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Will China's PLAN survive contact with the enemy?

The best laid PLANs of mice and men often go awry.

Welcome back to another effortpost by me generally on the developing arms race in East Asia, this time covering the People's Liberation Army Navy, hereafter referred to as the "PLAN", and its massive growth... and... mostly, well, its massive growth. What that means is mostly covered in other posts about how other countries are responding to it. The why is a bit difficult because, well, China is not well known for open debate, or open anything, really, which will turn up repeatedly.

  1. What you [might] need to know about South Korea's ludicrous arms buildup
  2. We shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches.... uh, what do we do after that again?: The Perilous Defensive Position of Taiwan
  3. "You've hit another cargo ship? The Problems with the US Navy: Not all of them begin with "Seven" and end with "th Fleet"."
  4. Will China's PLAN survive contact with the enemy?
  5. Biden's New START and modern nuclear war
  6. First And Last Stand Of The Tin Can Navies [ASEAN + Australia and the smaller adversaries China may contend with]
  7. Boned: Problems in the US Air [and space!] Force
  8. --Unnamed-- effortpost on Japanese military matters, mostly about how weird the JSDF status is
  9. --Unnamed--effortpost on Indian military matters, and why they can't focus on China or buy anything that works
  10. --Unnamed--effortpost on the rest of the PLA, mostly the air force though
  11. --Unnamed--effortpost on the rest of the US Armed Forces, mostly talking about how the marines are changing and the Army's new love affair with INF-busting weapons
  12. Conclusion?

PLA = People's Liberation Army = the armed forces of the People's Republic of China, or China
PLAN = People's Liberation Army Navy = the naval forces of the PLA
PLANAF = People's Liberation Army Navy Air Force = the air force of the navy of the PLA
Ashm = Anti-ship missile, cruise missile unless specifically described as otherwise--there's only one anti-ship ballistic missile in existence and its efficacy and whether or not it functions is questionable
CIWS = close-in weapons system, like the Phalanx gun or Goalkeeper
VLS = vertical launch system for missiles
AEGIS = Aegis Combat System if described specifically in that context, a US naval warfare system, but we'll usually be talking about "Chinese AEGIS", which is a nomiker used by the Chinese media in particular comparing the Type 346 radar to the AN-SPY family, with which it shares numerous technical characteristics--but how comparable the "Chinese AEGIS" system is to what the US uses is a complete unknown.
SAM = Surface-to-air missile, in this case usually a S-300 derivative
First Island Chain = The islands, stretching from Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan, which keep China inside its littoral seas much as the GIUK [Greenland-Iceland-UK] gap has kept various continental powers out of the Atlantic.

Some PLAN equipment you might see described--the nomenclature is confusing and a relic of the cultural revolution, and as a result China now has more Types than the British.
Type 003 = China's new conventionally powered supercarriers, currently under construction
Type 002 = China's first truly "operational" carrier
Type 001 = China's first carrier, built on a Soviet hull purchased from Ukraine ostensibly to make a floating casino
Type 055 = Guided-missile cruiser, though generally called a destroyer it's probably more descriptively labeled a cruiser
Type 052D = Guided-missile destroyer using "Chinese AEGIS"
Type 052/051B/052B/052C = the gradual progression of evolving Chinese naval tech, largely built as practice/demo ships like the Type 001. Some of the earlier ones are steam-powered but by the Type 052C you have something almost as advanced as the Type 052D, albeit with turbine problems
Type 054A = the standard modern frigate of the PLAN
Type 053[anything] = old PLAN frigates
Type 096 = China's newest SSBN class, under construction
Type 094 = China's first functional SSBN class, very noisy
Type 092 = China's first "SSBN", believed to have never left port with an actual nuke on board
Type 095 = China's newest SSN class, under construction
Type 093 = China's current SSN class, noisy
Type 091 = China's first SSN class, dumb dumb dumb and is at a 1950s tech level
Type 039[A] = China's new SSK class
Kilo = China's older SSK class, imported from Russia
Sovremenny = China's first capable anti-air destroyers, imported from Russia

1. The Last Time A Rising Navy Challenged A Dominant Foe

The last time we've seen something like this was in the late 19th century. After the First World War shipbuilding was restricted by the landmark Washington Naval Treaty, one of the first great arms control treaties, and during the Cold War the Soviet Union never really had any hopes of surpassing American naval power. China, however, seems intent on replacing the US as the world's dominant naval power, or at least building a force that can stop the US Navy, even combined with the forces of Japan and other regional allies.

The nations in question, of course, in the last naval arms race, were the United Kingdom and a newly-unified Germany. Germany never reached the level of the UK, but seriously threatened it. Previously the UK had maintained a policy of having more ships than the next two largest fleets combined, but this was no longer possible, and the UK legitimately was fearful for its naval supremacy. It didn't last too long in the end--under a decade--and a resumption was foiled by first a world war and then the Washington Naval Treaty. The impact of the arms race, though, was massive. It set Germany and the UK at odds with each other, it resulted in a general buildup of warships pretty much everywhere [South America was, believe it or not, one of the biggest offenders there], established Germany for a time as the world's second naval power, having eclipsed both France and Russia and turning a small coastal defense navy into something that was able to defeat the Royal Navy itself, though never comprehensively enough to change the course of the first world war.

China dwells in a much different situation than Germany did at the turn of the last century, so we can only extend the analogy so far--substituting in Japan for the UK, India for Russia, and so on is possible but not, in my view, educational. However, we can see many of the same elements playing in here. China seems intent on replacing the US as a dominant power, or at least as regional hegemon--the ancient tributary system seems to lie fairly heavily on Chinese minds--and in order to do that, it must be able to have some degree of power projection and the capability to deny the US Navy access to areas within the first island chain. It remains to be seen, however, how successful that quest will be. Much as with the dreadnought battleships, I wouldn't be surprised if we never actually do find out if most of the shiny naval toys people have built actually work. But their mere existence shows the mutual hostility developing in the region and demonstrates the size of the Chinese threat.

Another lesson learned here is that China, like Germany, may not develop a naval force capable of defeating the US comprehensively, but only partially, and that one of the powers--in this case, China--might be pressured to strike first before the US Navy can close the gap. That ~2030 gap I talked about in my last post is, I think, an especially vulnerable point, because China may look at a degraded, but rejuvenating US Navy, then at their own capable forces, and decide to strike then in Taiwan and the South China Sea, only to back down when the US Navy again eclipses them. Whether or not that will happen, we will see--but I find it a very dangerous and perhaps likely possibility.

2. What the PLAN looked like 20 years ago

The PLAN has undergone an absolutely stunning evolution in the past two decades. In the Third Taiwan Strait Crisis the US could intimidate China with a pair of aircraft carrier strike groups and China could do pretty much nothing about it. Now the US is afraid of sending anything more than a destroyer through the strait.

Twenty years ago, the PLAN was a bit of a joke. Even Taiwan figured it could hold the seas against the PLAN. It consisted of a few tens of outdated coastal-defense frigates, some Soviet-era diesel-electric subs, and a large number of unsophisticated missile craft. The pride of the Chinese fleet were a handful of destroyers assembled using cobbled-together Western technology--copied French missiles, American gas turbines, the lot. According to American accounts at the time, the instructions for the equipment hadn't even been translated. The most advanced ship in the fleet used steampower. There were nuclear submarines, but of 1950s quality. Of particular note was the fact that the Chinese fleet had no area air defense capabilities--their premier surface-to-air-missile was an unlicensed knockoff of the French Crotale, and couldn't shoot anything outside of visual range, at high altitudes, or really doing anything more sophisticated than trying to kill their ships with low-altitude dumb bombing runs.

In the past twenty years, however, the PLAN has, much like the German Navy towards the end of the 19th century, gone from an afterthought to the world's second most powerful force. It began, as modern China's military capabilities almost all began, with the looting of the former Soviet Union for naval technology. While Soviet naval tech was generally lacking, it was much better than anything else China could get its hands on after the arms embargo placed on it in the 1990s by the US and Europe in response to Tienanmen and the end of the Cold War. China bought Soviet diesel submarines, Soviet air-defense destroyers, and Soviet aircraft carriers, which it promptly left lying around [and turned one of them into a theme park]. This was combined with copies of various pieces of Western, mostly European, technology for everything from sonars to surface-to-air missiles. China then began developing its first modern indigenous surface combatants, the Type 052C, but there were still problems. The engines were Ukrainian and had reliability trouble, the gun jammed, there was no VLS.

It is really in the last ten years that things have begun to move extremely quickly, and even only in the latter portion of the decade. In 2012 the Type 001 Liaoning entered service, and although it remains more of a training ship than an operational vessel, and is held back by a poor carrier aircraft, the mere fact that China "built" a carrier was a surprise to many. In 2014 the first Type 052D destroyer came online. It had learned the lessons from the Type 052C, and in just the last six years at least ten have entered service, with a class size of about 23 expected. This rapid expansion is what has frightened competing navies the most--in a little over a decade, the PLAN is constructing more destroyers than the British, French, and Australian navies have in service combined. It is also building the Type 055, which has generally been called a "destroyer" despite being more aptly described as a cruiser in line with the Ticonderoga-class. China has also built 30 modern frigates in the past decade, which has also swelled its numbers, along with numerous smaller corvettes, submarines, and so on.

This is why the PLAN has become such an object of concern. While it cannot challenge the US Navy yet, at least outside its littoral zones, the decline of the USN and rapid expansion of the PLAN means that it is a serious threat. And the speed at which it has developed has made many fearful. As recently as 2010, the idea of China operating an aircraft carrier or modern destroyers seemed distant, possibly preposterous. Now China speaks openly of having a six-carrier fleet in the 2030s, although, as with many of China's plans to operate full US-replicated tech and doctrine, these may have somewhat caved to realism. China is mighty, but it has already done the easy part--the last part is much harder, in economics and in military matters. Building the software, the institutional knowledge, the hardware to compete with the US Navy will prove difficult.

