporters when they suspect a child has been subject to abuse or neglect. For all these reasons we ant them back on our campuses but we ate to do it safely. Only recently the CDC related a plethora of guidance. K-12 leaders are pouring over that now to make sure it is incorporated into our plans of reopening. Impossible to know on July 8th what it will look like or whether it will even be possible to open schools a month from now.
Question about fall sports and Senators Fields request that K-12 sports be cancelled for the Fall
It is a little too early to say on July 8th what this will look like. I appreciate the concerns of Senator Fields, that decision may be a prudent decision but we are not at the time where that decision needs to be made. WE need to know al little more and get a little deeper into the calendar before the decision is made.
Question about how Gov. Edwards feels about then comparison of wearing a mask to the holocaust
It is utter nonsense and sad. My best advice to anyone who wants to talk about any person or situation today and compare it back to the nazis or the holocaust is not appropriate. Certainly not in this circumstance where mask-wearing is recommended across the world now, including by our own Federal Govern and White House to wear masks to stop a disease that is highly contagious and highly lethal. It just misses the boat on all fronts to compare that to something related to the holocaust.
cannot hear question
Dr. Birx called me last week they were looking at certain hot posts across the country where you had increases in cases and positivity that were very pronounced. They wanted to assist going into those areas with additional testing, with the hopes of identifying more people with the coronavirus, put them into quarantine, and cool off these hot spots. In EBR we may be seeing this because of the younger demographic, we are a college town, we do not know why we are seeing it but we appreciate the help and hope to get the 5,000 additional tests today between now and July 18th. This is the only federally sponsored testing taking place in Louisiana presently. If you have questions about this testing or how to take advantage of it call 2-1-1 to pre-register. [location of testing sites]
submitted by WizardMama to Coronaviruslouisiana [link] [comments]

Lost in the Sauce: Feb. 16 - 22

Welcome to Lost in the Sauce, keeping you caught up on political and legal news that often gets buried in distractions and theater. (the previous edition can be found here if you are super behind).
  1. How to read: the headings will guide you through this piece. The Main Course covers the “big” stories and The Sides covers the “smaller” stories. IF YOU FOLLOW THE NEWS CLOSELY: you likely know about the stories in the Main Course section, so you will be best served by scrolling down to The Sides portion.
  2. How to support: If you enjoy my work, please consider becoming a patron. I do this to keep track and will never hide behind a paywall, but these projects take a lot of time and effort to create. Even a couple of dollars a month helps. Since someone asked a few weeks ago (thank you!), here's a PayPal option
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Let’s dig in!


Trump’s war on the intelligence community: 10 days under an authoritarian administration

I wrote a stand-alone piece covering the biggest news from last week: Over the past 10 days, we've seen Trump fully indulge his authoritarian impulses in an attempt to stamp out any inkling of facts that he dislikes - whether that be for personal, egocentric reasons or to shore up political strength. This began with a briefing given to the House Intelligence Committee that Russia is seeking to re-elect Trump. In response, Trump purged the Office of the Director of National Intelligence of officials he perceived to be disloyal, installing loyalists in their place.
Also covered: how Trump gets away with a cabinet full of acting officials, Richard Grenell’s numerous dis-qualifications, a pardon offered to Julian Assange, and the hunt for “Never Trumpers” in the administration.

Sunday night update

On Sunday, Trump made a veiled threat toward House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff while claiming without evidence that the Democrat had leaked information from the Russia briefing on Feb. 13: “Somebody please tell incompetent (thanks for my high poll numbers) & corrupt politician Adam ‘Shifty’ Schiff to stop leaking Classified information or, even worse, made up information, to the Fake News Media. Someday he will be caught, & that will be a very unpleasant experience!” tweet
Later, while speaking to reporters, Trump called for an investigation into the leak - more concerned about the public learning of the briefing than he is about Russia’s repeated interference in U.S. elections. “They leaked it, Adam Schiff and his group. They leaked it to the papers and - as usual - they ought to investigate Adam Schiff for leaking that information,” Trump said.
Schiff responded: “Nice deflection, Mr. President. But your false claims fool no one. You welcomed Russian help in 2016, tried to coerce Ukraine’s help in 2019, and won’t protect our elections in 2020.”


Authoritarians also dispense largesse, but they do it by their own whims, rather than pursuant to any system or legal rule. The point of authoritarianism is to concentrate power in the ruler, so the world knows that all actions, good and bad, harsh and generous, come from a single source. (The New Yorker)
Last week, Trump granted pardons and commutations to 11 people with one thing in common: connections. Trump bypassed the process of formal procedures typically used to determine who is given a pardon, instead relying on connections to his wealthy friends and political allies.

Roger Stone going to prison

Perhaps not coincidentally, Trump’s pardoning of corrupt public officials like Blagojevich occurred just two days before Roger Stone’s sentencing for lying to investigators, obstructing a congressional investigation, and witness tampering. Judge Amy Berman Jackson sentenced Stone to 40 months - or 3.3 years - in prison, much lighter than the original 7-9 year sentencing recommendation made by career prosecutors who withdrew from the case in protest of AG Barr’s intervention.
Lawfare has a great line-by-line breakdown of the sentencing hearing, if you’d like the nitty-gritty details. But if you only have time to read one excerpt from the hearing, I suggest the following:
Judge Jackson: “The truth still exists. The truth still matters. Roger Stone's insistence that it doesn't, his belligerence, his pride in his own lies are a threat to our most fundamental institutions, to the very foundation of our democracy...The dismay and the disgust at the attempts by others to defend his actions as just business as usual in our polarized climate should transcend party. The dismay and the disgust with any attempts to interfere with the efforts of prosecutors and members of the judiciary to fulfill their duty should transcend party.
"Sure, the defense is free to say: So what? Who cares? But, I'll say this: Congress cared. The United States Department of Justice and the United States Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia that prosecuted the case and is still prosecuting the case cared. The jurors who served with integrity under difficult circumstances cared. The American people cared. And I care."
Judge Jackson pushes back
During the hearing, Judge Jackson said that the jurors in the case "served with integrity." Stone’s lawyers took this statement and moved to disqualify the judge from the case, claiming that her remarks “rendered her unable to fairly rule on his bid for a new trial.”
"Stone’s Motion for New Trial is directly related to the integrity of a juror. It is alleged that a juror misled the Court regarding her ability to be unbiased and fair and the juror attempted to cover up evidence that would directly contradict her false claims of impartiality," his lawyers argued.
"The premature statement blessing the “integrity of the jury” undermines the appearance of impartiality and presents a strong bias for recusal," they added.
As expected, Jackson denied the motion to have her disqualified...
A pardon for Stone?
But the goal may be to reach the ears of the president instead. According to Politico, a former senior administration official who remains in contact with Trump and his senior advisers says about a pardon for Roger Stone: “It’s not a question of if; it’s when.” Following the sentencing, Trump argued that Stone’s jury was “tainted” and said that “Roger has a very good chance of exoneration.”
On Sunday, Trump was asked about the possibility of a pardon for Stone and instead took the opportunity to attack the jury forewoman, again:
"That juror is so biased and so tainted, that shouldn't happen in our criminal justice system… You have a juror that is obviously tainted. She was an activist against Trump. She said bad things about Trump and bad things about Stone," the President claimed without evidence. "She somehow weaseled her way onto the jury and if that's not a tainted jury then there is no such thing as a tainted jury."

More info on Stone’s lenient sentence

In the week since four prosecutors withdrew from Stone’s case in protest of AG Barr’s interference, we have gotten a slow drip-drip of new information. A piece by The New York Times Sunday summed it up nicely: Timothy Shea, appointed to replace Jessie Liu as head D.C. attorney, was sent to the office specifically to steer cases to the president’s benefit after previous efforts failed.
A new boss, Timothy Shea, had just arrived and had told them on his first day that he wanted a more lenient recommendation for Mr. Stone, and he pushed back hard when they objected, according to two people briefed on the dispute. They grew suspicious that Mr. Shea was helping his longtime friend and boss, Attorney General William P. Barr, soften the sentencing request to please the president.
...The tensions between the office, the Justice Department and the White House date back further than the tumult in the Stone case. They have been simmering since at least last summer, when the office’s investigation of Andrew G. McCabe, a former top F.B.I. official whom the president had long targeted, began to fall apart.
Mr. Shea’s predecessor, Jessie K. Liu, a lawyer whom Mr. Trump had appointed to lead the office in 2017, pressed the McCabe case even after one team of prosecutors concluded that they could not win a conviction. After a second team was brought in and also failed to deliver a grand jury indictment, Ms. Liu’s relationship with Mr. Barr grew strained, people close to them said. She left the position this year, though she and Mr. Barr have both stressed to associates that her departure was amicable.

Undoing Mueller’s work

Trump’s efforts to derail the sentencing of Stone can be seen as part of a larger campaign to rewrite history, and specifically, erase the findings of the Mueller investigation. Roger Stone’s indictment shows that Stone was acting on Trump's personal order to find Hillary Clinton’s campaign emails stolen by Russia. In order to cover-up his role in the Russia-Wikileaks-Trump network, Stone lied to investigators and threatened a witness. By claiming that Stone did not commit a crime, Trump is attempting to reverse the findings of the Mueller report and make himself the victim.
Last week, Trump embarked on a rambling Twitter thread calling for all cases stemming from Mueller’s probe to be “thrown out.” He continued, saying: “If I wasn’t President, I’d be suing everyone all over the place.......BUT MAYBE I STILL WILL. WITCH HUNT!”
Hours later, while discussing the spate of pardons he had issued that day, Trump made the astounding assertion that he is “the chief law enforcement officer of the country” and thus has the “legal right” to interfere in criminal cases. “I’m allowed to be totally involved,” the president added. While technically he is incorrect - the Attorney General is the chief law enforcement officer - in practice Trump has been proven right. A lawless chief executive is in fact in charge of enforcing the law when the Attorney General acts as his personal fixer.
This is in the style of autocrats across the globe, who weaponize the law to help themselves and their friends and hurt their enemies. The nation’s legal system is now run by a man who has spent his life mocking it. (NYT Editorial Board)
Meanwhile, the president’s allies have reportedly been urging him to fire anyone who was involved in Mueller’s investigation:
The MAGA punditry’s outsized influence over the president means their campaign against the so-called Mueller “holdovers” is likely not falling on deaf ears, especially given Trump’s fixation with what his defenders and detractors are saying about his administration in their frequent appearances on his favorite TV programs.
“It's totally unclear to me why any members of the Mueller team need to remain in the Trump DOJ,” the pro-Trump conservative blogger Will Chamberlain wrote after news broke of the Stone sentencing recommendation.
...GOP operative Arthur Schwartz, a close friend of Donald Trump Jr. who has been described as the eldest son’s “fixer,” said of the career officials in question: “I think they should all be investigated.”
...John Dowd, a former Trump lawyer who remains in touch with the White House, characterized the line attorneys in the Stone case as “insubordinate,” and “the same crowd of prosecutors wedded to the Mueller agenda” who need to be “cleaned out” from DOJ. “And Bill Barr is doing that,” Dowd said.
What can be done about the politicization of the DOJ? In an op-ed for The Washington Post, Cass Sunstein of Harvard Law School suggests that “Congress should transform the Justice Department into an independent agency, legally immunized from the president’s day-to-day control.”