3. What the PLAN looks like now--submarines

Submarines are one of the PLAN's weak spots, particularly nuclear submarines. China is, however, making some fairly rapid advances in this area.

Their nuclear submarine program has been considered a bit of a joke for some time. In the late 1950s when all the cool kids great powers were getting nuclear submarines, China decided [or at least Mao did] that China needed nuclear submarines too. About 16 years later, the product of this effort finally emerged as the Type 091 submarine. Based on 1950s technology, with poor radiation shielding and basically nothing done in the name of noise reduction, and not even a teardrop hull, the Type 091 was probably more of a threat to the sailors who were on it than anyone else, except maybe the two Tench-class submarines that Taiwan operates, which use 1940s technology and are the world's longest-serving submarines, though they're mostly used for training nowadays. Even then, my money would be on the Tench despite the upgrades the PLAN has made to the Type 091. There's only so much you can do to put lipstick on a pig.

China also produced an SSBN, the Type 092, which was probably the only submarine more useless than the Type 091. About the only useful thing it did for the PLAN was that it served as a test platform for SLBM launches. Reports suggest that the Type 092 is the noisiest SSBN ever made, and is thought to have only ever undertaken a single patrol. It stayed at port for so long that it was thought to have sunk in an accident. And the experience turned the PLAN off from building SSBNs for over twenty years, until the Type 094 came online in 2007.

More recent submarines are growing in capability, though. The Type 094 is not the noisiest SSBN ever made, and may not even be the noisiest in current service--that honor going to the Delta III operated by the Russian Navy, which uses 1970s technology, and, which, according to the US Office of Naval Intelligence, is about as noisy as the Type 094. The Type 093 is also moderately capable--it actually functions and can fire anti-ship missiles. However, the Type 093 is still considered only comparable to the Soviet Victor III class, again using 1970s technology. Future submarines have not yet been seen, but expectations are that China will make another step forward to late 1980s or early 1990s tech levels, producing something on par with the Los Angeles or Akula for the first time.

China also operates a fairly capable fleet of coastal diesel-electric submarines. While some are quite old--the Type 035--most are pretty average for the global submarine force, a mix of Kilos and domestic AIP designs. The large number of boats in operation and their anti-ship missile capability means that these should be considered a real threat, at least in the littoral waters near to China, but they aren't decisive by any means, especially since China is facing off against such threats as Japan's Soryu class, probably the most advanced diesel-electric sub in existence.

In conclusion, the PLAN is still pretty weak on the submarine front--weaker here than on anything but its carrier force, but its capabilities are advancing rapidly and should not be underestimated.

4. What the PLAN looks like now--surface combatants

The surface fleet is definitely the most impressive and capable portion of the PLAN, no questions about it. China once had a fleet consisting mostly of coastal frigates and missile boats. As recently as 2000, its fleet had no real area-air-defense destroyers, and no SAMs that could operate outside visual range. Now, though, the PLAN operates tens of advanced guided-missile destroyers, advanced frigates, and still retains a large number of small, stealthy missile boats.

The major focus of Chinese warships appears to be on anti-air, with anti-surface being a somewhat secondary concern for all but the smallest vessels. This makes sense when you realize that the primary focus is, at least for the moment, on using land-based aircraft to strike against hostile fleet formations using long-range anti-ship missiles, in a very Soviet sort of way--"Backfire raids" using long-range land-based aircraft with anti-ship missiles were one of the US Navy's major concerns during the Cold War, and the very reason for the F-14's existence along with the AIM-54 Phoenix it carried. However, China has been developing anti-surface capabilities as well using ashms and land-attack cruise missiles [generally the same thing, actually]. Since China has finally developed a VLS system that allows it to use the same launcher for multiple missiles, its most recent ships have become more versatile in that role.

How effective these ships are at that task is, however, a relatively open question. Their radars at least seem to quite sophisticated, using flat-panel AESA, and have been dubbed "Chinese AEGIS" by the highly reliable Chinese domestic media. The basic platform their surface-to-air missiles are based on also seems to be fairly capable--the HQ-9 is an S-300 derivative, a respectable SAM system though, again, how capable it is against opponents in an active electronic warfare environment is questionable, and it has basically no capabilities against stealth aircraft like the F-35 as far as anyone knows. The efficacy of their CIWS, again, is open to question. Really this is true of everything about the modern PLAN, and PLA in general. The PLA is secretive, has not exported most of its hardware, and has developed largely independently of foreign militaries, though it is definitely influenced by them. Now that the PLAN has moved away from simply copying foreign hardware and patching it together, its capabilities are much harder to discern.

However, they should be taken as a very real threat, and not written off. My guess would be that their warships are about as capable as most of their non-American counterparts, save those equipped with AEGIS, but that's all my guess is---a guess.

5. What the PLAN looks like now--carriers

The PLAN currently has two carriers in service, and two more known to be under construction, and most suspect that it will build several more. However, at the moment, the PLAN's carrier force is largely a paper tiger, designed around training. The first carrier, the Type 001, basically was a "how do you build a carrier" kit bought from Russia, possibly by accident--the "fully functional" Minsk ended up as a theme park, believe it or not. The hull was purchased from Ukraine and then completed in China years later. It is also believed that the PLAN may have learned some things about aircraft carriers from the HMAS Melbourne, which was sold to a Chinese firm for scrapping--rumor has it the PLAN had no clue this had happened and then had a field day looking at all the stuff that hadn't been taken out. This was back in the old days when nobody could imagine that China would have an aircraft carrier. The Type 002, however, is built from scratch, but isn't particularly capable especially as it's a ski-jump carrier, leaving the Type 003 the first carrier which will prove actually useful.

The main thing holding China's carrier fleet back, though, is a lack of a suitable aircraft. Originally China was considering purchasing Su-33s from Russia, hardly a good carrier-based aircraft but functional, but after Russia discovered that China had been mucking about building a Su-27 derivative without asking the deal fell through [China tells a different story, saying that Russia demanded exorbitant amounts to reopen production which it was unwilling to pay for a nearly obsolete aircraft]. As a result China operates the J-15 as its naval fighter, with... less than stellar results. It's extremely heavy, and, if it takes off from the carrier, has minimal range if carrying anything at all--it can't take more than two short range air to air missiles into the sky to fight enemy aircraft. However, the J-15 isn't really intended for combat service--it's intended to teach China how to run carriers, and it seems to work well enough for that task, aside from the multiple fatal crashes. There is, however, thought to be a new carrier fighter in the pipeline--most say the J-31/FC-31, which has reduced RCS and a number of carrier-unique features, is being pitched as a carrier-based aircraft and will serve as China's carrier fighter in the future. China also lacks any fixed wing carrier-based airborne early warning, which could prove troublesome--a lack of AEW means that its view is limited by the horizon--and has no resupply aircraft like the C-2 Greyhound. As a result, for the moment at least, China lacks an effective carrier force, but it is likely to continue developing rapidly in the next decade and become a fairly substantial threat. Remember that as recently as 2010, a Chinese aircraft carrier seemed preposterous to many people, and now they have two.

6. Some attention to land-based aircraft

Land-based aircraft as a naval weapon are not generally used by the US, which has never had a reason to develop them as a doctrinal focus. Sure, you could potentially envision them as being used, and there even were situations where they were utilized, but it just wasn't generally a priority or how things were done. For China, though, taking influence from the Soviets, and lying on littoral seas with hostile powers in the First Island Chain, land-based aircraft and missiles are a key part of doctrine. Although this is often viewed as a new thing, called A2/AD [anti access/area denial], it's really the result of a long historical evolution of naval power, probably most refined by the Soviet Union. As a result, land-based naval aviation plays an important role, firing anti-ship missiles at standoff distances at enemy vessels, and shore-based launchers of anti-ship missiles are also an important weapon. The combination of these systems means that venturing within China's littoral seas is a dangerous proposition during war, and some waters, like those of the Taiwan Strait, are effectively considered closed at this point in the event of hostilities breaking out. For this reason air superiority is also important in this sort of naval warfare, as if either side gains air superiority it can pummel its opponents with air-launched anti-ship missiles. China's capabilities in this area are sophisticated and should not be underestimated, but they are unlikely to go through a rapid period of growth like the PLAN's fleet.

And a brief note dedicated entirely to the DF-21D "Carrier killer" that the PLA likes to show off. It's a pretty impressive capability, on paper, using a ballistic missile to hit a carrier. The CEP [circular error probable] means that it could even happen, presuming that an aircraft carrier was good enough to sit in one place, not moving, long enough to be detected by China. Aircraft carriers look big, but the seas are huge, and they're surprisingly hard to find. They also move quite fast, in excess of of 35mph/55kph, and thus by the time the ballistic missile has launched it might well be out of range given the fact that ballistic missiles are not particularly known for their maneuverability in terminal stages, at least not in the realm of miles. The DF-21D is not a particular threat to the modern aircraft carrier. It could potentially be one if it evolves into a hypersonic boost-glide vehicle, but that's a whole additional can of worms, that I might address a different day.

7. The PLAN's plans for the future--what will it look like in 2030?

Unfortunately the PLAN is not exactly the most open of navies, as I've repeatedly mentioned. There are no public debates over acquisitions programs, no big fleet shape plans, relatively little detail.

However, a few things are fairly sure bets or publicly announced.