Public charge rule takes effect

The Supreme Court voted 5-4 to allow the government to implement new “wealth test” rules making it easier to deny immigrants residency or admission to the United States if they might depend on public-assistance programs. Legal challenges will continue in lower courts in the meantime. Doug Rand, co-founder of Boundless Immigration who formerly worked on immigration policy in the Obama White House, estimates that as many as 400,000 people every year could be denied green cards or visas because of the new rules.
Justice Sonia Sotomayor filed a written dissent that was sharply critical of both the federal government and her conservative colleagues, warning that they are “putting a thumb on the scale in favor of” the Trump administration. Read her full seven-page dissent here.
The justice wrote that granting emergency applications often upends "the normal appellate process" while "putting a thumb on the scale in favor of the party that won." Targeting her conservative colleagues, she said "most troublingly, the Court's recent behavior" has benefited "one litigant over all others."
"Claiming one emergency after another, the Government has recently sought stays in an unprecedented number of cases," Sotomayor said. "It is hard to say what is more troubling," she said, pointing to the case at hand, "that the Government would seek this extraordinary relief seemingly as a matter of course, or that the Court would grant it." CNN


Justice Department’s new rules benefit Giuliani

In a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, the DOJ indicated that the agency has implemented another layer of approval that would make it difficult for prosecutors to widen their probe into Rudy Giuliani:
The Justice Department revealed Tuesday that law enforcement officials running Ukraine-related investigations must seek approval before expanding their inquiries — a move that could have implications for Rudolph W. Giuliani, as President Trump’s personal attorney pushes for scrutiny of the president’s political foes while facing a federal probe into his own conduct.
Assistant Attorney General Stephen E. Boyd wrote to Nadler that the department had tapped two U.S. attorneys to assist in the process — Scott Brady in Pittsburgh to receive and assess new information, and Richard Donoghue in Brooklyn to help coordinate personnel throughout the Justice Department involved in Giuliani’s case and others with a focus on Ukraine. An accompanying internal memo, circulated by Rosen in January, says that he and Donoghue must approve expansions of any inquiries.

Related: The Hill admits John Solomon’s columns were misleading

The Hill’s review of Solomon’s work can be found here. I have found the review itself to be overly generous to the publication (no surprise), so I will quote from a WaPo summary of the review:
In effect, the Hill said Solomon amplified an inaccurate and one-sided narrative about the Bidens and Ukraine that was fed to him by Giuliani, “facilitated” by businessman Lev Parnas, who was working with Giuliani at the time, and reinforced by Solomon’s own attorneys, who also represented clients embroiled in U.S.-Ukraine politics.
But the Hill stopped short of retracting or apologizing for Solomon’s articles, nor did it say it shouldn’t have published them. It also didn’t characterize Solomon’s motives in presenting what appears to be a largely debunked conspiracy theory about Ukraine.
“In certain columns, Solomon failed to identify important details about key Ukrainian sources, including the fact that they had been indicted or were under investigation,” said the internal investigation, which was overseen by the newspaper’s editor, Bob Cusack. “In other cases, the sources were [Solomon’s] own attorneys” — Victoria Toensing and Joseph DiGenova, who have also represented President Trump and Giuliani, who was also a key source for Solomon’s columns.
Solomon didn’t disclose this connection in his columns nor did he disclose to his editors that he shared drafts of his stories with Toensing, DiGenova and Parnas, the review noted.

Trump tries to block Bolton book

The Washington Post reports that Trump is attempting to block the release of former National Security Adviser John Bolton’s book, instructing aides that it should not be released until after the November election.
Trump has told his lawyers that Bolton should not be allowed to publish any of his interactions with him about national security because they are privileged and classified, these people said. He has also repeatedly brought up the book with his team, asking whether Bolton is going to be able to publish it, they said.
Trump told national television anchors on Feb. 4 during an off-the-record lunch that material in the book was “highly classified,” according to notes from one participant in the luncheon. He then called him a “traitor.”
“We’re going to try and block the publication of the book,” Trump said, according to the notes. “After I leave office, he can do this. But not in the White House...I give the guy a break. I give him a job. And then he turns on me,” Trump added during the West Wing lunch. “He’s just making things up.”

Susan Rice tells Bolton the truth

During a panel discussion at Vanderbilt University on Wednesday, Bolton shared the stage with Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice. Bolton made excuses for his failure to testify in Trump’s impeachment trial, blaming the House for committing “impeachment malpractice.” Rice challenged Bolton repeatedly, denigrating his decision to promote his book instead of testify:
"I thought a lot about if I had been in that position how would I have approached it, and I'll be honest: It's inconceivable to me that if I had firsthand knowledge of gross abuse of presidential power that I would withhold my testimony from a constitutional accountability process.”
"I can't imagine withholding my testimony, with or without a subpoena," Rice said. "I also can't imagine, frankly, in the absence of being able to provide the information directly to Congress, not having exercised my First Amendment right to speak publicly at a time when my testimony or my experience would be relevant. And, frankly, when my subordinates ... were doing their duty and responding in a fashion consistent with their legal obligations to provide information."
"I would feel like I was shamefully violating the oath that I took to support and defend the Constitution."

Trump corruption update

President Donald Trump’s choice to stay at his own Las Vegas hotel each night during the western states swing that wraps up Friday likely cost taxpayers a million extra dollars as well as diverted thousands of them into his own cash registers.
Breaking with precedent, Trump flew back to Vegas to stay every night at his Trump International Hotel, despite his day activities taking place in California, Arizona, and Colorado.
Had Trump held the same events but done so in a geographically logical order ― starting in Beverly Hills and finishing in Colorado Springs, but overnighting each day in the city where he would begin the following morning ― Trump would have spent four fewer hours aboard Air Force One, thereby saving taxpayers about $1.1 million.
...Indeed, the repeated overnight trips to Las Vegas may have forced the Secret Service and other support personnel to keep a motorcade there for a full four days, rather than move it to the site of an upcoming presidential trip
This week, Trump has a whole new country to focus on: India, home to the largest portfolio of Trump real estate projects outside North America, according to the president’s son Donald Trump Jr. According to The Washington Post, since the elder Trump’s last trip to India in 2014, two of his business partners have encountered massive legal and financial trouble.
During Trump’s time as president, the Trump Organization has vigorously promoted their properties in India, earning millions of dollars in royalties:
In 2018, the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr. — who runs the Trump Organization with his brother, Eric Trump — spent several days in India promoting the family’s developments, attending a champagne dinner with condo buyers who plunked down $39,000 deposits and bringing in millions of dollars in new sales. While there, he also met with Modi behind closed doors. The next year, Trump’s Indian business partners flew 100 early buyers of his luxury condos near Delhi to visit Trump Tower and Trump Ferry Point golf course in New York City as a way to generate interest in the properties in India. One attendee gushed afterward about meeting the son of a U.S. president on the trip.

Trump 2020: Cambridge Analytica and Facebook

President Donald Trump’s campaign is bringing on an alum of the controversial data firm Cambridge Analytica...Matt Oczkowski, who served as head of product at Cambridge before it went bankrupt and shut down in 2018, is helping oversee the Trump campaign’s data program...Oczkowski, who also worked on Trump’s 2016 effort, joined the reelection campaign in January, and payments to his company, HuMn Behavior, are expected to show up on Trump’s next campaign finance disclosure later this month. (Politico)
An Axios report revealed where most of Trump’s re-election campaign is spending its advertising budget: on Facebook ads. “Last fall, the campaign urged Facebook to keep the same tools for political advertisers that they make available to companies...Facebook ultimately decided not to change its policies around microtargeting.” However, unlike in 2016, the campaign is also diversifying, “testing new strategies on several dozen platforms, including YouTube, Google, ad exchanges, publisher networks and conservative podcasts.”
  • Side note: The IRS is suing Facebook for $9 million in back taxes, alleging the social media company undervalued intellectual properties when selling them to an Irish subsidiary in 2010. Ireland has lower corporate tax rates than the United States, so the move reduced the company’s tax bill.

Erik Prince investigations

There is apparently another investigation into Blackwater Founder - and brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos - Erik Prince. The FBI is reportedly investigating Prince “for his 2015 attempt to modify two American-made crop-dusting planes into attack aircraft — a violation of arms trafficking regulations...The planes became part of private military services Prince proposed to sell or use in mercenary operations in Africa and Azerbaijan.”
This new investigation adds to Prince’s legal problems, though he insists that he is untouchable “under this guy,” referring to Trump. The Wall Street Journal reports that the Justice Department is “in the late stages of deciding whether to charge” Prince for allegedly lying to Congress in its Russia probe and violating U.S. export laws in his business dealings overseas.

Trump blocking prominent climate change warning

The United States is against mentioning climate change in the communique of the world’s financial leaders, G20 diplomats said, after a new draft of the joint statement showed the G20 are considering including it as a risk factor to growth...G20 sources said the United States was reluctant to accept language on climate change as a risk to the economy. Reuters
On Sunday, it was announced that the U.S. ultimately agreed to a less-prominent placement for the risks of climate change. It will now appear in language referencing the Financial Stability Board’s work examining the implications of climate change for financial stability.
One of the G20 sources said it was the first time a reference to climate change had been included in a G20 finance communique during Trump’s presidency, even though it was removed from the top of the joint statement. U.S. officials have resisted naming climate change as an economic risk since Trump took office in 2017. One of his first acts as president was to announce Washington’s withdrawal from the Paris climate accord.

Rightwing threats

Last week, two men were arrested in separate incidents involving threats to President Trump’s perceived opponents.
A Michigan man, Brittan J. Atkinson, was arrested on Thursday for sending death threats to Mark Zaid, an attorney for the Ukraine whistleblower. Atkinson sent the threats in November, on the day that Trump held up a photo of Zaid and read some of his tweets at a rally in Louisiana.
"All traitors must die miserable deaths," Atkinson's email read in part, the indictment says. "Those that represent traitors shall meet the same fate[.] We will hunt you down and bleed you out like the pigs you are. We have nothing but time, and you are running out of it, Keep looking over your shoulder[.] We know who you are, where you live, and who you associate with[.] We are all strangers in a crowd to you[.]"
On Wednesday, Salvatore Lippa of New York was arrested for threatening to assault and murder Rep. Adam Schiff and Sen. Chuck Schumer in voicemails last month.
Lippa started the threatening message by calling the congressman "Schiff, Shifty Schiff," invoking the nickname used by President Donald Trump for Schiff, the lead House manager during Trump's impeachment trial.
...When questioned by U.S Capitol Police, Lippa admitted to making the threatening calls to Schiff and Schumer because he said he was upset about the impeachment proceedings, prosecutors said.

State news

  • Washington Post: A second court has temporarily blocked North Carolina’s new voter identification law on the argument that it discriminates against African Americans. The ruling reduces the likelihood that the rule will be in effect in a key swing state during November’s elections. A three-judge panel of the North Carolina Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that intent to discriminate was a “primary motivating factor” behind the voter ID law, which passed the Republican legislature in late 2018.
  • CBS News: Florida cannot bar felons who served their time from registering to vote simply because they have failed to pay all fines and fees stemming from their cases, a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday.
  • CNN: Mississippi's law banning abortions at the detection of a fetal heartbeat -- as early as six weeks into pregnancy -- will remain blocked, a panel of circuit judges ruled on Thursday...The three-judge panel on the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court's ruling that the Mississippi law unconstitutionally prohibited pre-viability abortions.
  • Tampa Bay Times: A curious request arrived in the inboxes of Florida tax collectors last week from an employee of the Republican National Committee. He asked for “all email addresses that have been collected and are in the possession of the Tax Collector’s Office.” He also wanted any names, property addresses and phone numbers connected to those emails in their records. If the tax collectors had complied, the Republican Party would soon have a valuable trove of personal information for millions of Floridians as it gears up for the 2020 election: A detailed database of many taxpayers’ emails plus the name, address and phone number tied to that email.
  • Associated Press: Most Republican lawmakers refused to attend a Tuesday night session of the Oregon House of Representatives amid a slowdown over anger at a sweeping bill on climate change. Earlier, Republican lawmakers, who are a minority in the House, insisted that bills coming to the floor be read in their entirety instead of being summarized, which slowed things down substantially. The 2020 session of the Legislature lasts only 35 days, being an even-year short session.
  • Q13 Fox News: Efforts to expel a controversial state representative from the Washington Legislature are likely over after no Republicans would sign a letter calling for state Rep. Matt Shea’s expulsion. The Spokesman-Review reports that all 98 members of the state House of Representatives were asked Thursday to sign a letter calling for the expulsion of Spokane Valley Republican. All 56 Democrats signed the letter, but no Republicans did.
submitted by rusticgorilla to Keep_Track [link] [comments]


Roy "Sarge" Jovanovic lounged in his pilot's chair scrolling through ship designs, trying to find the one that would make the most tempting target. A screen to his left listed all of the transponder codes in the ship's database and the fleets with which they were associated, a screen to his right held a dizzying array of maps, graphs, news searches, and other information about shipjackings in the local sector over the past year, and the front screen showed a live feed from a scout drone's camera, floating about a klick off the port bow to give him a good view of the ship's current appearance.
Roy was the executive officer of one of the many small, unaffiliated fleets that plied the spacelanes in Human territory. Once humanity finally got around to colonizing other solar systems, seemingly everyone on Earth wanted their own slice of the interstellar pie, but not everyone had the resources for it. Where many governments and international corporations commissioned their own fleets, and the largest governments and megacorps were even able to build multiple fleets for their various departments and business units, a lot of the smaller nations and domestic companies simply didn't have the funds for more than one or two ground-to-orbit transports, if that. So dozens of independent fleets started popping up to service those needs; these fleets often came with range limitations, exorbitant fees, slow jump drives, low cargo capacities, and other annoyances, but their clients couldn't exactly afford to be picky.
He eyed a particular scatter plot to his right for a moment, pondering, then tapped a name on his left. "Hello Alibaba," he called, "Set ship identity to FENL." The ship's virtual assistant acknowledged the request with a cheerful chime. Within moments the front screen showed that the ship's hull now bore the bright and blocky red-and-green-with-yellow-highlights pattern of the Frota Estrela Nacional de Lisbon, the Portuguese starfleet, and the ship's bland flattened-oblong shape now boasted the sweeping curves associated with products of the Lisbon shipyards, thanks to some incredibly illegal nanofabricators placed strategically throughout the hull; actual physical modifications would hold up much better to EMPs and invasive sensor scans than the standard holographic emitters that freelancers generally used.
Independent fleets were hired for all sorts of tasks of all degrees of legality, depending on their individual capabilities. Sometimes they were glorified delivery drones, sometimes pirates asset acquisition specialists, sometimes scouts for colony fleets, sometimes covert assets for larger organizations who wanted to keep their hands clean. Roy's fleet, Charlie's Chameleons, was a well-equipped and experienced mercenary fleet and one of the few trusted to play the deniable-asset role, as they were doing now. While humanity was nearly a decade into the process of officially integrating with the larger galactic society and it would probably be a decade more before their laws, technology, and such were fully integrated with the other species', unsavory types had already set up shop near the borders of Human territory years before and had started to make a nuisance of themselves, and now several Human colonies were quietly starting to take steps to deal with them.
The Chameleons' current target was one Rit!tkatp, an unpronounceably-named and incredibly cunning member of a major T!ka!irtk gang that had steamrolled the other criminal organizations in several systems a few years back and was now running basically every illegal enterprise in the sector from black marketeering to smuggling to things best left unmentioned. If that gang was the Italian Mafia in Space--and they did try to cultivate that impression, to the extent that a bunch of ugly pseudo-insectoids could pull off the "gentleman criminal" look, anyway--then Rit!tkatp was their Godfather, and he had a particular penchant for shipjacking that had led the colonies of Abydos Prime, Malcor III, and Newer Zealand to hire the Chameleons to do something about it, before the gang scared away all shipping from their respective solar systems and left them cut off from the wider sector.
The virtual assistant chimed again. "Ship designation?" it asked in a dispassionate, slightly Chinese-accented voice. Roy tapped his chin and stared at his right screen, not responding. "Ship designation?" the ship asked again after a brief pause, and Roy waved a hand in irritation. "Bah, that won't work. He goes after eighty-three percent of FENL shipping in this region, but we still don't know what makes the bastard pick one ship over another and we can't afford to guess wrong."
"That's a bit long for a name, boss, and it's not Portuguese," the ship remarked, this time in a much more human-like voice and one tinged heavily with sarcasm.
Roy glared briefly in the general direction of the front viewport, trusting that the ship's ex-military AI, Karma, would have no trouble seeing his expression through one of its many cameras scattered throughout the bridge. (Having an AI on a non-military vessel was just as illegal as the transponder database and the nanofabricators. Something of a running theme with the Chameleons, really.)
"What did I say about breaking character?" he asked mildly.
"Hey, I have to play dumb when clients are around, so I have to get my snark on when I can," Karma replied. "Plus, Charlie decided on this personality when you know I like playing Siri better, so you can just deal with disappointment. And before you ask, no, I wasn't able to find any good correlations in the FENL data either, so if you haven't had any brilliant ideas in the past ten seconds you might as well try another one."
"Fine," Roy grumbled. A bit more scrolling and pondering, then: "Hello Alibaba--" "Still right here, boss." "Hello Alibaba, set ship identity to IDF." As the cheery yellow-and-blue-circles pattern of the Ikea Delivery Fleet rapidly painted itself across the hull, Karma asked, "You're thinking he might go for quantity over quality, then, boss?"
Roy glared again, then sighed, giving in. "Maybe. We know he likes the bigger consumer goods shipments, for whatever reason, but none have come through here in a while so he might go for a smaller cargo."
"Makes sense. Designation?"
"Hmm. The IDF Some Assembly Required."
"Good one, boss."
"Nobody asked you."
(The first generation of Earth starships bore exactly the kinds of names one would expect. Every country had so many ships named for historical and pop culture references--the most popular in America being Serenity, Millennium Falcon, and Enterprise among the civilian fleets and Washington, Midway, and also Enterprise among the military fleets--that even prepending ship designations wasn't enough to tell them apart. That, plus several fleets being sued into bankruptcy by Disney's intellectual property division, made most everyone change naming conventions. After First Contact, when it was discovered that a short-irreverent-phrases scheme was both unique among known spacefaring species and also incredibly irritating to quite a few of them, even the most humorless bureaucrat was happy to go along with the trend; the first few years even saw informal contests for the most innuendo-laden ship names until the diplomatic corps begged for it to stop so they wouldn't have to keep explaining the jokes to other species' fleet registrars.)
Within seconds the ship's new name was added to the hull and the ship's transponder was switched to broadcast the new identity, but Roy still wasn't satisfied. "That won't work either. They never send high-tech stuff in their midrange transports, so there's no way he wouldn't pick up the signature of the bombs or the trackers, or both."
"I think maybe you're being too paranoid, boss. T!ka!irtk scanners aren't that advanced compared to Human ones. We can probably risk it."
"Easy for you to say; if he blows us out of the sky, you can just reload from backup. Let's see. Give me SAF colors, designation Not All That Glitters. No, cancel that, same problem...."
Their wannabe Space Don Corleone was one of the best in the business. His organization operated in eighty sectors falling under at least fifteen different species' legal jurisdictions, and not once had any court managed to get any allegations to stick. Rit!tkatp worked through shell companies of shell companies, always had bullet- and plasma-proof alibis, employed legions of lawyers to ensure he never saw the inside of a law enforcement vehicle (much less a jail cell), never put his name on anything if he could help it, and never left witnesses in any state to testify against him. At least three Earth-based governments and several colonial fleets had task forces waiting on hot standby at all times to jump in, arrest the gangster, and seize his assets the moment he gave them the slightest excuse...but he never gave them that excuse, and so their ships were continually restrained by leashes of red tape and impotent fury.
The Chameleons' employers were well aware that they weren't exactly squeaky clean themselves--very few of the transponder codes they used were obtained through legal freelance work, and "aftermarket modifications" didn't begin to cover what had been done to the jump cores and shield generators of the five ships in their small but heavily-armed fleet--but figured, hey, the legitimate government forces can't do squat without evidence and it takes a thief to catch a thief, so here they were.
The next hour or so passed slowly as Roy thought up and discarded dozens of possible fake identities that might tempt Rit!tkatp into a trap, accompanied by Karma's ever-so-helpful running commentary, from the APF Free Two-Jump Shipping ("You know we don't have enough ships to fake an Amazon convoy") to the RSN Duke Duke Duke Duke of Oil ("Nah, he hasn't jacked any Saudi ships since that new petroleum refinery started up on Epsilon Eridani 3") to the RKF Package Delivers You ("He has friends in the Russian Federation and you don't speak Russian, you'd give the game away if he has native speakers in any of his picket ships") to the NSWS Beware of Drop Bears ("Come on, boss, Newer Zealand would never allow a Newer South Wales ship in their territory after that last incident").
Finally, Roy slammed a fist on his armrest, cutting off Karma's latest comment. "This isn't going to work. We're not the first ones to try something like this, and no one's ever pulled the wool over that bastard's compound eyes before. We have to try something new, but how can you possibly catch a gangster who's thought of everything!?" He dropped his head into his hands and gave a muffled order through his fingers to recall the drone and reset everything to defaults.
"You sure, boss? For what they're paying us, you really want to just let Space Tony Soprano off the hook like that?" Karma asked as the drone headed back toward its hangar and the ship's outlines flattened out into blandness. "You tell Charlie you're out of ideas and she's not going to be happy, and after all the wining-and-dining she had to do for the bigwigs on that New Phobos gig, neither is her bank account."
For a long moment, Roy just sat there, thinking, as a smile slowly grew on his face. "Bank account, huh," he murmured to himself, then lifted his head and spoke with renewed enthusiasm. "Karma, change of plans. Load up the Skreaming Skulls paint jobs on all the ships, and then I'll need to talk to the captain."
A burst of static blasted from the speakers before Karma responded, "Sorry, boss, had to do a systems check on my hearing. I could've sworn you just said the Skreaming Skulls."
"You heard me."
"The ridiculously-over-the-top space pirate getup you use when clients just want tons of property damage and for us to scare the bejesus out of whoever the target is? The one that would make me bluescreen with embarrassment if it were possible for my personality template to have gone through a goth phase in its youth? The one with absolutely zero capability for stealth or discretion whatsoever? That Skreaming Skulls?"
"That's the one."
"Are you insane? What happened to being subtle?
"Probably. And fuck 'subtle'."
"'re the boss. Just don't mind me if I take a fresh backup and sync it back to base before we go."
"You do that. Now, give me a minute to write up a proposal and then ring up the captain."
A little while later, Roy leaned back comfortably as the face of Captain Charlotte "Charlie" van den Heuvel filled the screen in front of him. The pair of welding goggles perched on her forehead indicated that he'd caught her in the middle of fixing something, probably the dodgy recirculator on Chameleon One that kept breaking because they hadn't had the time or money to give the life support systems the full overhaul they needed.
"Sarge! I was beginning to think I wasn't going to hear from you today."
"I keep telling you, I hate that nickname."
"Well, tough. Captain's orders. I take it you've figured out a decoy job that'll fool every last one of those bugs?"
"Nope, not a clue!" Roy said with a cheery grin, causing the captain to lose her own grin. "Complete change of plans, and I think you'll like the new plan. I think it's time we called in the big guns."
Charlie raised an eyebrow. "We don't have big guns, Sarge. The Chameleon Base retrofit got delayed, remember?"
"Not those big guns," Roy shook his head as he sent his proposal over to her. "Those big guns."
The captain read it over, as did the instances of Karma on both Roy's ship and hers, then whistled softly. "Gutsy, and stupid, but he'll never see it coming. Gold star, Roy. I'll tell Ace, Tiny, and Eagle to prep for departure. Briefing in twenty, jets up in forty."
A space station floated in the void, far off the established spacelanes and nowhere near anything resembling a planet, or even a large asteroid. Its only company was a fleet of ships and a handful of smaller defense stations, ranging in quality from the finest models that laundered money could buy to lightly used models that had been repurposed after what was left of their prior owners had been rinsed off of the bulkheads. The former sort had been built with the sorts of odd angles and strange proportions that their T!ka!irtk owners found aesthetically appealing and other species found headache-inducing, while the latter sort had been retrofitted to that design as best as possible, and in both cases they were all decorated in a manner that appeared to be boring sheets of uniform whiteness to those inferior species whose visual organs were limited to sensing what they laughably termed the "visible" spectrum of light.
This gathering of vessels was not hidden nor kept secret in any way, despite its remoteness. On the contrary, its master Rit!tkatp delighted in welcoming all comers to enjoy the creature comforts of his station, whether their tastes lay with gambling, racing, mind-altering substances, negotiable affections, or even more exotic pursuits. All beings, from the poorest sight-seer to the most inquisitive government investigator, were invited to partake in its pleasures--provided, of course, that they did not stick their olfactory organs where they didn't belong.
On this particular occasion, Rit!tkatp, patriarch of his extended family and clutch-master of the station, reclined regally in something that only a member of his species would recognize as a chair, as two of his employees filed his dorsal phalanges and several more polished his forearm plates. The T!ka!irtk species was semi-insectoid and covered with something that wasn't quite an exoskeleton, from which protruded many bony outgrowth that served both as defensive spines and as sensory apparatus. They had four bulbous eyes, two compound eyes for seeing motion and two simple eyes for distance vision; four arms and four legs, all multi-jointed and bone-plated; and a mouth both filled with sharp teeth and ringed by pedipalps.
The memoirs of the Human diplomat who had first made contact with the T!ka!irtk famously described her first impression of them being "the result of a drunken orgy between a praying mantis, a wolf spider, and the ugliest porcupine on Earth," and if anything she was being too kind.
Rit!tkatp enjoyed surveying his domain from the control center that was the heart and brain of the station. The clatter of dice rolling in the gambling hall, the rustling of smuggled goods passing through hangars not depicted on the station blueprints, the pathetic wails of those who required encouragement to repay their loans in a timely fashion...these sounds were music to his aural receptors, the rhythm by which he lived his life.
Alas, a flashing light on the proximity sensor board informed him that the intricate symphony of station operations was shortly to be interrupted by an unplanned intermission.
"Look alive, people," the captain's voice sounded in everyone's earpiece, "we have reversion in two minutes. Remember, don't take any unnecessary risks, don't worry about picking good targets, just keep firing at anything and everything in weapons range until you get the signal, then stall as long as you can." Acknowledgements came from Chameleon One through Chameleon Five, and each ship's crew performed a few last-minute equipment checks.
"Cortana, status summary for all ship systems," Roy called. "All systems green," came the cool synthesized voice of the virtual assistant, followed by Karma's voice adding, "Except the long-range transmitters, which, I guess, since someone decided that pirates like Cortana for whatever reason. Or whatever other color you'd give a system that I'm giving extra-special attention to, so that I can transmit myself out of the mess you meatbags are about to get yourselves into."
The bridge crew laughed, one calling out, "We love you too, Karma!" as the timer ticked down toward zero. The navigator started counting down with it: "Reversion in!"
Right on cue, the HMS Dead To Rights, Seasons Don't Fear The..., No Kill Like Overkill, Gallows Humor, and Do Unto Others, Repeat As Necessary of the infamous Skreaming Skulls Skwadron popped into existence in a spasm of warped spacetime and hilariously bad graffiti. Each ship immediately unloaded every railgun, missile tube, plasma launcher, and drone fighter on board at the nearest target. They'd chosen their approach vector very carefully to ensure that no civilian ships were in the line of fire, just Rit!tkatp's goons. There were likely to be few civilians around in any case, as station security didn't like having too many ships arriving or departing at any given time.