China has repeatedly announced plans to build a six-carrier force, including the Type 001 and Type 002, but also a pair of Type 003 [already under construction] conventionally powered supercarriers and a pair of Type 004 nuclear powered supercarriers. However, it seems that the Type 004 is currently on hold. Why, exactly, is unclear, but it seems to be technical difficulties, which are not particularly surprising given that China's experience with nuclear maritime propulsion seem to be rather limited and have had poor results in their submarine fleet. The costs were also expected to be too high--China does not have an unlimited quantity of money, despite what it may flaunt, and nuclear carriers are expensive to develop especially given that China has not built a nuclear-powered surface ship before.

A new carrier-based fighter is almost certainly in the cards because the J-15 is pretty much useless. The FC-31 seems by far the most likely candidate but it could be another aircraft we haven't seen yet. The addition of this aircraft will greatly improve the PLAN's capabilities.

China also has two Type 075 amphibious assault ships/LHDs under construction, and I would expect this class to be much more prolific. These ships are much more affordable than the full carriers, and focus on areas in which China is particularly concerned--amphibious assaults, say, on islands in the South China Sea or on Taiwan, and anti-submarine warfare, which is of particular importance given that submarines cannot be easily halted with land-based anti-ship missiles and air-launched cruise missiles provided for in their area denial doctrine--submarines are one of the few things that can slip through that net.

The surface combatant fleet is likely to continue growing, but I am not sure if it will swell much beyond the ~23 Type 052D ships planned and the 8 Type 055s. We're likely to see the retirement of the classes preceding the Type 052C destroyer and the Type 054 frigate, and they may be offloaded to Bangladesh, Myanmar, or Pakistan--there is substantial precedent here, and it seems that China is interested in expanding the naval capabilities of its partners around India.

The submarine fleet is likely to see rapid expansion if the PLAN is satisfied with the Type 095 and Type 096 classes, and we're likely to see more diesel-electric subs built as well. Submarines are generally quite good at fighting submarines and conducting area-denial missions, and the large and capable subsurface forces of Japan, Korea, and the United States means that this has to be an area the PLAN invests more in--and the fact that several Southeast Asian nations are also looking at acquiring submarines makes the issue more pressing.

8. Conclusion

China has in the past decade gone from a third-rate navy to perhaps the greatest threat the US Navy has faced since the Second World War. This has significant geopolitical implications, and has resulted in neighbors scrambling to overhaul their naval forces. The growth of the PLAN means that the US can no longer easily defend Taiwan or the South China Sea, or any of China's littoral waters. This, more than anything else, is what has everyone scrambling in the US talking about "great-power competition" because denying access to the US Navy and working on power projection, an inherently naval thing, is essentially a clear sign that China is looking to directly compete with the United States. Underestimate the PLAN at your own peril.

I hope to have more detail and citations in future posts, but unfortunately the PLAN is very secretive [yes, I've said that fifty times already] and this is a pretty big topic to discuss without going into details about all sorts of naval tidbits. Thanks for reading the fourth post in what I hope will be a fairly substantial series, probably around ~12 posts.

9. Citations

James Holmes, "The Danger Zone In Naval Arms Races"
USNI, Report to Congress on Chinese Naval Modernization
Hans Kristensen, China's Noisy Nuclear Submarines
Eric Wertheim, China's Type 052D Destroyer is a potent adversary
Robert Farley, Let's Talk About The Chinese Navy's Type 055 Destroyer
Ryan Pickrell, Chinese fighter jet holding China back as it builds carrier fleet
Look, much more here is based on loose speculation, more unreliable sources, and stuff I've picked up over the years, because public info is limited. So take everything I say with a grain of salt, but understand that it's the best information I know of.
submitted by AmericanNewt8 to neoliberal [link] [comments]

Australia Goes Back to the 1980s With Its Economy Closed to World

Australia’s success in curbing Covid-19 infections is allowing it to slowly ease some restrictions even as it remains largely closed off from the rest of the world, taking its economy back to the pre-globalization era.
Mining and agriculture continue to support exports and a government-sponsored group is looking at ways to revive manufacturing. But the flow of foreign tourists, students and immigrants has been frozen, pinning hopes for a rebound on local consumption.
The closed borders and domestic reliance has the economy harking back to the 1980s, before the lifting of tariffs opened up trade and Paul Hogan offered to put another shrimp on the Barbie for international visitors.
Services Driven Nearly two-thirds of economic output from service industries
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Nominal gross value added, 2018-19
The capacity of services to quickly turnaround and the fact Aussies aren’t blowing savings on holidays abroad could help the nation fare better than many developed-world peers. Much will depend on the mood of households as unemployment rises, with a poor construction outlook adding to headwinds.
What Bloomberg’s Economists Say “Close to 1 million Australians per month traveled overseas in 2019. They will now be looking for a change of destination, heading to Noosa instead of Nusa Dua; Port Douglas, not Penang; and catching up with friends at bars in Melbourne Laneways, instead of Hong Kong’s mid levels. Containment measures change the economics of international travel.”
James McIntyre, economist
Household consumption, which makes up around 55% of the economy, has been boosted on the one hand by people stocking up on essentials during the lockdown, but hammered on the other as they couldn’t eat out or go to the movies. Shops and restaurants are gradually reopening but, for consumption to drive any rebound, households must put aside concerns over job security and debt to drive spending. That may be tough.
Wesfarmers Ltd. is seeing shift in consumer behavior across its retail portfolio. Home improvement and office products stores, Bunnings and Officeworks, have seen significant uplift in sales, while general merchandise stores, Target and Kmart, have seen sales slow.
Pessimistic households have consumption outlook seeming bleak Even before Covid-19, Australian households were among the most indebted in the developed world, with debt almost double disposable income. The threat of unemployment to people’s ability to meet their debts is now key, and the Reserve Bank of Australia has long acknowledged it as a major risk facing the economy.
The unemployment rate is currently 6.2%, with the central bank expecting it to peak at around 10%. Banks are offering repayment holidays to help tide homeowners over and have quadrupled provisions for an expected surge in bad debts.
Australia Passes Massive Stimulus Measures as Virus Spreads People wait in line outside a Centrelink office in the Bondi Junction suburb of Sydney, March 2020.Photographer: Brendon Thorne/Bloomberg The absence of skilled migration due to closed national borders will also hit pause on what had been steady stream of profitable mortgage lending for the banks. That could flow through to housing prices if sustained.
Commonwealth Bank of Australia said its base case is for an 11% fall in home prices, though in a prolonged downturn a cumulative 32% slump is possible. National Australia Bank Ltd. said in a severe downturn, prices could plummet 21% this year.
Uncertainty and job insecurity impacting property market Residential construction typically closely follows house price movements, and the sector was already scaling back activity following the previous flood of new stock still working its way into the market.
The RBA earlier this month said that indications from the initial stages of the development process suggests demand for new housing “has deteriorated significantly.” It expects dwelling investment to plunge 17% in the 12 months through June and remain a drag on growth until 2021.
Property investors have been hit by the six month moratorium on tenancy evictions during coronavirus. Without renewed interest from investors, it’s challenging to get a new apartment development, particularly of any size, into construction.
The same holds for business investment. Unless the project was already underway, or is related to creating a covid-safe environment, capital expenditure plans have been parked until demand returns.
Natural Endowment Things look brighter as you leave the cities. Internationally, Australia is known as a commodity powerhouse. While it accounts for just 10% of output, it is a key source of export income and prosperity in the country.
Iron ore shipments from Port Hedland, a key export hub, hit a record for April, while gold sales from Perth Mint -- the main refiner -- also surged. Fortescue Metals Group Ltd. lifted its projected annual iron ore shipments in a wager on China’s recovery. “We are selling everything we can possibly produce,” Chairman Andrew Forrest says.
Net exports important source of economic growth It’s less rosy for the liquefied natural gas producers. Just as the coronavirus sent the global economy into lockdown, Russia and Saudi Arabia began a standoff that sent oil prices tumbling below zero.
Top producers Woodside Petroleum Ltd. and Santos Ltd. have slashed spending plans and deferred flagship growth projects -- worth over $15 billion -- in line with drastic steps by energy majors worldwide to hunker down during the pandemic.
On The Sheep’s Back Virus Fears Grow In Sydney As Growing GDP Expected To Be Hit Rolls of toilet papers sit in an empty section of a supermarket in Sydney, March 2020..Photographer: Brendon Thorne/Bloomberg As supermarket shelves were stripped bare, a panicked nation was reminded of the sheer mass of food the country’s farmers produce. Domestic food production services more than 90% of fresh produce sold in supermarkets and still is able to more than match that amount in exports.
The industry could also become an unexpected source of employment. Backpackers and workers from Pacific Islands flock to rural areas to pick up work with seasonal tasks, but with borders shut and jobs being lost across the economy, farmers are likely turn to the local community for the extra labor.
Other producers have greater worries. Barley and meat exporters have been caught in China’s crosshairs in retaliation for Australia’s public call for an independent investigation of the coronavirus outbreak, while the wine industry is looking on nervously.
It’s been a tough year for wine, even before the virus. Clonakilla winery in New South Wales, north of Canberra, decided against producing a 2020 vintage after analysis showed unacceptably high levels of smoke taint from wildfires over the summer.
Exploring Our Own Backyard Australia's China Reliance Backfires as Virus Fallout Spreads Students sit on the grass at the University of Sydney, Feb. 2020.Photographer: Brent Lewin/Bloomberg The education industry was one of the first to feel the pinch from coronavirus restrictions. When the government imposed travel bans on flights from China in February, around 100,000 international students were unable to enter Australia to begin the academic year and left universities bracing for a costly fallout.
The University of Sydney, where students from China represented nearly one-quarter of the total student body, projected a A$470 million loss this year. Other institutions, including the University of Melbourne and Monash University, are bracing for similar hits. Even smaller regional institutions that don’t attract nearly the same level of international students have been affected.
With a lot of money at stake, there could be a relaxation of international border restrictions for students to study in Australia, before leisure travelers are allowed. But for businesses catering toward an offshore audience, demand is unlikely to snap back.
Qantas Airways Ltd. is currently operating just 1% of its network and has canceled overseas fights until at least the end of July. Its main competitor, Virgin Australia Holdings Ltd., collapsed into administration in April.
Virgin Australia Collapses After Pandemic Halts Air Travel Virgin Australia check-in kiosks inside a deserted Sydney Airport, April 2020. Photographer Brendon Thorne/Bloomberg Crown Resorts Ltd. and Star Entertainment Group Ltd., which both target big-spending visitors from Asia, were forced to close their casinos in Australia as the country locked down. Crown is just months away from completing a A$2.2 billion luxury gaming resort in Sydney.
The tourism industry was already reeling from the wave of cancellations following the December and January wildfires. The silver lining is that Australians will have no option but to spend holidays on home soil once inter-state travel is allowed again.
submitted by HugeCanoe to AusFinance [link] [comments]

Making sense of where a conspiracy in COVID could be hiding

Wall of text, doing as much for my own thinking as anything else
TL:DR- Did China send infected testing kits to Iran and Italy, and false negative kits since? Deliberate or just crooks? Has this caused unnecessary over reactions globally? why aren't cities or countries already going dark from COVID? The billionaires and non political leaders are strangely silent. The world has fired all its bullets. If this comes back there is no next time. Could something emerge from those ashes?