The ensuing three minutes or so were the highlight of Roy's career thus far. Nothing like blowing up bad guys with no concern for ammo limits or mission objectives to relieve some stress.
But far too soon, the party was over.
"Bad news, boss," Karma called urgently, "we've got a frigate at our two o'clock. Make that three. Make that six. Um. Make that a six and two drone carriers." Roy glanced to the tactical display, disbelieving, but the AI was right: somehow, a mere gentleman crime boss had not one, not two, but eight capital ships at his disposal--and that's just what he had within jump distance on short notice. That would certainly explain how he'd managed some of the more impossible-sounding feats attributed to him, and why most local pirate crews would refuse to cross him for any reason and also refuse to say why. Must have bribed a shipyard or something...or, hell, maybe they were a present from some species that wasn't a big fan of humanity and would love to see someone meddle with their affairs.
Vastly increased danger aside, though, it didn't change the Chameleons' mission profile. The frigates had almost reached firing distance when Ace made his move: in the most hectic region of the battle, two T!ka!irtk gunboats went charging for the No Kill Like Overkill, both sides firing volley after volley of missiles and countermeasures at each other, and only two ships came out the other side of the expanding field of shrapnel and debris that resulted from the skirmish.
On sensors, the two surviving ships were the two T!ka!irtk gunboats, one heavily damaged and one mostly fine, and the expanding hull fragments of Chameleon Three were all that was left of the fake Skreaming Skulls ship; in reality, however, one of the gunboats had been destroyed and, in the sensor-scrambling confusion, Chameleon Three had swiftly scanned its profile and transponder and taken its place. The "damaged gunboat" turned tail and limped back to "its" hangar, immediately forgotten by its fellows.
The plan at that point had been to keep blowing things up while Ace worked to keep the attention on the other four ships, but the frigates changed things. It was all the Skulls could do to avoid the capital ships' guns, and despite some amazing piloting from Tiny and crack shooting from all the Chameleon gunners they shortly found themselves captured by tractor beams and dragged helplessly within range of the station's even larger guns. The crews' former high spirits were understandably shaken, but Roy reassured the crew of Chameleon Two that if they hadn't been reduced to atoms yet they'd probably come out of this alive so just sit tight and wait and everything would be fine, and he was sure the other officers on the other Chameleon ships were telling their crews basically the same thing.
The speakers crackled to life unbidden. "You know, I was having such a good day." Rit!tkatp's smooth baritone echoed throughout the bridge--or, rather, the voice of his translator; T!ka!irtk couldn't make the appropriate sounds for any human tongue, and vice versa for humans. (Unless they were fluent in one of those African clicking languages, from what Roy had heard, but even then apparently they sounded like a dog trying to speak French.) So both species used translation devices to communicate, and fortunately he'd hooked his up directly to the comm system so they only heard the translated voice. Roy had dealt with them in person before, and the way all those conversations would go was that they'd first hear one of the bugs say something in his own language that would sound like someone firing a machine gun at a xylophone, then the translator would speak in a Human tongue, then the Humans would speak, then their own translator would fire yowling cats back at the bugs, and they'd alternate like that for the duration; it was enough to give anyone migraines.
"I slept so well, my breakfast was wriggling, my customers were happy...and now, you jump into my system, the system of a law-abiding citizen, and you commit property damage the likes of which I have never seen. I am well within my rights to confiscate your ships in recompense and send your crew back to T!ka!ir to pay off the damages with hard labor. But I am a generous and honorable being. Tell me who hired you to do this, and I may be willing to let you go. I may not even inform the authorities that you did this, so that you may remain free to continue your detestable activities elsewhere."
Roy had to hand it to him, the man was smooth. Perfect "incensed businessman" tone with a bit of "agreeable neighbor" thrown in, and only a barely-noticeable dash of "unrepentant murderer" in the mix to show he wasn't to be trifled with. He acted just as if he were talking into yet another journalist's holorecorder; he had to, since for all he knew the Skreaming Skulls were live-streaming this conversation back to their mysterious employers in the hopes of catching him admitting to something illegal. That, too, had been tried a few times before.
Before he could think of something to say Charlie responded first in the most insultingly casual tone she could manage. "No one hired us. We decided that you were scum, and your ships didn't have nearly enough holes in them, and it's a weekend, and we were bored, so why not pop in and say hi?"
Rit!tkatp didn't believe that for a moment, of course--mercenaries, do something for free?--so he and the captain traded polite, velvet-coated barbs for a bit while the newer crewmembers waited on the edge of their seats for the moment when the alien gangster tired of it and ordered them vaporized. Roy had stopped paying attention, though. He only had eyes for one tiny corner of his screens, where he waited for a message from Chameleon Three.
As soon as it came through, he grinned fiercely and accepted the data transfer attached to the message, and several minutes later--it was a pretty huge transfer--he gave the crew a thumbs up, waited for them to quiet down, and hit the transmit button while the alien gangster was still speaking.
"Have you heard of an old Earth gangster named Al Capone?" he interrupted, to an uncertain pause from Rit!tkatp. "This is your second who barges into our conversation?" he asked. At Charlie's nod he adjusted something offscreen and now appeared to be looking directly at Roy. "No, I have not. This is relevant because...?"
"Well, I was thinking you might have, since he bears a striking similarity to a Mr. Zhanpeng Lee, a bureaucrat in the office of the Minister of Finance on Xin Beijing. Also a Ms. Beatriz Gonzales, a sales director with Lockheed-Grumman Industries. And oh, I believe also Mr. Dan O'Neill, Mr. Lubo Denisov, and Ms. Sweta Chandragiri. Need I go on?"
No response from Rit!tkatp except a twitching of his pedipalps. The mentioned names were either false identities he used to do business in Human space or bribed and/or blackmailed intermediaries between real companies and his shell companies, discovered in the complete copy of the gangster's financial records taken by Chameleon Three's instance of Karma, and the twitching indicated frantic thought on the gangster's part as to how that information could have been retrieved.
Rit!tkatp wasn't stupid enough to keep his personal records on the station-wide network for any two-bit hacker to find if he or she rooted an information kiosk or gambling machine; everything was in an armored server room directly below his office, hard-linked to his office terminal and shielded from any sort of wireless access, which only he and his most trusted associates could access and in which he could withstand an assault for several hours at least. And of course there was plenty of surveillance and security teams between his enemies and his data, such that anyone trying to dash to the vault would surely be cut down before they got even one floor up from the casinos. He'd taken every reasonable precaution against every reasonable form of attack.
What his security policies did not take into account, however, was an illegally-enhanced military-grade AI gaining root access to the repair bay computers several dozen floors below his office, taking over the station's maintenance robots (glorified ten-foot-tall alien Roombas, basically, and not particularly difficult to co-opt), marking all the corridors between the hangar and his office as closed for cleaning to clear out any civilians, quietly intercepting the camera feeds from the empty hallways, and then using Chameleon Three's boarding lasers to drill straight up through all those floors and into the server room itself, at which point Karma had physical dataport access and the game was up. "Crazy flying AI with frikkin' laser beams" isn't the sort of thing usually covered by standard security policies, so Rit!tkatp could be forgiven for not anticipating that.
"You think to threaten me? In your decidedly helpless position?" Rit!tkatp demanded, still maintaining his innocent businessman air with some effort. "You think that I will be afraid of images of extracted endoskeletons and oxygen-bearing fluids on your ships? No, your Human superstitions do not apply to the T!ka!irtk. We know that death is certain, and because of this we do not fear it."
"Funny you say that," Roy continued, "since we superstitious humans have a slightly different saying. 'Nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.' And that's the striking similarity: None of those individuals pay their taxes."
Now the alien looked honestly confused. "See, I know that a businessman such as yourself would scrupulously pay your taxes, and so would any of your cover identities. Excuse me, your business associates. But you forgot one little thing. There's one backwards little country on good old Earth that's always behind the times and out of step with the rest of the civilized world called America, you might have heard of it. Those crazy Americans have all sorts of crazy policies; for god's sake, it's twenty-one-forty-fucking-seven and they still haven't switched everything to the metric system. And one of their quaint little rules involves taxes."
Charlie chimed in from Chameleon One: "You're damn right it does. See, I'm an American citizen thanks to my mother. Doesn't matter that I've never set foot on Earth in my life, or any American colonies, or hell, even an American-built space station, they take their 'citizens living abroad' thing very seriously, and every year I have to file my taxes with Uncle Sam. Every damn year. Eritrea used to require that too, but they gave up that nonsense almost a century ago. And I complain about it to my XO here every damn year, too...which worked out nicely this time, I guess."
Rit!tkatp had reached both left arms offscreen and appeared to be quietly yet frantically tapping away at a terminal, paying attention to Roy with his right eyes and his computer with his left; it was a somewhat disconcerting sight. Roy glanced over at his tactical display where he was getting a jump proximity notification, probably the same one that had the gangster all upset. Unless he was looking up Al Capone in whatever Human historical records he had access to, which was also possible. "And seeing as no fewer than one-third of your false identities have American citizenship and many of your shell corporations are registered in American colonies, well, that brings us back to Al Capone. When the government managed to show he hadn't been paying his taxes back in nineteen...whenever it was, well, that was a federal crime."
"Yes yes yes, I see your point," Rit!tkatp said hurriedly, chest plates clicking in alarm and dorsal phalanges folding outwards in frustration. "You have uncovered blackmail material on me, and now you will wish something in exchange for not alerting the Human governments, I am sure. So--"
"Nope, too late for that, sonny," Ace interrupted from Chameleon Three, his voice coming from Rit!tkatp's side of the connection since he was patched into the station's comms. "Already sent it all over. Would even have gift-wrapped it, if they had a tri-D printer in their office somewhere. Got a thank-you note back, too, ain't that sweet. Now, normally these things take something on the order of a hundred eighty business days, but I think in your case they'll make an exception. Right...about...."
"...about...oh, come on, they said twenty minutes! Damn government bureaucracy, where's a dramatic entrance when you need one?"
More silence.
Then, flashes of light. Four unmarked ships in plain gray jumped into the system in escort formation, heading for the station. They definitely had the highly-functional-with-a-hint-of-muscle aesthetic of American ships, to Roy's eye; he thought the design was a bit boring compared to, say, the Brazilian or Italian fleets, but at least they'd stopped putting red, white, and blue stars and stripes on everything with an engine and a flat surface.
Rit!tkatp hesitated for long moments, all plates and phalanges going utterly still. "You're not thinking of resisting arrest, are you?" Roy asked mockingly. The alien glared at him with all four eyes, then spat, "If that is all the fleet your Bureau of Federal Investigators can muster, I don't see why not." The frigates dropped their tractor locks on the Chameleon ships to go engage the new Human vessels, leaving only the carriers and drone fighters (and of course the station itself) to keep them under guard.
Roy looked on with concern. Surely they didn't send just four ships? When even without the capital ships the region always swarmed with drones and the station itself could withstand a siege for days?
"That's not the FBI, buddy. They only have sub-orbital ships and no off-planet jurisdiction. Check the IFFs," Ace said smugly, and both Rit!tkatp and the Chameleons checked their tactical screens. "IRS? Io Rescue Service?" the alien said with bemused contempt. "Close, you're thinking IIRS, Io Interstellar Rescue Service. Nope, that there's the Internal Revenue Service."
On the far side of the fleet, the frigates were engaging the new arrivals. The front two ships turned out to be torpedo boats, the IRS In Triplicate and the IRS Red Tape, and they were unloading missile volleys on the frigates at a staggering pace while the support ships IRS Credit Freeze and IRS Wage Garnishment raised jamming fields and fired off the occasional EMP burst. The T!ka!irtk frigates, confident in their superior numbers, didn't even slow down as they approached the quartet of smaller ships, and so they were caught completely by surprise when three new ships jumped in right above the others, the destroyers Rapid Depreciation, Asset Liquidation, and Maximum Deductions.
"Your mere tax collectors have capital ships?" Rit!tkatp asked incredulously. Roy wasn't sure if the gangster had forgotten the Chameleons were still on the line or if he just didn't care at this point, but with glee he replied "Well, your mere civilian 'casino owners' have capital ships, so fair's fair."
The carriers were ordered to the station's defense next without even giving them time to collect all their fighters, as were the few smaller stations capable of independent movement. As soon as they were out of range of the main station's protection, though, they were ambushed by yet more ships jumping in. These ships, three frigates and five cruisers, were large enough that both Humans and T!ka!irtk could see that they weren't plain gray at all; they were actually white with thousands of tiny black boxes and tiny black text criss-crossing their hulls. Of course, thought Roy, forms and spreadsheets. Should've known.
The frigates Thorough Audit, Double Entry, and Mandatory Compliance made short work of the carriers without their drone screens to protect them, and the cruisers Let's Get Fiscal, Weighed in the Balance Sheets, Nine-Tenths of the Law, Accrual Intentions, and I've Got 1099 Problems made short work of the defense stations, both mobile and immobile.
Roy didn't know exactly what a crazed T!ka!irtk looked like right before it decided to do something incredibly reckless, but whatever expression was on Rit!tkatp's face probably qualified. The main station began firing every last weapon in the IRS fleet's direction to prevent them from approaching as its long-dormant engines slowly came to life and began propelling it far enough away from the other ships to make a jump; a few foolhardy civilian ships darted out of various hangars and began angling for jump vectors so as not to end up who-knows-where in the hands of an angry mob boss, but most decided that they'd rather not risk entering the crossfire of a major fleet engagement, thank you very much.
He may have lost his fleet, many of his henchbeings, and his untouchable status, but the alien might still escape to fight another day. Roy could hear Charlie swearing up a storm over the comms at the prospect, and he felt the same way, but they were powerless to do anything about it. The Chameleons were still close enough to the station that it had but to pivot a single gun away from bombarding the other fleet to turn them to ash, so all they could do was float there and watch it inch away to freedom.
Until, that is, one last ship jumped its way into the system right in the fleeing station's path, arriving with enough force that Roy swore he could feel the gravity waves rippling through Chameleon Two. It was a dreadnought, and the writing on its bow proudly proclaimed it to be the IRS 3949-A
On screen, Rit!tkatp stared at the dreadnought for a long moment, then drooped like a wilting leaf, all of his plates opening wide in a sign of submission. The station's guns fell silent and its engines spun down before they'd even had a chance to reach full power. Roy almost felt sorry for the bastard.
As the dreadnought and cruisers sent out boarding shuttles and his crew started talking excitedly about sending the battle recordings to everyone they know, Roy put on a mock conciliatory tone. "Hey, buddy, don't worry." The soon-to-be-ex-gangster looked up at him with his right eyes. "Sure, you might have been involved in wire fraud, embezzlement, smuggling, theft, grand theft, bribery, robbery, burglary, murder, assassination, illegal gambling, illegal prostitution, drug running, and who knows what else on top of the major tax fraud, but at least you avoided one thing."
He leaned forward and lowered his voice, and Rit!tkatp leaned in as well.
"Count yourself lucky that you never, ever committed mail fraud, because US postal inspectors...well, those fuckers don't mess around."
submitted by ArgentScribe to HFY [link] [comments]

Tartar - this video - Thoughts Please
This essay accompanies Marcia Ramalh’s video for Age of Disclosure’s YouTube channel
Video by Arjan Hartman
The video presents 400 images with the High Technology of Great Tartary, stolen by the Invaders and still in operation worldwide.
Full text from "Tartary Empire - Aether" video
“Aether is the material supposed to fill the region of the universe above the terrestrial sphere. In mythology, it was thought to be the pure essence that the gods breathed, filling the space where they lived, analogous to the air breathed by mortals”. (From Wikipedia)
“Aether”, the “5th element”, means the water that connects everything electromagnetically.
The pseudoscience calls Aether as “dark energy” and “dark matter”.
I Intro
All cities located at strategic points on Earth along rivers, seas, lakes and oceans were Star Fortress and had electromagnetic energy extracted from the ether.
The energy was captured through towers and obelisks and stored in the red and white striped power stations of the High Civilization called Tartary. They always had a fountain with water near them.
This civilization was destroyed in the 19-20 century through floods, energy weapons (DEW) and scheduled mass exterminations and the Earth was suddenly deserted by billions of people. All the architecture and technology of this superior civilization was stolen and passed into the hands of Parasites who created the current ignorant civilization.
This is the story of how a visit to the Berlin Zoo led to the discovery that its magical atmosphere is inherited from the star fortress that housed the city and how all world architecture to this date is designed to extract electromagnetic energy from the ether.
II Berlin Zoo
On the cloudy afternoon of May 27, 2018, Janey Benson visited the Berlin Zoological Garden and realized that there was something different in the air.
"The animals in this zoo are the happiest I have ever seen. I thought it was because they got more oxygen because Berlin is covered by trees, plants and flowers and all the trees are numbered and counted. But then I saw the spires were like those we see in mosques and like pre mudflood photos and I imagined that this was what you were talking about. Is it atmospheric energy? It is in that building that giraffes currently live. If it generated energy I do not know, but I am a witness of the extraordinary happiness that was there”.
"There is something in Berlin that is wonderful and I want to go back there. I want to breathe that air again”.
This is the testimony of the American Janey Benson, who may be associated with the recent past of the Tartar Arian (Tartary) civilization, inherited from the legendary Atlanteans (Titans).
In this civilization, architecture had the function of extracting properties of waves and resonances from the electromagnetic field, to harmonize, heal, prolong life and increase the stature of men, plants and animals.
When the Earth's energy grid was destroyed by the barbarians who came from the "Terra Incognita" (the self called "gods" of Olympus), the density crushed the Titans and threw them into the hell of Tartarus - the name given by “scholars” to the burning Tartary.
And the knowledge and history of the Tartar Aryan civilization was burned out and erased of the memory of many.
III Victory Column
The Berlin zoo visited by Janey gathers the most expressive collection of animal and vegetable species from around the world. There are 1,380 species, 20,200 animals and an Aquarium, surrounded by 35 hectares of vegetation.
The Zoo is within the Tiergarten park, situated opposite the Reichstag dome and has in its center the Victory Column, in granite studded with bronze ornaments. Large domes, towers and columns are always associated with ether energy production.
This is the top of the coil inside the Reichstag dome, protected by mirrors. The tip of the coil seems to have been made with the purest copper and is in the hall below the mirrored part. Its shape copy the top of the old power plants of the East. But this is little to explain the happiness that reigns in the park and throughout the city.
There is a more powerful reason. Berlin was one of the gigantic Star Fortress of the ancient and highly technological civilization of Tartary. This 1688 engraving shows that Berlin was a huge and mighty Star Fortress.
This kind of fortress was not built by normal men. It would require thousands of highly skilled men. And there were such strongholds all over the earth. In addition, the fortress "communicated" with each other to create the worldwide energy grid.
When the invaders who came from Terra Incognita destroyed the perfect electromagnetic grid and created cataclysms, the civilization of Tartary was annihilated and its defensive structures wrecked or were melted and petrified.
Star Fortress provided security, health and harmony for its inhabitants.
It is possible that some of the old magic is still present in the atmosphere of Berlin as in these postcards of 1896 and 1899 ?
At the Berlin zoo, visitors and animals are also given the benefit of the magic sound of the bells.
In the park there is a rare carillon installed at 42 meters high which houses 68 bells of 48 tons and is the fourth in the world in number of bells. Concerts in the park with the historic carillon take place every Sunday at 3 p.m., from May to September. The vibration of bronze, associated with the ethereal electromagnetic current, has a high harmonizing and healing power.
IV Hohenzollern
The carillon history dates back to the first kings of Prussia, Frederick I and II, of the Hohenzollern dynasty.
Wikipedia claims that the German zoo was "opened" in 1844 but on this date Germany did not exist and much less had central government. There was only one confederation with 22 small monarchies and 17 other states that spoke German.
The Tiergarten park and its palace belonged to the Tartary civilization. With the defeat of Tartary and the creation of Germany, the palace was demolished and the Reichstag was erected by the will of the character "Bismarck".
It is likely that Tartaria has designated Berlin Tiergarten to save almost extinct species, in a world that slowly came out of total chaos and sudden climate change. Janey Benson's observation of the numbered trees in Berlin Tiergarten park fits into this hypothesis.
Tiergarten may have been a magnificent Noah's Ark endowed with atmospheric energy, where all species were classified to be saved.
The building surrounded by eight minarets which Janey photographed in the Tiergarten and to which she ascribes the secret of such happiness, continues to secretly store atmospheric energy produced by Victory Column, associated with the Reichstag dome.
And what happens today in the central park of Berlin for the benefit of humans and animals, was carried out in the past throughout the world from the beginning of our Real History.
V Iron and Copper
The high civilization Tartar Aryan extracted electromagnetic energy from the ether through star fortress complexes with power stations, domes, towers, minarets, bridges and obelisks and used the very high thermal and electrical conductivity of copper.
From 7,000 years ago to the 1900s, Tartarian people mined Keweenaw copper at Michigan, US, to provide raw material for domes and coils throughout the world. Its fusion with tin created the bronze that allowed primitive Europe to enter into the modernity that had existed for a long time in territories of Tartary.
From the half of the 1900s, the ”Gray Men" would sent their agents to exterminate Tartarians in "New India" (North America), take their land and minerals and slaughter them and their livestock to feed the newly created industries of Chicago and transport the meat on the roads which would pave the way for the takeover of new territories and create distances that would encourage the oil industry, the use of the automobile and the need for currency expansion and creation of a financial system. But this is another story.
Copper has been mined since the beginning of human history. Venetians ("Phoenicians") mined copper in New World (America) and Cornwall. Copper ingots used in the Middle East and Europe complex were mined and molted in facilities in the Americas.
According to American Indian oral tradition, copper was mined by “red haired white-skinned ‘marine men’ who came from across the sea”. And mines of Almaden in Spain, Huancavelica in Peru and New Almaden in California, provided the mercury.
Wikipedia: “The earliest substantiated and dated evidence of metalworking in the Americas was the processing of copper in Wisconsin, near Lake Michigan. Copper was hammered until brittle then heated so it could be worked some more. This technology is dated to about 4000-5000 BCE. Ancient civilisations knew of seven metals: Iron, Tin, Lead, Copper, Mercury, Silver and Gold.
In the past, “alchemists developed sophisticated, powerful techniques to separate and purify metals” (Wikipedia)
Copper and tin was used extensively, even in helmets, to power plasma (DEW) weapons and to obtain wireless communication.
And iron foundries were the backbone of the world industry until they disappeared in the Great Catastrophe.
VI Coils
The electromagnetic energy was extracted and stored in toroid coils at the power plant summits, covered with copper, positioned below the towers.
When rotating inside coils, magnetic fields create electrical charges in a mercury vortex. Hindu energetic complexes exhibit this function at the top of their structures. “In a coil of multiple turns of wire, the magnetic field of the turns adds in the center of the coil, creating a strong field”, says Wikipedia.
"Coils" can still be seen at the top of the power supply centers in India. Manufactured History and the Invented Religions call these energy factories as ”temples."
Prambanan complex in Indonesia had originally 240 estações de energia in a concentric mandala layout
Power plants have metal hoops where the "toroidal coil" works. Perhaps the "mass dumper" of the Taipei Tower accumulates this function. Modern towers are already built with the domes themselves and they are positioned below the pole that stands up to contact with the ether. A lookout can distract visitors' attention on the tower's true architectural significance.
This metal sphere represents the favorite geometric object of the fictional character “Tesla”, reports Wikipedia. And so it is displayed in a museum in Belgrade with the ashes of the pseudo-inventor. The dark eminences that created the Tesla myth as well as a long list of many other, see themselves as very intelligent and with a great sense of humor. And they appreciate leaving some clues of their frauds in the most unforeseen places.
The star fortress in Haiti, Taj Mahal, Hagia Sofia, Pantheon or Tower of Jewels were production plants and distribution of atmospheric energy, as well as thousands of “cathedrals”, “temples” and palaces around the world.
The original pyramids of Egypt and other places may have played an even more important role in electromagnetic energy production and for this they were the first to be neutralized.
Ancient pyramids and star fortress were so strong and powerful that many needed to be submerged like the Buhen fortress in Egypt, currently at the bottom of Nassar Lake, in one of the largest floods ever made in the world (1958). Next to it was an old copper factory and a city with 100 thousand inhabitants.
Pyramid-shaped power stations were called "tombs of pharaohs" and covered by sand, water, ice or vegetation such as the pyramids of the Faroe Islands, Antarctica, Bosnia, Russia and China.
VII Skyscrapers