How did Wuhan get it, but Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou & Shenzhen etc did not. It is impossible. So the possible outcomes are either
  1. It is just not that contagious.
  2. Plenty of Chinese in those cities did get it and a few million might have died but overall it is not that bad
  3. Chinese got it and all were secretly inoculated
  4. They have yet to get it, and when they come outdoors it will eventually break out

The BIG question which makes little sense is this is how did Italy and Iran get it so bad, so fast, but nowhere else has had a similar explosion
It does not seem probably that Italy and Iran were that close in time to Wuhan, but the rest of Italy and the world were that far behind them, and it is yet to happen

Cruise ships have been a ground zero. In Australia we were in lock-down and in late March, after the lock-downs they let the Ruby Princess just unload passengers at Circular Quay,. It was known at least 7 people had the virus, and ships were a petri dish, and yet late one night someone opened the gangplank and over 2000 people just walked off into the night. At least a few hundred of them we now know have the virus. Anyone who knows Australia’s border security and quarantine, and immigration, knows this just doesn’t happen. How did they get at least 20 people to stand back and let those people disembark

Some international travelers who returned to Australia in early March, before the lock-downs, were found to be super spreaders- but the people they infect don’t seem to be super spreaders which makes little sense. In Australia we had multiple instances of people returning from USA, 1 went to a wedding in Hunter Valley upon arrival and infected 31 of the 51 people there. Another went to a 50th in Noosa and similar spreading, another landed from Aspen went to a party in Melbourne and similar infection rates. So how is this happening, and why are those hundred people similarly not infecting on a mass basis?
Now we aren’t testing much in Australia. Lack of kits and what’s the point- if you have normal cold symptoms just lock in at home and ride it out until you feel better. If a 70+ year old Prince Charles can recover in a few days why overwhelm health facilities over nothing and risk nothing more than spreading the infection on right. (So it is “just like a cold then, right?”)

It has now been long enough that those people should have similarly infected people on mass. Yet they haven’t. Unless you want to think a huge number of people in Australia already have it. But that can’t be- if so then this appears to be a con, and why are we bankrupting millions of people and risking our economies to prevent this? It doesn’t make sense.
So how did Italy spread like wildfire but pretty well just stop in the local area. Iran similar.
Now enough data is out that we can see most of those who died in Italy were the old, poor health, the air quality. male, smokers, multiple other conditions. We have perhaps 2% (confirm) who die with COVID where it can’t be attributed to multiple other underlying health conditions, and their cause of death is being put within the COVID death tally
So why is Rome not disintegrating and their death rate beyond control? Do we not think those people in the north did not travel to Rome and it spread there before anyone figured out what was going on up North and they started to distance/ quarantine? No way that didn’t happen
The data we are so far seeing is a blip. If UK lost 57,000 in its last bad flu season, let’s call that 4 months, that’s what, 3,000 people dying from it in a week during the season. 10,000, 50,000, 100,000…1million dead WITH this worldwide would not be unusual
And why have we not seen countries with huge density and poor sanitary conditions just explode? More people travel from Wuhan to Thailand than travel to Northern Italy
How did NYC act as an epicentre but LA, Disneyland, Chicago, San Fran- other high urban and ultra high-contact business districts. Why are they weeks behind NYC?
Why has a Nigeria not gone dark? They have 1 slum with 10 million people living in mud, occupying an area 10x10km. Or Sao Paolo? Or India. (They’re going to die from food riots before COVID) And Indonesia- 1 mosque has 150,000 people in it these places are ground zero for mass fast transmission. Or Manilla. Or Bangkok. Infection through ordinary passenger and people movement in these cities must have seen those cities infect up light years ahead of Northern Italy did.

When this first appeared in Italy and Iran as a new virus that hospitals needed to test for, testing kits WERE sent from China them and these kits WERE infected. It appears that this is what massively accelerated the spike in those 2 locations, and why Bangkok, Manilla, NYC, Rome etc have been a slot burn of person to person low level and accumulation infection.
We will probably find that the Shenzhen company that sent those kits also sent them to parts of France, UK and Spain explaining their high initial deaths
Whether this was deliberate remains to be seen. I am a hard core conspiracy lover from way back, but I can see that this could have simply been more dirty crooked Chinese businesses and this one just really fucked us all good.

There is so limited footage anywhere in the world showing hospitals and medical centres that appear to have any sense of emergency. Perhaps everyone is out the back and all other things aren’t happening. No kids are in the park falling off a skateboard, no one driving having an accident therefore COVID is the only stuff happening in hospitals and it is “out the back”. That’s entirely plausible
No testing happening- too much footage of empty testing facilities around the world. This is very odd. You'll see a lot of this soon
Only 1 footage of body bags in a NYC hospital – eerie but not proof of anything

But there is a MASSIVE VACUUM of factual information- how is it that we see footage of and hear of people walking and just dropping dead. What is COVID doing that causes that if that is really happening?
It is suggested that if you get coughed on, or a small exposure, it’s not much- that’s a cold you just caught and just got 10 units of “it”. If so this could explains why for most people it really is a non issue, a mild cold. That could explain how someone like Peter Dutton or Boris Johnson got it but his wife and kids who live shoulder to shoulder in a house and car etc did not catch it
Some suggest there are super spreaders, they are carrying say a “10,000 load”. According to some they may only be capable of passing on a 100 infection load say, And that person might give off a 10 load and so on
What the emerging data does show is that Nurses and Doctors may be the ones in real trouble. They are being repeatedly exposed to asymptomatics with say 10 units, and over and over and they are building up to a 500 or 5000 themselves. This appears to be a slow burn for them and one to really watch for. (When enough of them decide they aren’t going to work we’re in a world of trouble)

Well yes they can be that dumb. Often leaders are just narcissists who ran the system such that they end up in a position of power and we defer leadership to them not on their ability but they occupy a chair. Their decisions are usually based on what is hoped to be good advice from people who lack information and just see what counterparts elsewhere are doing. It’s often a giant circle jerk and they are relying on little, poor, weak and false information.
Watching WHO backflip since January should be enough for you to know that they are bought and owned and incompetent in this. Their information have been shown to be false repeatedly. You watch, they’ll tell us we need to wear masks now.

People on this sub know that it isn’t the dogs that bark that are the problem. It’s the dogs that don’t bark. Consider this, think of alllll the non-political leaders around the world. Those who are the captains of industry, the super leaders and super wealthy, Warren Buffet, Richard Branson, each country has them. “Philanthropists” and futurists. Well apparently this is an existential crisis. Billions are afraid for their health and livelihoods, their ability to earn money and provide for their families. It has now gone on long enough that our lives and world will change massively. In the meantime, fear, anxiety, depression, domestic violence, alcoholism, child abuse will explode. Where are they? Where are the great futurists? Where is Elon Musk? Where is Jeff Bezos? Where is Bill Gates? Don't say they are running their empire and its in crisis- they have multiple CEOs do that for them
Ask yourself where are the billionaires and people standing up in your nation saying we need to come together and build community and local digital and physical support networks? I don’t know why but we are being deliberately isolated from each other, physically and psychologically. All of the global elite have gone to ground. Those dogs are too silent

My observation is that they either know something and are deliberately staying out of this, or they are truly corrupt and believe this will blow over and keeping their cash dry to buy investments for cents in the dollar
Whatever is happening they appear to know *something*. These people are such psychopaths, narcissists and ego trippers that they just can’t resist in moments like this
There’s a reason they have gone to ground. Maybe they are just ugly without stylists and botox. Maybe it is lack or that adrenochrome, maybe they’re all in NZ. I have no idea. But I smell a ~~rat~~ **bat**

There’s 500 of them and let’s say they stay on average 4 years in the job, that’s 10 a month ordinarily resigning. Keep moving
But it is undeniable that those US politicians on the inside of this saw something a few months ago and sold stocks and bought others. (In principle they should be on the end of a rope for this)

Would any of the following have affected the timing of this?
Happened Right after Hong Kong elections, Right after Taiwan Elections, Right after Chinese New Year, Right after Northern Hemisphere comes out of its flu season period, right after Davos?

You watch, in the next few weeks there will be an explosion of anti-china sentiment. Buy Australian, America First, British Businesses First. The problem is we have sucked so hard on the China nipple that we will starve if Mother Xi takes it out. You want to see half the universities in UK, Australia and Canada close down- just watch. All they have to do is say fine, we won’t buy your wool, or your coal, or iron ore. In Australia’s case it would FINISH us. Overnight. Never mind our dollar should fall to USD$0.40 after the printing we’ve announced it will fall to US$0.20.
Too many instances of Chines people around the world doing weird things to spread an infection- if they had it, licking things – admittedly probably just mentally ill people but it feeds into the anti china hate
People will turn on China and governments will need a scapegoat for the taxes that will come to pay for this. IF China did this deliberately to destabilise and kill or conquer the West or if they are just innocent victims of crooked businessmen and their pride prevented them from admitting that we’ll see I guess

It all Depends on whether it was a State Sponsored plan to destroy economies and destabilise them for whatever objective, or if it was just more crooked Chinese businesses who’s factories sent infected testing kits, and false negative testing kits, and falsely labelled fake-masks (Google fake baby formula, fake eggs, fake condoms, etc). This is entirely plausible as would be a cover up in China of that - the face thing Chinese need to grow up and get over.

I have no idea. Here is what I think I know
This is deliberate and we are all fucked.
Perhaps. But we have now seen that these NSA, FBI, CIA KGB, Mossad etc intelligence agencies were a myth all along. That anyone with half a functining brain left them and went into private business and the only people left there are zealots, dinosaurs and losers. We know this because they have information but showed no intelligence - none of them saw this or protected against it. No country secretly stockpiled PPEs and Ventilators. Instead it looks like they bought faulty shit from China that fucked them well and good, with economies on the edge of an abyss if a jolt to the system happened during this crisis

If there was a god, a magician, a healer, an ET, a UFO, a time traveler, a reptilian overlord, a simulation programmer from the 25th century well, now is their window to reveal themselves.
Don’t hold your breath, if they are holding back because they somehow know this goes pear shaped then if it is pear shaped no one will be on line to witness their majesty. Their window is closing daily

Our economies have been so wrecked that the politicians now need this to be bad to make it justifiable
Their best hope is many thousands dead and they can claim the line was not breached they flattened the wave and we can thank and re-elect them, it was all necessary. The cure was worth the price
As soon as they take the foot off the brake and we come out of our little ice igloos and someone gets an infection they have to shut the economy and travel and movement down again.
Governments and police forces NEVER hand back power given to them…EVER. And we have conditioned ourselves to them
The cure WILL be worse than the cold, so to say

>75% of us need to become infected and immune from this before we can resume any sort of global normal. Borders cannot open for mass travel until then.
Expect rolling infections. They will move medical personnel and supplies zone by zone and turn it from Red to Green. Then you can have your microchip that proves you are not infected. Or a bracelet if you prefer
I am not particularly a deep ended NWO ZOG 666 believer, but I cannot see how this will not be an eventuality. They simply will not allow global travel if they open the doors and this breaks out again. We will have already seen airlines and travel industry go out of business. It can’t happen again. No green check mark, no travel. (And this explains the silence and absence of Bill Gates by the way)

There cannot be a nation that does_not_go dark because of this. There HAS to be a country that smashes the line, Shit even if it were a TB or whooping cough outbreak, something, somewhere, very soon. If it doesn’t then we have been had. And if we have been had then there was a reason. And we are all inside. Isolated. Relying on the govt to eat, and when we are allowed to leave our homes to buy food. With dogs that aren’t barking. It was a set up. For some reason. In 2020 just like they said


Whoever offers the best solution in or from this- he’s probably the master villain in all this




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The South Coast Metro Shopping

For a night on the town, the Segerstrom Center for the Arts, a world-famend performing arts complicated adjoining to South Coast Plaza, options stage and concert halls in addition to repertory and cabaret theaters. The concierge at South Coast Plaza may even handle securing your tickets here and to different space attractions.
On October 15, 2018, it was introduced that Sears would be closing as a part of a plan to shut 142 stores nationwide. The Sears anchor was closed permanently on January 1, 2019, making it the last unique anchor retailer to close within the mall.
Located solely steps away from Michigan Avenue, the Oak Street District continues to draw in millions of visitors every year with walkways that act as pink carpets to posh storefronts and impressed interiors. It is the gem of Chicago’s Gold Coast, one of the prestigious areas in the Midwest and the second wealthiest neighborhood in the nation.
When I was prepared for a break from shopping, I retreated to South Coast Plaza’s VIP Access Suite, a quiet, personal oasis to sit down, chill out and regroup. The concierge checked my packages and offered me with an array of refreshments. This cozy lounge also presents a non-public dressing room, where consumers can meet with a private stylist. Walking into South Coast Plaza feels different from getting into any other buying vacation spot I even have visited. The use of pure mild and a calming indoor water characteristic gave me the impression that I may simply spend greater than a day exploring here.

South Coast Metro Shopping

Walk the bridge of a WW II warship, marvel at the forty four-ft motor lifeboat plowing by way of a wave in a rescue mission. Board the Lightship Columbia, a National Historic Landmark that after guided ships to safety on the mouth of the Columbia River. If recent produce, live music, and local artwork blended with a street market environment is your concept of a weekend properly spent, then the Astoria Sunday Market is a spot you possibly can’t afford to overlook. The second largest market of its sort in Oregon, celebrating its nineteenth season and spanning four city blocks, the Astoria Sunday Market is located within the heart of downtown Astoria.

San Diego: Culture, Shopping and Attractions

Be the primary to find out about unique offers and occasions at Oregon Coast Shopping Center. Our local enterprise directory acts as a tour guide to Chicago’s premiere locations. Peek into the buying, delicacies and best motels in Chicago and browse our part on occasions to plan your schedule out completely. Whether it’s one of the best spas, hotels, accommodations, eating places or a purchasing district in Chicago, Oak Street Chicago lets you discover what you’re on the lookout for.
The LAB Anti-Mall, a longtime OC arts hangout and bohemian buying oasis, honors the pattern-loving shopper within a relaxed open air environment. Urban Outfitters, Buffalo Exchange, Eye Society, Blends, Carve, Crème Tangerine, and Crew Salon are one-of-a-sort retailers circling the LAB Living Room. From your early morning espresso repair at Cafecito Orgánico, café type ambiance at Gypsy Den and delicious vegan bites at Seabirds Kitchen, to dinner at award profitable Cuban restaurant Habana or Calipoke, The LAB eateries will fulfill any palate! While you’re right here, loosen up and spend some high quality time at the famend rust barrel fountain and fire pit, and peruse the classic trailer pop-up retailers sprinkled concerning the whimsical pathways. J. Segerstrom & Sons, based the Festival of Children Foundation in 2002.
The Vons grocery retailer signal instantly catches the eye, but Metro Town Square certainly doesn’t finish there. Convenience is key—one can pick up groceries, use the health club at LA Fitness, or utilize health and financial providers and extra all in one cease.
These Main Street areas regularly host free events for an added layer of fun. A shopping center featuring The Krave Kobe Burger Grill, Menchie's Frozen Yogurt, Mustard Cafe, Newport Fusion Sushi, Pavilions, Starbucks Coffee, Zov's Bistro and more. The SoBECA District, an acronym for South on Bristol, Entertainment, Culture, Arts celebrates fashion, dining, arts and the outside as the heartbeat of Costa Mesa, City of the Arts. The LAB Anti-Mall and the CAMP eco-campus, throughout the street from each other on Bristol, form the cornerstone of this eclectic neighborhood of unique boutiques, one-of-a-type restaurants, artwork galleries, cafés and wellness providers.

Cocoa Beach Surf Company

Showcasing 200 distributors each week with arts and crafts from the unique coastal region in addition to a rotating forged of eclectic musicians, the market is a neighborhood hub properly worth the visit for any traveler. The vibrant food courtroom and quirky vendors border a nearby waterfront stroll that's easily accessible, and the refurbished trolley system offers access to all the remainder Astoria has to offer. Outlets From designer manufacturers to Pacific Northwest adventure gear, Lincoln City Outlets has everything on your subsequent quest on the Oregon Coast. The Space Coast boasts three Historic Downtown Areas positioned in Titusville, Cocoa Village, and Melbourne. All of those districts are nice locations for eating, looking for gifts and antiques, catching a play, or simply taking an afternoon stroll.
The Avenue Viera is an open-air pedestrian friendly purchasing destination that includes premier national retailers, select local retailers and specialty eating places. For visitors in touch with their inside artists, there are artwork galleries within the downtown areas and in Eau Gallie Arts District. Looming large with purchasing on the Space Coast is Ron Jon Surf Shop, the world's largest surf store that visitors need to see to believe.

Curbside Pick-Up and No-Contact Delivery Services at Oak Street District

Park in one of our shade-coded pickup zones and call your boutique or restaurant. Check our web site day by day for probably the most present record of boutiques and eating places. Other shopping choices in North Bend embody the Pony Village Mall, The Myrtlewood Factory, and Ko-Kwel Gifts at The Mill Casino. North Bend’s quaint downtown provides shoppers a blend of gift, vintage and outfitters to select from, including, Painted Zebra, Petal to the Metal, Books by the Bay, Josies Art Lab, Fat Cat Antiques, Mossy Rose, and lots of others. Beach Books is a regionally owned book store that includes best sellers and titles by regional authors.
The basis hosts the annual Festival of Children at South Coast Plaza each September. In March 2006, the Robinsons-May retailer, historically the first retailer at South Coast Plaza because the May Company, was closed as part of its merger with Macy's and re-opened as Bloomingdale's in May 2007. Upscale Italian, progressive American, authentic Chinese and Japanese, classic steakhouse are among dining choices that indulge the senses and revive the diner, permitting more time for exploring. In the center of downtown Chicago, the Oak Street District is the town’s destination for luxurious purchasing. A neighborhood of historical buildings housing the world’s most sought-after brand names and designers, it's a mélange of each charm and culture.