But this is the past. Today the atmospheric energy is extracted by skyscrapers like the Petronas, Taipei, Burj Khalifa, by towers on top of hills, roofs of buildings or through ”Radio and TV broadcast towers" such as Ostankino Tower, Oriental Pearl, Jin Mao, Shanghai or Tianjin. And this energy is no longer free or clean, besides being expensive.
Skyscrapers are modern power plants and work in conjunction with metal structures of bridges whose iron is in contact with water and has spheres that may contain minicoils and mercury in the upper part.
The Empire State and the Manhattan Bridge were built by the Tartarians long before 1900. Just like the Tour Eiffel. By 1953, at least, the Invading Parasites had built nothing in cities around the world. Just destroyed. All buildings erected until the 1950’s belong to the Tartary civilization. It was only from the 1960’s that poor and ugly buildings-crates of the new civilization would begin to be erected.
Photographs that purport to show the construction of the Empire State Building are false and are nothing more than photomontages overlapping high quality glass negatives with photos of some wood boards and false workers in the foreground.
Skyscrapers are modern powerhouses. When Tartarian plans to erect the Empire State Building began to be drawn, the goal was to capture enough energy to illuminate Lake Ontario, Vermont, Buffalo, Albany, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. This objective is registered on the aluminum plate in the hall of the building built by the Tartary civilization.
In the Chrysler building, Wikipedia expressly points out to 16 points on the 24th floor, which it calls "pineapples", where the mercury would be stored.
Buildings built by Tartary around the world continue to draw atmospheric energy to the invaders until today.
Invaders copied old technology, such as this recent Las Vegas building whose dome produces power to 4,000 apartments and to a fountain with dancing waters, synchronized with lights and music.
Tartary's power plants and buildings were built in granite and geopolymer concrete because they become more resistant with the passage of time and has the superconducting quartz crystal in its composition.
Here are some power station domes working associated with obelisks, minarets and pinnacles in granite and geopolymeric concrete, with columns and ornaments in iron, for extraction of electromagnetic energy.
Electromagnetism produces gigantic invisible "waves" of energy. Transmitting towers receive and emit the electric field to considerable distances.
To transmit wireless electricity as in the past, to more and more extensive regions and with more users, the towers are getting higher.
Towers like these can extract atmospheric energy to feed entire countries.
It is possible that one of the reasons for the WTC's demolition in 9/11 was the need to expand energy extraction technology.
Everyone remembers the huge antenna needle on top of one of the towers being sprayed into the air. WTC towers were obsolete and so they fell to the ground. The demolition dust caused 70,000 cases of cancer. Insurers paid $ 4.55 billion for the old towers' pulverization. The new antenna looks much more powerful.
“An electromagnetic coil is an electrical conductor such as a wire in the shape of a coil, spiral or helix. Either an electric current is passed through the wire of the coil to generate a magnetic field, or conversely an external time-varying magnetic field through the interior of the coil generates an EMF (voltage) in the conductor”. (Wikipedia)
VIII Energy worldwide
All over the world the technology of energy extraction through the atmosphere still works perfectly in castles, buildings, palaces, greenhouses, lighthouses, kiosks, fountains, “mosques”, fortresses, towers, bridges and “cathedrals” that kept the old technological apparatus intact.
This apparatus includes elaborate roof grids and small window-like openings, metal ornaments in the corners of buildings, pointed antennae with ornaments or balls with mercury, metals embedded in masonry and geopolymer concrete, jars containing mercury, cornices, spires, roofs with copper ornaments and structural foundations in iron, among others.
This apparatus is also present in the current skyscrapers.
IX The Architecture to extract energy
The world architecture for electromagnetic energy extraction derives entirely from the High Civilization Tartar Arian. It is characterized by the use of arch openings, columns, domes and towers. In addition to details such as rose windows and muqarnas, symbols of the vibration of electromagnetic energy, which acts on molecules and changes the behavior of cells.
Formerly these waves could act in healing, levitation and transport, besides provoking feelings like harmony and euphoria. This energy can now being used in another way.
The architecture of the Tartary undergoes slight modifications and influences according to the local characteristics of climate, culture and material resources but maintains the basic principles throughout the world.
The Fake History called the Tartary architecture as ”Moorish revival” or “Mauresque” and “Islamic”. And also “Colonial”, “Medieval”, “Neoclassical”, “Baroque”, “Romanesque”, “Gothic”, “Beaux Arts”, “Eclectic”, “Tudor”, “Renaissance”, “Palladian”, “Richardsonian Romanesque”, “Chicago School” or “Victorian”. And labeled them as fashionable styles, to hide the old and true function of its columns, arched openings, pinnacles, rose windows, naves ornamented with iron columns, towers, and domes.
In addition to having cut the ends of the pinnacles in the photographs or add crosses that did not exist before.
X War
After the defeat of the Tartary, all the ancient buildings "destroyed by wars" were miraculously "rebuilt" from the years "1870s" by nonexistent architects whose portraits are a pastiche.
Fantasies like "was destroyed by fire in 1895 and rebuilt in 1901" are written to hide the advanced and superior technology present in the constructions of Tartary long before the 9th century.
Some wars, bombings, or great fires of the past may be historical falsehoods, repeated in 3 different layers like 1776, 1812 and 1870s. In Dresden, for example, there would have been a battle in 1813, revolts that damaged the city in 1848 and 1863, and severe bombing in February 1945. According to Official History, 90% of the city center was destroyed. But this is not entirely true. The main buildings of the old citadel were spared.
There was a selective bombing that targeted residential dwellings as well as factories and military facilities. Dresden was a huge Star Fortress and capital of the Free State of Saxony, which did not obey to the “Pope” and to the new emperors.
The region had been entirely colonized by Slavs and housed over 600,000 war refugees whom the Invaders had an interest in exterminating. Dresden was an important economic center, with 127 factories and military facilities that could house 20,000 people.
The city's skyline continues exactly as it was in the 1800s and probably still draws energy from the ether. But the ancient inhabitants were gone to give place to the invaders.
This building in Dresden, for example, is a huge Tartarian power station, transformed into a mosque by Gray Men acting on behalf of Invading Parasites. Even so, it still retains the red and white colors of Tartary that designated the main function of these structures.
Tartary knew that his enemy was ruthless and terrible and for this they protected their cities throughout the world with immense Star Fortress and great walls. But it was defeated by energy weapons (DEW) and waves of 300 meters of glacial waters that swept the continents and submerged the fortresses.
The enemy was stronger and could have simply destroyed the entire Earth. But he only wanted to exterminate billions of humans to take ownership of his lands, technology, fortunes, and palaces.
The architecture of Tartary used the red color of bricks and clear stripes, to designate power stations and associated structures. Like the station of St Pancras in London, which belonged to the civilization of Tartary and by it was built.
In some regions they could also be striped in black, green or brown. And have a bronze griffin on the roof, the animal symbol of Tartary.
In Cairo, this power station was built in 876, according to Wikipedia. It is the largest and oldest in Egypt, in its original form.
All Tartary power stations, small and large, had pipe organs to harmonize and heal the population through sound waves, what is now known as "cymatics". For this reason, they immediately passed into the hands of the Invaders Parasites after the defeat of Tartary. And so the Presbyterian, Catholic, Anglican, synagogue, mosque temples and churches were born.
"Gods" of Olympus who invaded Earth and falsified History, transformed the powerful energy stations of Tartary into mausoleums, "tombs", monasteries, cloisters, abbeys, synagogues and churches of religions invented in the 20th century. And royal palaces in mosques. Or destroyed them.
The enemy also interrupted the astronomical clocks of Tartary because they used the geocentric model to represent the solar system. In the Tartarian astronomical clocks, the earth was at the center of the solar system. These clocks were complex calculating machines. They used terms like "computus" and to operate them sophisticated mathematical knowledge was required.The invaders invented the heliocentric model and the Copernicus character, among many others, to be able to recreate the history of humanity and erase traces of their recent crimes and destruction of the great civilization of Tartary.
Throughout the world, invading forces that defeated Tartaria appropriated their palaces and red power stations and turned it into universities, museums, theaters, banks, prefectures, chambers of commerce, stock exchange, churches, high school, courts, banks, post offices, libraries, opera theaters, biomedical research institutes, casinos and tourist attraction, as well as cathedrals, synagogues and churches.
And they continue to paint the structures that extract energy from the ether with the same colors as Tartary.
This was the main power station in the whole Europe, located in Budapest, Hungary.
And this is the main power station of Antwerp, Belgium. They were transformed into synagoges by the forces that destroyed Tartary.
And keep destroying.
XII Tartary was the whole world
Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania and the Americas were part of a single High Civilization and had the architecture focused on the extraction of electromagnetic energy.
Ottoman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Ross Empire or Great Tartary. Many names for the civilization present both in the throne room of the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow and in the Library of Congress in Washington.
Tartary was the whole world. And continues to be. And the technology of electromagnetic energy extraction is the same to 7000 years.
This is attested by the Gothic towers, Hindu and Chinese “pagodas” of the 11th century, the African clay “mosque”, the "Presbyterian Church" in Buffalo (NY), the pinnacle studded with metal staples of the 11th century complex of Zamora, the Kantojiu nine spires or the Lingxiao roofs design whose drawings are perfectly reproduced in the contemporary Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai.
However, this energy is not always as beneficial as the Tiergarten park in Berlin.
submitted by iharmonious to Retconned [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Jun 5th - Tue, Jun 11th)