Top Spots for Independent Shopping on the Coast

You’ll discover the posh way of life boutiques Chicago’s downtown district shines for and discover Chicago’s best points of interest the casual vacationer overlooks. We’ll help navigate downtown Chicago, so you'll be able to stroll confidently into one of the best restaurants, motels, hostels, accommodations and clothing boutiques the town has to supply. Browse Oak Street Chicago’s native enterprise directory for a thorough catalogue of boutique purchasing, and eating places and also you’ll know exactly what to select on your destination adventure. Simply name them to order spring fashion or meals and you’ll receive a choose up time.
Six galleries, the Great Hall, and the Lightship Columbia interpret the area's rich maritime historical past. Visitors of all ages expertise what it's prefer to pilot a tugboat, take part in a Coast Guard rescue, and stay in Astoria in the course of the height of salmon fishing. Explore marine transportation from the times of dugout canoes, via the age of sail, to the current.

Boomster Blog: Local Coffee Spots on Florida's Space Coast

Since 2007, South Coast Plaza has held "Fashion Plates", an annual 10-day Restaurant Week-like promotion of its high-finish eating places at discounted rates. After a full day of buying, prepare to be wowed by the region’s wonderful sights, such as the beaches lining the pristine coastline of Orange County. A go to to Disneyland, for example, is an expertise the entire family can enjoy.
Other surf shops dot the coast together with Cocoa Beach Surf Company in Cocoa Beach and Longboard House on Melbourne Beaches. With so few reviews, your opinion of Newport Coast Shopping Center could possibly be big. Yelp customers haven’t asked any questions yet about Newport Coast Shopping Center. embodies all the comfort of a neighborhood shopping middle, boasting a wide range of retailers and companies that assist each the native business and residential neighborhood.
Everywhere I seemed, there was one thing that caught my eye – clothing, accessories, shoes and extra – especially since I received a 10 % off Visitor Savings Pass only for being an international customer. In the cosmetics division, I obtained fantastic personal service and a makeover. Macy’s at South Coast Plaza really has a lot to be desired, including a separate store only for males. Merritt Square Mall on Merritt Island and the Melbourne Square Mall in Melbourne provide traditional shopping mall venues.
submitted by dariasss to u/dariasss [link] [comments]

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worldnews Government loses Brexit vote appeal - BBC News BBC
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AskReddit You are running for President of the United States. What information from your past would your opponent be able to use against you? United
videos Roman Reigns vs. Chris Jericho - United States Championship Match: Raw, Jan. 23, 2017 United
news Rigopiano Hotel avalanche: Five bodies found, 15 still missing - BBC News BBC
funny My interaction with fuckin' Vodafone if only they could read them. I fucking hate you. Vodafone
worldnews Roman Polanski pulls out of Cesars jury after outrage - BBC News BBC
todayilearned TIL Duplo is Portuguese for Double and that Lego Duplo literally means "Lego Double" because the pieces are double the size. Lego
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mildlyinteresting The middle of this Fiat 500 emblem looks like a lemon. Fiat
explainlikeimfive ELI5 what the BBC new charter means for the future of TV BBC
AskReddit The United Nations come to your house and say, "you alone have the skills to save Earth." What is the threat you are saving us from? United
WritingPrompts WP Automation has started to become widespread, you are a member of the United Trucking Federation, a fringe group made up of ex-truckers. United
worldnews The United States asked David Cameron's government to keep details of the alleged failed Trident missile test launch secret, according to reports. United
worldnews Republicans seek to withdraw United States from United Nations United
AskReddit What are some entertaining Youtube channels you discovered recently? Youtube
mildlyinteresting This Walmart has horse & buggy sheds for the Amish and Groffdale/Stauffer Mennonites. Walmart
worldnews Briton Fatally Shot in Porsche in Thai Resort Town Porsche
AskReddit Why exactly did Verizon wireless hype man Paul Marcarelli leave for Sprint? Verizon
todayilearned TIL hotelier Conrad Hilton named his sons Conrad Jr, William Barron, and Eric. Much like Trump's sons Don Jr, Eric, and Barron whose middle name is William. Hilton
EarthPorn Sunset in Oslo, Norway! No filter used, so beautyfull colors! Took it with my Huawei P9 3968x2976 Huawei
food homemade Caramel Cheesecake with Apple Roses Apple
OldSchoolCool My Dad's Ford Capri 1976-7 UK Ford
space Five finalists will try to land a spacecraft on the Moon this year to win the Google Lunar X Prize Google
news Five finalists will try to land a spacecraft on the Moon this year to win the Google Lunar X Prize Google
worldnews Tomorrow is Bell Let's Talk day. We've done some pretty amazing things as a community, let's make this another one. It's a great awareness initiative and raises money. Join the conversation folks! Raise some money, reach out to a family member or friend, or both! Bell
AskReddit How would you start a flame war on your Facebook page? Facebook
worldnews Brexit: Microsoft is latest major company to threaten to pull business from the UK Microsoft
videos Mr. Rogers introduces the show's Jazz musicians, and recreate the opening theme song live on tv Nostalgic Rogers
Futurology Five finalists will try to land a spacecraft on the Moon this year to win the Google Lunar X Prize Google
AskReddit What Pirate Bay Google extensions work best to get around the bans? Google
worldnews The Brexit Supreme Court case ruling explained - BBC News BBC
todayilearned TIL in 1957. in order for Sony to market its TR-63 transistor radio as "pocketable", salesmen wore shirts with specialized, enlarged pockets in order to accommodate the large device. Sony
personalfinance Recently few months ago got a 2015 car here in Texas and put full coverage on it. Hailstorm came through last week and I have minor damage, will Geico increase my rates? Geico
Showerthoughts Searching for "turtle neck" and "tortoise neck" on Google Image Search yields wildly different results. Google
explainlikeimfive ELI5: Bayer Process Bayer
AskReddit If all historical figures had Twitter and used it like Trump, what would be some notable tweets? Twitter
mildlyinteresting This armored cash car is also an Uber car Uber
gaming Does anyone else hate renewing their PlayStation plus / Xbox live gold subscribtion? I feel like it's stupid but I have to do it every year so I can keep playing online like paying 400$ for a console and $60+ for each game not enough money for Sony and Microsoft. You PC gamers have it free. Sony
gaming Does anyone else hate renewing their PlayStation plus / Xbox live gold subscribtion? I feel like it's stupid but I have to do it every year so I can keep playing online like paying 400$ for a console and $60+ for each game not enough money for Sony and Microsoft. You PC gamers have it free. Xbox
news Massachusetts mattress conceals $20m in cash - BBC News BBC
Jokes Have you ever taken a road trip to the Seagate factory? Seagate
worldnews As Fords continue to catch fire in South Africa, vehicles are recalled but no refund offered. Ford claims purchase agreement voids Consumer Protection Act, also claims a burning death was unrelated to this issue. Ford
AskReddit People who dislike good Youtube videos, why? Youtube
pics "Yes I will lock up my bike at the local Safeway, yes it will be safe there." Taken at a Safeway in Capitol Hill, Seattle Safeway
food Homemade Nor'easter pot au feu: braised short ribs, bone marrow, vegetables, and mustard-herb sauce au
worldnews Swedish Woman Raped Live on Facebook by men of “Middle Eastern Appearance” Facebook
news Arnold Schwarzenegger Buys Custom Electric Mercedes-Benz G-Class That Goes 0-60 in 5.6 Seconds Mercedes-Benz
news Israel approves plans for 2,500 new settlement homes in West Bank - BBC News BBC
worldnews Israel approves plans for 2,500 new settlement homes in West Bank - BBC News BBC
Showerthoughts I think of Dyson as the Apple of vacuums Apple
todayilearned TIL that prior to the 1990 Immigration Act, the United States could deny people entry to the country based on their sexual preferences United
AskReddit Serious I get calls from +144xxx-xxx-xxxx and it's from the United States. Again the number starts with +144 plus ten digits. can you guys tell what are those numbers? United
television Despite its problems, DirecTV Now topped 200K subscribers DirecTV
todayilearned TIL that the first version of Solitaire was released by Microsoft in 1990 in Windows 3.0 to teach people how to use a mouse. Minesweeper was supposed to show users how to click. Microsoft
worldnews Egypt's el-Sissi says he is alarmed by high divorce rates - CBS News 8 - San Diego, CA News Station - KFMB Channel 8 CBS
nottheonion Fight over goat video on Facebook leads to stabbing in Weymouth Facebook
gaming 1 Anyone have any secret tips on how to connect my Xbox One Bluetooth controller to my Gaming Laptop with Windows 10? Xbox
personalfinance Want to make extra money on the side. Uber driver or pizza delivery? Uber
todayilearned TIL: Fiat Motor company produced 2 tanks in WWI that never saw combat. Fiat
AskReddit Serious What is the most likely scenario in the next four years that could result in a coup and/or coup attempt in the United States of America? United
WritingPrompts WP Your home state has now entered a highly competitive tournament. The winner of this unique tournament will be declared a country separate of the United States. How does your country succeed and secede? United
videos Roman Reigns vs. Chris Jericho - United States Championship Match: Raw, Jan. 23, 2017 United
todayilearned TIL that, on 21 July 1918, a German submarine attacked Orleans, Massachusetts, hitting a tugboat and four barges, as well as striking the beach with shells. This was the only time that the continental United States was shelled during World War I. United
videos Help us bring a code of ethics for the Facebook News Feed, that emphasizes fair & balanced reporting Facebook
news Caught on Video: UTA FrontRunner train crashes into FedEx truck FedEx
gaming Life is strange can't make up it's mind, Xbox or PSN? Xbox
videos Commuter train crashes into FedEx truck FedEx
WritingPrompts WP Your home state has now entered a highly competitive tournament against other states. The winner of this unique tournament will be declared a country separate of the United States. How does your state attempt to succeed and secede? United
AskReddit Serious What would it actually take for the United States to adopt the metric system? United
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funny Shit, Google suggestions got me! Google
news Judge: Aetna lied about why it dropped some Obamacare coverage Aetna
Showerthoughts It's rather odd that Red Bull comes in a Blue can Red Bull
Showerthoughts When I use Google Chromecast on my phone, Chrome is one of the few apps that I can't cast from Google
Futurology When Their Shifts End, Uber Drivers Set Up Camp in Parking Lots Across the U.S. Uber
nottheonion White House Freezes Twitter Accounts at EPA Twitter
Showerthoughts Even though I am nearly 30, when I watch old episode of Saved by the Bell I still feel like the characters are all 5 years older than me. Bell
Jokes Wonder what Walt Disney would think knowing that Mickey and Donald tun America now 😬 Walt Disney
aww "What are you doing there?" Picture isn't mine, saved it long time ago from Facebook I think Facebook
personalfinance Someone made a separate Uber account using my information? Uber
videos Train demolishes FedEx trailer. FedEx
funny Tried to translate the Deadliest Joke in the World from Monty Python's Flying Circus with Google Translate.... Google
funny Disappointed KFC Australia customer writes savage complaint. KFC
funny Probably not the look Verizon was going for... Verizon
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history Recommend war movies that portray the United States as the "other side." United
Music Judah & The Lion - Four song set, DC101 Southwest Soundstage alt Southwest
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Ads for 2017-02-27 (1 / 2)

Subreddit Title Brand
funny It's that Ford engineering... Ford
mildlyinteresting The BBC doesn't quite know what a dab is BBC
AskReddit People who have been injured in a Walmart related situation and received a settlement, what happened? How Much did you receive? Walmart
AskReddit Serious Redditors around the world not living in the United States, what is your country's prevailing mindset regarding Donald Trump? United
aww Found this sweetie lost in our neighborhood. Posted on Facebook and no one claimed her, so now we have a new addition to the family. Say hello to Lydia! Facebook
funny The BBC doesn't quite know what a dab is BBC
Showerthoughts The eBay 'Item Ending Soon' jingle is the same as the level change sound from Ghouls n Ghosts. eBay
AskReddit Serious Redditors around the world not living in the United States, where are you from and what is your country's prevailing mindset regarding Donald Trump? United
explainlikeimfive ELI5: What is IBM Watson? IBM
gaming Someone please help me find the Charter rep I talked to today or upvote so he sees it Charter
Futurology Facing the robotic revolution - BBC News BBC
photoshopbattles PsBattle: Guy reading Starbucks nutrition label. Starbucks
gaming Probably the funniest spam message I ever got on Xbox live. Xbox
explainlikeimfive ELI5: How do stores like Dollar Tree stay in business? Dollar Tree
Music Sylvan Esso - Coffee Indie Pop Esso
space Neil deGrasse Tyson Ponders Life on a Planet with 3 Suns Tyson
personalfinance Is this Chase card worth paying off? Chase
mildlyinteresting An inside out Nike shoe box Nike
mildlyinteresting Cyclops is an actual cyclops Polyphemus? in The Lego Batman Movie poster Lego
mildlyinteresting This Sprite can is upside down Sprite
OldSchoolCool Mike Tyson in the late 80s/early 90s. Tyson
photoshopbattles PsBattle: Two Blank Taco Bell Sauce Packs Bell
worldnews Protesters occupy site designated for new $13mn Lockheed Martin weapons research lab Lockheed Martin
AskReddit Why does Facebook keep disabling my accounts even though I don't violate the rules? Facebook
funny Somebody lined up the letter lights at Target just right Target
pics Someone at Walmart likes irony Walmart
worldnews Investors see UK as more valuable for growth despite Brexit concerns, PwC analysis finds - The report finds that Britain is only lagging behind the US and China, with London emerging as the second most important city after New York PwC
tifu TIFU by hiding away my sister's cigarettes and getting my 12-year old neighbour's Xbox confistocated and sold off. Xbox
Showerthoughts If you Google 'google adwords', the first result is an ad for Google Adwords. If someone clicks that ad, who pays whom? Google
mildlyinteresting This Sprite can has the logo upside down Sprite
personalfinance need to ditch Wells Fargo - help Wells Fargo
funny Went to Taco Bell drunk. Asked for a "shit ton" of fire sauce. They gave me a fucking bag full. I'm so happy. Bell
worldnews China's top diplomat will visit the United States this week, the most senior Chinese official to do so since President Donald Trump took office on January 20, state news agency Xinhua said. State Councilor Yang Jiechi would visit the United States on Monday and Tuesday, Xinhua said United
LifeProTips LPT: If you're lost in a foreign country with no money, look for an electronics store or an Apple Store to free access the Internet. Apple
AskReddit Current/ former McDonald's employees of reddit, is the ice cream machine really broken and if so, what is the usual cause? McDonald's
AskReddit Former and present McDonald's workers: Why is the goddamned shake machine always "down"? McDonald's
AskReddit Who do you think will be the Republican Nominee for President of the United States in 2020? United
todayilearned TIL the United States is the only country in the world with a sex offender registry that is publicly accessible. United
todayilearned TIL the United States is the only country in the world with a sex offender registry that is publicly accessible. United
worldnews Meeting in secret: The outcast wives of India - BBC News BBC
mildlyinteresting Starbucks Grande vs. Starbucks Trenta vs. Google Pixel Google
mildlyinteresting Starbucks Grande vs. Starbucks Trenta vs. Google Pixel Starbucks
listentothis Jeramiah Ferrari - Baking Sun Reggae, Jazz, Rock 2015 Ferrari
mildlyinteresting This muffin at Target has a best by date of February 30 Target
explainlikeimfive ELI5: why you can't stream the oscars live online. Wouldn't ABC want as many people as possible watching? ABC
Music Jeramiah Ferrari - Baking Sun Reggae 2015 Ferrari
pics Dad sent me a damn good picture of an 85 y.o. Ford Tri-Motor Ford
worldnews Father of US commando killed in Yemen refused to meet Trump - BBC News BBC
LifeProTips LPT: if your having car troubles, park at a Walmart and investigate the issue there. Chances are someone will stop and help who knows a lot more about it then you do. Walmart
funny Found this in my local Buy, Sell, Trade Facebook group. Facebook
todayilearned TIL that the United States and South Korea are the only 2 countries in the world with sex offender registrations that are publicly accessible. United
worldnews Melbourne 'go slow' taxi protest stops traffic, The state government is planning industry reforms that will regulate ride-sharing app Uber and scrap taxi licenses Uber
todayilearned TIL there is a channel on Youtube of a guy sitting in a corner of a room motionless, sitting and smiling at the camera for four hours straight. There are 252 unique videos since 2014. Youtube
funny Went to Burger King last night. Burgers were way to big for normal size American hands. Not what the people want. Waste of food. Sad. Burger King
explainlikeimfive ELI5: Is Casino Royale 2006 supposed to be Bond's first mission? Nowhere online does it mention this chronological order as being his first mission. Casino
AskReddit Between Facebook, Tumblr, Reddit, Twitter and 4chan, which site is the weirdest? Twitter
Showerthoughts Wouldn't it suck for your selfie to be the result of a Google "do primates smile" search Google
Music Beck Hansen - United Whiskey Man lo-fi, alt country, leaked 1993 never-before-heard recording United
Showerthoughts Every time I hear Paul from Sprint ask "Can you hear me now?" I wish I was deaf Sprint
videos High RPM Apple Explosion - SLOW MO Apple
Music Svcred Gucci -Real Life Remix - Simple Man elctronic I would definitely take 5 minutes to listen to this.... Gucci
funny We remade that popular "These Subway Cookies Are Good!" video and got kicked out Subway
Showerthoughts The Lego Movie franchise is the closest thing we have to present-day Mel Brooks-style parodies. Lego
nottheonion Man born without arms sues Kroger for wrongful termination Kroger
AskReddit What is the weirdest picture that can be found using Google streetview? Google
explainlikeimfive ELI5: Why are there so many Movie Maker "lyrics" videos on Youtube that have never been taken down? Youtube
OldSchoolCool Ferdinand "Ferry" Porsche, Ferdinand "Butzi" Porsche designer of the 911, Michael Piech, and Ferdinand Piech pose with their Porsche 908 race car. 1969. Porsche
worldnews South Korea's Lotte Group approves land swap to deploy U.S. missile defense system THAAD Lotte Group
Jokes About the Presidency of the United States United
Futurology China is funding Baidu to take on the United States in deep learning research Baidu
Futurology China is funding Baidu to take on the United States in deep learning research United
AskReddit How do you feel when you use Facebook if you use it? Facebook
movies La La Land-Moonlight mix up: Oscars accountants PwC apologise for Best Picture mistake vowing to investigate PwC
funny Oh to be a fly on the wall at PwC right now. PwC
videos Streamer calls mom over Facebook post after mom tags him on his Ex-Girlfriend's post. Facebook
philosophy Is a Coca-Cola Bottle merely an Object? Coca-Cola
worldnews BMW is considering moving planned production of an electric version of its MINI compact car to Germany from Britain in response to plans by London to leave the EU single market. MINI
tifu TIFU by making fun of a Facebook post about Robin Williams. Facebook
worldnews Government targets sexting and cyberbullying - BBC News BBC
AskReddit Nannies or au pairs of reddit: what was the worst experience have you had with your host families? au
todayilearned TIL 10 years later, Twitter still isn't close to making money Twitter
listentothis WE THE SAVAGES -- Indiass EDM / Progressive Psy-Trance 2017 Progressive
news Woman sent back to Singapore despite 27-year marriage - BBC News BBC
Music Beck Hansen - United Whiskey Man lo-fi, alt country, leaked 1993 never-before-heard recording United
worldnews Woman sent back to Singapore despite 27-year marriage - BBC News BBC
news Child sex abuse inquiry public hearings under way - BBC News BBC
OldSchoolCool A showroom sales Ford 1930s Ford
explainlikeimfive ELI5:Why does Microsoft Word use Calibri as the default font when most papers require Times New Roman? Microsoft
AskReddit What is the United States dollar backed by? United
pics I found "The Negotiator" by Frederick Forsyth in United Club Guam and I'd like to find the owner and give it back to him/her. United
gadgets Xperia XZ Premium hands on: Sony powerhouse has a Snapdragon 835, 4K LCD Sony