Oklahoma City's event list.


Wednesday, Jun 5th

  • 🍴 Anthem Drown Night! (HiLo Club - Oklahoma City) Our local friends at Anthem Brewing Co. have some great beers! Every Wednesday night from 9pm to close enjoy $8 Drown Night! Their Power Pils will be flowing!
  • 🎓 Botanical Balance FREE Yoga (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:45pm Botanical Balance FREE YOGA presented by Fowler Toyota, sponsored by Tinker Federal Credit Union and Stephenson Cancer Center Tuesdays, 5:45 pm and Saturdays, 8 am Check in at the Visitor Center and find out location which changes depending on the season Instructors provided by This Land Yoga Bring a mat, water, and an “open mind”…
  • Chamber Ambassador Meeting (Del City Chamber of Commerce - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:30am
  • 🏆 CMSA Central U.S. Championship (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Jun 8th Start Time: 8:00am CMSA hosts their Central U.S. Championship at the Lazy E Arena!
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Dodgers vs. Sacramento River Cats (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 7:05pm Come experience America's favorite pastime in downtown Oklahoma City as the OKC Dodgers take on the Sacramento River…
  • 🍴 Dope Poetry Night (ICE Event Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm Every Wednesday night at the Ice Event Center Sports Bar and Grill located at the heart of Oklahoma City! Sign ups begin at 7pm and show begins at 7:30pmish. Free Admission! Free vendor set up! Bar Restaurant
  • 🎓 Oklahoma City Job Fair (Embassy Suites - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am *ATTN: Job Seekers! *100s of Jobs are up for grabs at the Oklahoma City Job Fair on June 5th! Meet one-on-one with recruiters & hiring managers who are now hiring for immediate openings - Featuring high-paying jobs in the Energy, Transportation, and Manufacturing industries. Get in before these positions fill up!
    **When you attend a…
  • 😂 Kristin Key (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Jun 8th
  • 🎨 Open Mic NIght (Film Row - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Open Mic Night in the Paramount Room hosted by Chris Morrison! Join us for drinks and to check out the amazing talent OKC has to offer!
  • 🎨 Prix de West Workshop: Painting Atmosphere and Reflected Light (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 9:00am Museum Classrooms Dan Mieduch has painted for more than 40 years. He will demonstrate his special technique for capturing a subject and creating a feeling of air and depth of field. He teaches principles of reflected light using pops of color, and reveals what he calls an “easy” way to infuse paintings with life and sparkle. Students are…
  • Redbud Spectacular Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jun 9th The Oklahoma Quarter Horse Association hosts the annual Redbud Spectacular at the Oklahoma State Fair Park. Come and cheer…
  • SINGO Wednesdays (Lower Bricktown - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm Beat the midweek hump with the new bar game that everyone is talking about! SINGO is a new and exciting musical spin on the traditional game of Bingo. Instead of listening for a number, players are listening to their favorite music. Enjoy 1/2 price domestic drafts & discounted appetizers! Plus we will be giving prizes each night to the winners.…
  • Story Time (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 10:30am Enjoy stories, songs, rhymes, crafts and more! Please RSVP. Text @guthriel to 81010 for friendly reminders. Guthrie Chamber of Commerce The City of...
  • Support Local Art Show at DNA Galleries (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jun 9th Start Time: 6:00pm SUPPORT LOCAL ART SHOW. More details to TBA
  • 🎡 VBS - Crossings OKC (Crossings Community Church - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 9:00am Get ready for Uncharted VBS 2019 from June 3-6 at Crossings OKC! Children 4 years through 6th grade will embark on an expedition to discover faith, hope, and love through Bible time, activities, snacks, and fun music! Be a part of this exciting adventure!
    “And this is his commandment: We must believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and…

Thursday, Jun 6th

  • Art Adventures (Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art - Norman) Start Time: 10:30am
  • 🎓 Between the Isms Opening Reception (Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm Join us for a lecture to celebrate the opening of Between the Isms. Museum Association members at the Supporter level and higher may reserve priority...
  • 🏆 CMSA Central U.S. Championship (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Jun 8th Start Time: 8:00am CMSA hosts their Central U.S. Championship at the Lazy E Arena!
  • 🎭 The Comedy Magic & Mentalism of Max Krause 13+ (Max's Magic Theatre - OKC - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:15pm 13+ Ages
  • The Comedy of Errors (Myriad Gardens Water Stage - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Jun 29th Pack your picnic basket, grab a seat in the amphitheater and get whisked away to a magical place when the Oklahoma…
  • Concerts in the Park (Yukon City Park, Freedom Trail Park & Chisholm Trail Park - Yukon) Thru Mon, Jul 1st Enjoy free concerts every Thursday during the summer months in Yukon. Concerts in the Park, held in Yukon's…
  • deadCENTER Film Festival (Noir Bistro & Bar - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jun 9th Hailed as one of the Top 20 Coolest Film Festivals in the World by MovieMaker Magazine, deadCENTER Film Festival is an…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Dodgers vs. Sacramento River Cats (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 7:05pm Come experience America's favorite pastime in downtown Oklahoma City as the OKC Dodgers take on the Sacramento River…
  • 🎨 HOLLY JONES RELEASE CONCERT (UCO Jazz Lab - Edmond) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • 😂 Kristin Key (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Jun 8th
  • 🎭 NUNSENSE! (The Sooner Theatre - Norman) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm By Dan Goggin At The Studio of The Sooner Theatre Event Center 110 E Main Norman, OK 73069
  • 🎨 Prix de West Workshop: Painting Atmosphere and Reflected Light (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 9:00am Museum Classrooms Dan Mieduch has painted for more than 40 years. He will demonstrate his special technique for capturing a subject and creating a feeling of air and depth of field. He teaches principles of reflected light using pops of color, and reveals what he calls an “easy” way to infuse paintings with life and sparkle. Students are…
  • Redbud Spectacular Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jun 9th The Oklahoma Quarter Horse Association hosts the annual Redbud Spectacular at the Oklahoma State Fair Park. Come and cheer…
  • Support Local Art Show at DNA Galleries (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jun 9th Start Time: 6:00pm SUPPORT LOCAL ART SHOW. More details to TBA
  • UCO Endeavor Games (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Thru Sun, Jun 9th The University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond is proud to present the annual UCO Endeavor Games for athletes with physical…
  • 🎡 VBS - Crossings OKC (Crossings Community Church - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 9:00am Get ready for Uncharted VBS 2019 from June 3-6 at Crossings OKC! Children 4 years through 6th grade will embark on an expedition to discover faith, hope, and love through Bible time, activities, snacks, and fun music! Be a part of this exciting adventure!
    “And this is his commandment: We must believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and…

Friday, Jun 7th

  • An Affair of the Heart (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jun 9th Head to Oklahoma City's State Fair Park for a unique marketplace with booths occupying multiple buildings…
  • Between the Isms Exhibition (Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art - Norman) Start Time: 10:00am Between the Isms: The Oklahoma Society of Impressionists and Selected Oklahoma Expressionists In 1987, the Oklahoma Society of Impressionists originated...
  • 🎨 Ceramics by Liz Exhibit Opening (Contemporary Art Gallery - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm You are invited to the exhibit opening for Ceramics by Liz at Little D Gallery on June 7, 2019 - 6:00pm to 9:00pm. The exhibition will remain open for the month of June: Fridays and Saturday 12:00pm - 5:00pm.
    Come celebrate with us for an exciting evening of food, drinks, and community at Paseo Arts District First Friday Art walk!
  • Class of 1989, 30th Reunion Northeast High School (CHK Boathouse (and other OKC locations) - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:30pm “CHEERS TO 30 YEARS!” Northeast High School Class of 1989 30th Reunion June 7 - 9, 2019 It's hard to believe it's been 30 years!
    All events are conveniently located in the downtown Oklahoma City area.
    Registration ends Wednesday, May 15, 2019. Ticket includes admission to Friday’s Meet & Greet w/wine tasting and hors d'oeuvres.…
  • 🏆 CMSA Central U.S. Championship (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) 1 day left Start Time: 8:00am CMSA hosts their Central U.S. Championship at the Lazy E Arena!
  • The Comedy of Errors (Myriad Gardens Water Stage - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Jun 29th Pack your picnic basket, grab a seat in the amphitheater and get whisked away to a magical place when the Oklahoma…
  • Concerts in the Park (Yukon City Park, Freedom Trail Park & Chisholm Trail Park - Yukon) Thru Mon, Jul 1st Enjoy free concerts every Thursday during the summer months in Yukon. Concerts in the Park, held in Yukon's…
  • Day Care/ Day Camp Summer Break Specials (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Visit the National Cowboy Museum for a fun, interactive experience with your children’s group. Select one of the following programs or choose a self-directed tour. Animals in Art engages children pre-K through second grade in tracking different animals in art and exploring their habitats with the help of verbal cues, animal tracks and fur.…
  • deadCENTER Film Festival (Noir Bistro & Bar - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jun 9th Hailed as one of the Top 20 Coolest Film Festivals in the World by MovieMaker Magazine, deadCENTER Film Festival is an…
  • DelQuest Committee Meeting (Don's Alley - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00am
  • Disaster! (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sun, Jun 23rd See a stage production full of action, show tunes and hilarity at the Pollard Theatre in Guthrie. Straight from…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Dodgers vs. Fresno Grizzlies (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Jun 10th Start Time: 7:05pm
  • 🎨 Family Fridays: Rhythm and Flicks (Charles J. Johnson Central Park - Midwest City) Start Time: 7:00pm Join us at Charles J. Johnson Central Park in Town Center Plaza this summer for Family Fridays: Rhythm and Flicks! This FREE family event will bring...
  • First Friday Gallery Walk (Paseo Arts District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm The First Friday Gallery Walk in the Paseo Arts District occurs on the first Friday of every month. Friday night visitors…
  • 🎓 Free Zumba (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 5:00pm Dress to sweat! Free Latin inspired dance fitness class. Space is Limited. RSVP. The City of Guthrie, OK - Municipal Government Guthrie Chamber of...
  • 😂 Kristin Key (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • Listen Local: John Fullbright (University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma - Chickasha) Start Time: 7:30pm The University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma Alumni Association will launch the 2019 season of the Listen Local at The Greek concert series on June 7 with Grammy-nominated Oklahoma troubadour John Fullbright. This free, outdoor concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Greek theatre on the USAO campus. Everyone is welcomed to pack a picnic, bring…
  • 🎡 Looking For Something? (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Success for this "True Americana" ensemble has been about embracing a supergroup ethos while shunning supergroup egos. At their best, the band represents not just what's right about the Austin TX music community but about live music as a whole. And they're only getting better.
  • 🎭 NUNSENSE! (The Sooner Theatre - Norman) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm By Dan Goggin At The Studio of The Sooner Theatre Event Center 110 E Main Norman, OK 73069
  • 🎨 Outdoor Movie Series - Spiderman Into the Spider-verse (Firehouse Arts Center - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm Miles Morales is a teen from Brooklyn, struggling with own issues as he adjusts to a new school. On top of that, he must carry the mantel of being...
  • Prix de West Art Show & Sale (National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Aug 5th The National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum will host its prestigious Prix de West Art Show & Sale, showcasing…
  • Redbud Spectacular Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jun 9th The Oklahoma Quarter Horse Association hosts the annual Redbud Spectacular at the Oklahoma State Fair Park. Come and cheer…
  • 🎭 Red Earth Festival (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jun 9th Start Time: 2:00pm Children 18 and under are free with a paid adult.
  • El Reno Small Town Weekend (El Reno) Thru Sun, Jun 9th Bring the family to a weekend of festivities during El Reno's Small Town Weekend celebration. Held rain or shine,…
  • SoonerCon (Reed Conference Center - Midwest City) Thru Sun, Jun 9th The annual SoonerCon is a celebration of speculative fiction art, literature, geek pop culture and fandom in Oklahoma. In…
  • 🎓 SoonerCon 28 (Embassy Suites - Norman) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 1:00pm SoonerCon is Oklahoma’s premier pop culture, fantasy, sci-fi, gaming, cosplay and anime convention.
    Join us for a weekend with special guests:
    • Nana Visitor of Star Trek
    • Bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson
    • Fantasy and sci-fi artist Julie Dillon
    • Anime voice actors Austin Tindle and Sarah Wiedenheft
    • Comic artist Matt Frank -…
  • South Austin Moonlighters (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Support Local Art Show at DNA Galleries (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jun 9th Start Time: 6:00pm SUPPORT LOCAL ART SHOW. More details to TBA
  • UCO Endeavor Games (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Thru Sun, Jun 9th The University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond is proud to present the annual UCO Endeavor Games for athletes with physical…
  • USA Softball All-American Games (USA Softball Hall of Fame Complex - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Jun 10th The USA Softball All-American Games is a prestigious tournament to be hosted at the USA Softball Hall of Fame Stadium in…