worldnews Theresa May's planned corporation tax cut 'won't come close' to protecting econmy from Brexit, warns JP Morgan - Financial firms are the biggest tax contributor of any sector to Government coffers JP Morgan
videos Fan.tasia - A mashup of almost every Walt Disney Animation Studio release Walt Disney
DIY First DIY project - a Lego table Lego
mildlyinteresting Interesting looking Rolex watch... Rolex
worldnews 459 tonnes of luggage including 2 Mercedes-Benz limousines for Saudi King Salman's visit to Indonesia Mercedes-Benz
Art Unused Xbox One Boot Animation Xbox
worldnews Game of Thrones actor Neil Fingleton dies - BBC News BBC
Futurology The Japanese tech billionaire behind SoftBank thinks 'singularity' will occur within 30 years SoftBank
worldnews In world first, Denmark to name a ‘digital ambassador’: Saying that tech giants like Google and Apple now have more influence than many countries, Denmark will become the first nation in the world to appoint a so-called digital ambassador. Apple
worldnews In world first, Denmark to name a ‘digital ambassador’: Saying that tech giants like Google and Apple now have more influence than many countries, Denmark will become the first nation in the world to appoint a so-called digital ambassador. Google
gadgets Xperia XZ Premium hands-on: Sony powerhouse has a Snapdragon 835, 4K LCD Sony
AskReddit To the people that post hundreds of videos on their Youtube channel and never get more than a few views each video. Why? Youtube
gaming Enormous Playstation 2 Collection Showcase! Playstation
personalfinance I just got a Capital One Quicksilver credit card with a $10,000 limit. My First card Discover has a $7,500 limit, I put roughly $500-$1000 total on my Cards per month. Should I lower one of my cards credit lines? Capital One
dataisbeautiful Largest Occupations in the United States OC United
Futurology A series of U.S. state laws could prevent Uber or Google from operating self-driving cars Google
Futurology A series of U.S. state laws could prevent Uber or Google from operating self-driving cars Uber
Jokes What does a Subway wrapper and an empty water bottle have in common? Subway
Music The BMW Tupac was shot in, is up for sale again for a cool $1.5 million. BMW
AskReddit Why does Youtube even have a dislike button? Youtube
gaming Blimey! Look what we got here! The wild, Xbox 360, growing in its natural habitat. Xbox
AskReddit Reddit, what are the worst laws ever passed in United States history? United
AskReddit What are some great cheap games on the Xbox one? Xbox
food I Made caramelized pearl onion for coq au vin au
funny My friend tells me to go to Google and type "My friend looks like a school shooter yearbook." The third result is his own yearbook photo. Google
AskReddit To the people that post hundreds of videos to their Youtube channel and receive less than 5-10 views per video. Why? Youtube
videos Police Chase - High Speed Highway Miami 2017 Chase
books Waterstones under fire for secret shops - BBC News BBC
AskReddit I'm new to Reddit I do a lot of Youtube videos and would like to use Reddit to help grow my channel Does anyone have any suggestions??? Youtube
AskReddit Why is it that Google is able to determine and filter the search results by my location, and yet when I go to Google Maps, it brings me to the map of North America by default? Google
mildlyinteresting Sunlight shining Apple logo on my laptop which is turned off Apple
books A History of Race and Racism in America, in 24 Chapters: the most influential books on race and the black experience published in the United States for each decade of the nation’s existence United
mildlyinteresting This conveniently placed Gatorade ad Gatorade
pics Just finished the Lego UCS Slave I last week. While I was away, my cat decided to go all Harrison Ford on it. Ford
pics Just finished the Lego UCS Slave I last week. While I was away, my cat decided to go all Harrison Ford on it. Lego
movies Ghost in the Shell with Adam Savage Shell
OldSchoolCool An iron worker, perched on the west tower of the Sky Ride, drinks an Edelweiss beer during construction of the World's Fair in 1933 Sky
AskReddit People who live outside the United States, what's your perspective on all the political outrage going on? United
Showerthoughts Teach a man to Google how to fish...and he'll wind up looking at fish porn for the rest of his life. Google
explainlikeimfive ELI5: What does a KPMG consultant do? KPMG
TwoXChromosomes No more diets or self hate: How a nude Facebook photo showed women how to love their bodies Facebook
funny Another Rolex in History moment. Rolex
videos Moments before Audi R8 GT fatal crash at 320km/h in China HD Audi
todayilearned TIL: That the first Geico commercial to feature the Geico Gecko was in 1999 and he used to have a really deep voice. Geico
videos Moments before Audi R8 GT fatal crash at 320km/h in China HD Audi
AskReddit If Google didn't exist tomorrow how would you do your hw? Google
videos Moments before Audi R8 GT fatal crash at 320km/h in China HD Audi
gifs The finish of the NASCAR Xfinity race at Daytona. Xfinity
videos Moments before Audi R8 GT fatal crash at 320km/h in China HD Audi
WritingPrompts WP The United States drops the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end the Pacific war, but the war isn't over. You're the commander and chief of the US who wants to use their nuclear power to take over the rest of the planet. United
videos Moments before Audi R8 GT fatal crash at 320km/h in China HD Audi
worldnews Matalan murders: Andrew Saunders 'researched killing' - BBC News BBC
AskReddit What would IT people do if Google no loner exist? Google
Jokes You stole my Microsoft Office and for that you’re going to pay. Microsoft
videos Moments before Audi R8 GT fatal crash at 320km/h in China HD Audi
videos Moments before Audi R8 GT fatal crash at 320km/h in China HD Audi
worldnews HMP Woodhill prison officer charged over inmate death - BBC News BBC
explainlikeimfive ELI5: why people post stuff here that could easily be answered with a quick Google search... Google
pics A little blend I did, the clouds shot when flying and the deck from a beach. All the extra stuff is from the Alien Sky app. Sky
mildlyinteresting Crystal Pepsi is Back Pepsi
science Most scientists 'can't replicate studies by their peers' - BBC News BBC
videos Moments before Audi R8 GT fatal crash at 320km/h in China HD Audi
news Minnesota Cop Expected to Plead Not Guilty in Shooting Streamed on Facebook Live Facebook
news Fifth wave of bomb threats targeting Jewish centers across United States United
gaming Ooblets Teaser Trailer PC/ Xbox One Xbox
videos Moments before Audi R8 GT fatal crash at 320km/h in China HD Audi
food Homemade United Steaks of America United
videos Moments before Audi R8 GT fatal crash at 320km/h in China HD Audi
mildlyinteresting My Taco Bell hot sauce has a blank thought bubble. Bell
Music Paolo Nutini - Iron Sky Abbey Road Live Session Post-Rock Sky
pics New York Financial District from Newport Marina, Jersey City, by Amar Raavi 2048x1365 Newport
GetMotivated Article Hating Others for Our Insecurities: How to Pull the Facebook Bugs from Your Ears Facebook
news Why do people swear? - BBC News BBC
AskReddit Besides Buzzfeed and The Richest, what are Youtube channels that spill out bullshit? Youtube
AskReddit What did you Google last? Google
AskReddit Why doesn't Apple let iOS be run on other devices? Apple
videos Moments before Audi R8 GT fatal crash at 320km/h in China HD Audi
Futurology Intel, IBM and Microsoft Get Candid About Industry 4.0 Microsoft
Futurology Intel, IBM and Microsoft Get Candid About Industry 4.0 IBM
Music [Gojira - Shooting Star BBC Radio1 Rock Show Metal](https://www.reddit.com/Music/comments/5widy5/gojira_shooting_star_bbc_radio1_rock_show_metal/)
Jokes Did ABC purposefully mix up the Best Picture announcement in an effort to drive ratings? ABC
todayilearned TIL the first CEO of Apple was named Michael Scott. Apple
videos Moments before Audi R8 GT fatal crash at 320km/h in China HD Audi
videos Moments before Audi R8 GT fatal crash at 320km/h in China HD Audi
videos Moments before Audi R8 GT fatal crash at 320km/h in China HD Audi
movies Oscar 2017 winner "O.J.: Made in America" is currently on BBC Iplayer. It's over 7 hours long. It's also one of the best movies I've seen in years BBC
mildlyinteresting My Taco Bell sauce was blank. Bell
Showerthoughts In my entire life, no matter where I've lived, I've always been "the last stop of the day" for UPS or Fed-Ex deliveries. UPS
television With the Oscars over, it's times like this I wish MTV replaced Teen Mom 2 with Celebrity Deathmatch. MTV
videos Drifting a Classic Ferrari F1 Car & Ferrari Parade Ferrari
Showerthoughts Why is it we are so good at killing tigers and elephants and rhinos? But give us an invasive species like Channel Apple Snails, or Dandelions. And all of sudden we are terrible at killing. Apple
videos MACRO Orange Candle Video feedback is appreciated : Orange
videos My 18 month old learning how to use Google Home. Google
mildlyinteresting The Newport KY aquarium sells 10 year old fake iPods that shock you as a joke for $4 in gift shop Newport
Showerthoughts Someday Apple is gonna remove the charging port and make us carry around a lump of Bluetooth charging Apple
AskReddit What's your preferred Subway sandwich? Subway
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