Saturday, Jun 8th

  • All-American Kid's Fishing Derby (Arcadia Lake - Edmond) Bring the kids out for a day of fishing fun at the annual Kids Fishing Derby at Arcadia Lake. Open to ages five through 15,…
  • An Affair of the Heart (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Head to Oklahoma City's State Fair Park for a unique marketplace with booths occupying multiple buildings…
  • Beats & Bites Festival (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Feast on delicious entrees and snacks from various food trucks at Riverwind Casino's Beats & Bites music and food…
  • Cactus & Succulent Show & Sale (Will Rogers Exhibition Center - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Make your way to the annual Cactus and Succulent Show and Sale next time you're in need of a low-maintenance way to…
  • 🏆 CMSA Central U.S. Championship (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Last Day Start Time: 8:00am CMSA hosts their Central U.S. Championship at the Lazy E Arena!
  • The Comedy of Errors (Myriad Gardens Water Stage - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Jun 29th Pack your picnic basket, grab a seat in the amphitheater and get whisked away to a magical place when the Oklahoma…
  • Concerts in the Park (Yukon City Park, Freedom Trail Park & Chisholm Trail Park - Yukon) Thru Mon, Jul 1st Enjoy free concerts every Thursday during the summer months in Yukon. Concerts in the Park, held in Yukon's…
  • deadCENTER Film Festival (Noir Bistro & Bar - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Hailed as one of the Top 20 Coolest Film Festivals in the World by MovieMaker Magazine, deadCENTER Film Festival is an…
  • Disaster! (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sun, Jun 23rd See a stage production full of action, show tunes and hilarity at the Pollard Theatre in Guthrie. Straight from…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Dodgers vs. Fresno Grizzlies (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Jun 10th Start Time: 7:05pm
  • Dutch Oven Cooking Class (Oklahoma History Center - Oklahoma City) Cooking gets historical during Oklahoma History Center's Dutch Oven Cooking Class. Join this interactive,…
  • Edmond Farmer's Market (Festival Marketplace - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00am
  • 🏃 Gateway 5K4Life (Yukon High School - Yukon) Have some family fun and be sure to tell your friends!
    Visit website for details.
  • International Dog Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Head to State Fair Park and cheer on your favorite breed when the International Dog Show comes to Oklahoma City this…
  • Juneteenth (Firelake Arena - Shawnee) Attend the annual Juneteenth celebration in Shawnee to observe the emancipation of African Americans from slavery.…
  • Juneteenth Celebration (Firelake Arena - Shawnee) Start Time: 10:00am A Juneteenth celebration.
  • 😂 Kristin Key (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • NCCO Corvettes (Grand Casino Hotel & Resort - Shawnee) The NCCO Corvettes at the Grand Show, held at the Grand Casino Hotel Resort in Shawnee, will feature a silent auction,…
  • Oklahoma Civil War Symposium (Davis Hall Little Theatre - Chickasha) History buffs won't want to miss the Oklahoma Civil War Symposium at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.…
  • Prix de West Art Show & Sale (National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Aug 5th The National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum will host its prestigious Prix de West Art Show & Sale, showcasing…
  • Redbud Spectacular Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) 1 day left The Oklahoma Quarter Horse Association hosts the annual Redbud Spectacular at the Oklahoma State Fair Park. Come and cheer…
  • 🎭 Red Earth Festival (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 2:00pm Children 18 and under are free with a paid adult.
  • Red Earth Parade (Downtown - Oklahoma City) A vibrant grand parade opens the 33rd annual Red Earth Festival in downtown Oklahoma…
  • 🎡 Rugged Maniac (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am 50% FESTIVAL + 50% MUD RUN = 100% AWESOME! Rugged Maniac is like recess for grown-ups, except our playground has a 3-story water slide, trampolines, and...
  • Rugged Maniac Obstacle Race (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) The Rugged Maniac returns to Oklahoma City at Remington Park this June with a mud run and festival that are like recess for…
  • El Reno Small Town Weekend (El Reno) 1 day left Bring the family to a weekend of festivities during El Reno's Small Town Weekend celebration. Held rain or shine,…
  • SoonerCon (Reed Conference Center - Midwest City) 1 day left The annual SoonerCon is a celebration of speculative fiction art, literature, geek pop culture and fandom in Oklahoma. In…
  • 🎓 SoonerCon 28 (Embassy Suites - Norman) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 1:00pm SoonerCon is Oklahoma’s premier pop culture, fantasy, sci-fi, gaming, cosplay and anime convention.
    Join us for a weekend with special guests:
    • Nana Visitor of Star Trek
    • Bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson
    • Fantasy and sci-fi artist Julie Dillon
    • Anime voice actors Austin Tindle and Sarah Wiedenheft
    • Comic artist Matt Frank -…
  • Southern Thunder Car Show (Walnut Square Shopping Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00am Admire vintage and modern cars at the Southern Thunder Car Show in south Oklahoma City with plenty of hot rides, hot rods,…
  • Support Local Art Show at DNA Galleries (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 6:00pm SUPPORT LOCAL ART SHOW. More details to TBA
  • Tinker Inter-Tribal Council Powwow (Joe B. Barnes Regional Park - Midwest City) Join thousands as they gather at Midwest City's Joe B. Barnes Regional Park to honor the veteran warriors from Oklahoma…
  • UCO Endeavor Games (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) 1 day left The University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond is proud to present the annual UCO Endeavor Games for athletes with physical…
  • USA Softball All-American Games (USA Softball Hall of Fame Complex - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Jun 10th The USA Softball All-American Games is a prestigious tournament to be hosted at the USA Softball Hall of Fame Stadium in…
  • 🎡 Where the Wildlife Are (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:00am Saturday, June 8, 11am-Noon Children’s Garden Festival Programming Tent Member $5; Nonmember $6 (includes admission to the Children’s Garden Fest) Best for ages 5 to 8 REGISTER HERE Come explore the wild world of nature just like Max in Where the Wild Things Are! We’ll start with a nature hunt, looking for signs of wildlife, and discuss…
  • Wines of the West (Stockyards City - Oklahoma City) Visit historic Stockyards City in Oklahoma City for the 10th annual Wines of the West Festival. Visitors will be able to…

Sunday, Jun 9th

  • An Affair of the Heart (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Last Day Head to Oklahoma City's State Fair Park for a unique marketplace with booths occupying multiple buildings…
  • Cactus & Succulent Show & Sale (Will Rogers Exhibition Center - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Make your way to the annual Cactus and Succulent Show and Sale next time you're in need of a low-maintenance way to…
  • The Comedy of Errors (Myriad Gardens Water Stage - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Jun 29th Pack your picnic basket, grab a seat in the amphitheater and get whisked away to a magical place when the Oklahoma…
  • Concerts in the Park (Yukon City Park, Freedom Trail Park & Chisholm Trail Park - Yukon) Thru Mon, Jul 1st Enjoy free concerts every Thursday during the summer months in Yukon. Concerts in the Park, held in Yukon's…
  • deadCENTER Film Festival (Noir Bistro & Bar - Oklahoma City) Last Day Hailed as one of the Top 20 Coolest Film Festivals in the World by MovieMaker Magazine, deadCENTER Film Festival is an…
  • Disaster! (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sun, Jun 23rd See a stage production full of action, show tunes and hilarity at the Pollard Theatre in Guthrie. Straight from…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Dodgers vs. Fresno Grizzlies (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 7:05pm
  • Equality Run (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Participate in the Equality Run in Oklahoma City this spring for a fun, positive community experience.…
  • International Dog Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Head to State Fair Park and cheer on your favorite breed when the International Dog Show comes to Oklahoma City this…
  • Prix de West Art Show & Sale (National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Aug 5th The National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum will host its prestigious Prix de West Art Show & Sale, showcasing…
  • Redbud Spectacular Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Last Day The Oklahoma Quarter Horse Association hosts the annual Redbud Spectacular at the Oklahoma State Fair Park. Come and cheer…
  • 🎭 Red Earth Festival (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 2:00pm Children 18 and under are free with a paid adult.
  • El Reno Small Town Weekend (El Reno) Last Day Bring the family to a weekend of festivities during El Reno's Small Town Weekend celebration. Held rain or shine,…
  • SoonerCon (Reed Conference Center - Midwest City) Last Day The annual SoonerCon is a celebration of speculative fiction art, literature, geek pop culture and fandom in Oklahoma. In…
  • Sunday Twilight Concert Series (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Bring a lawn chair, a picnic and the whole family to the Sunday Twilight Concert Series on the Myriad Botanical…
  • Support Local Art Show at DNA Galleries (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 6:00pm SUPPORT LOCAL ART SHOW. More details to TBA
  • UCO Endeavor Games (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Last Day The University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond is proud to present the annual UCO Endeavor Games for athletes with physical…
  • USA Softball All-American Games (USA Softball Hall of Fame Complex - Oklahoma City) 1 day left The USA Softball All-American Games is a prestigious tournament to be hosted at the USA Softball Hall of Fame Stadium in…

Monday, Jun 10th

  • The Comedy of Errors (Myriad Gardens Water Stage - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Jun 29th Pack your picnic basket, grab a seat in the amphitheater and get whisked away to a magical place when the Oklahoma…
  • Concerts in the Park (Yukon City Park, Freedom Trail Park & Chisholm Trail Park - Yukon) Thru Mon, Jul 1st Enjoy free concerts every Thursday during the summer months in Yukon. Concerts in the Park, held in Yukon's…
  • Disaster! (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sun, Jun 23rd See a stage production full of action, show tunes and hilarity at the Pollard Theatre in Guthrie. Straight from…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Dodgers vs. Fresno Grizzlies (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 7:05pm
  • Prix de West Art Show & Sale (National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Aug 5th The National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum will host its prestigious Prix de West Art Show & Sale, showcasing…
  • USA Softball All-American Games (USA Softball Hall of Fame Complex - Oklahoma City) Last Day The USA Softball All-American Games is a prestigious tournament to be hosted at the USA Softball Hall of Fame Stadium in…

Tuesday, Jun 11th

  • Chisholm Creek Rooftop Hop (Chisholm Creek - Oklahoma City) Take your Happy Hour to a new level on Tuesday evenings during the Chisholm Creek Rooftop Hop this May and June. Gather…
  • The Comedy of Errors (Myriad Gardens Water Stage - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Jun 29th Pack your picnic basket, grab a seat in the amphitheater and get whisked away to a magical place when the Oklahoma…
  • Concerts in the Park (Yukon City Park, Freedom Trail Park & Chisholm Trail Park - Yukon) Thru Mon, Jul 1st Enjoy free concerts every Thursday during the summer months in Yukon. Concerts in the Park, held in Yukon's…
  • A Day To Remember in Concert (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City) A Day To Remember's Raisin' Hell in the Heartland Tour is making a stop at Diamond Ballroom in Oklahoma City this…
  • Disaster! (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sun, Jun 23rd See a stage production full of action, show tunes and hilarity at the Pollard Theatre in Guthrie. Straight from…
  • Juice Wrld w/ Ski Mask the Slump God (The Criterion - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Prix de West Art Show & Sale (National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Aug 5th The National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum will host its prestigious Prix de West Art Show & Sale, showcasing…
  • Wheeler Criterium (Oklahoma City) Once the weather starts warming up, gather your crew and head south of the Oklahoma River for the Wheeler Criterium each and…

See Also

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