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A Baker's Dozen: My 2020 in Review

I'm not sure how many of you are also subscribers to 12in12, but it's a great way to look at your backlog. I typed this up for the sub over there, but I also thought my fellow patient gamers might be interested, so here is my 12 in 12 for 2020!
This year I managed to complete 13 games (and like most of you, what I completed is a mere fraction of what I played), so I guess COVID was good for something! Here's what I finished, and how I felt about it, in no particular order:
  1. Yakuza Kiwami (PC) - Back in 2017 or so I took a gamble on my first Yakuza game, Yakuza Zero, and I loved it so much I swore I would never miss another Yakuza title. Here we are 3 years later and I finally finished... one more of them (I guess that means I'll be playing Like a Dragon in 2040 or so). Man, these games are so good. The characters take themselves so seriously for a game this wacky. How can you not love an RPG that features a TCG wherein bikini models wrestle each other while dressed as sexy insects? The side quests are hilarious and the main quest is interesting enough that I actually remember what happens when it's over! My only complaint with Kiwami was that I felt the chapters are front-loaded with side quests. If you're diligent, you'll be done with most of them by about halfway through the main quest... which makes the last 5 or 6 chapters a terrible slog of nothing but cutscenes and boss fights. And given that most of the "boss" characters have 4-6 health bars, it just becomes tedious. Finally, there is a mechanic where Majima Goro is supposed to jump out and challenge you randomly-- I don't know if this was a bug, but he only challenged me once or twice... until I cleared all the side quests. Then, he attacked me about every 2 or 3 minutes for the rest of the game, and considering Majima is a mini-boss that I'm running into while slogging my way through nothing but bosses and cutscenes... yeah. Kinda rough ending. It didn't sour me on the series though, and I look forward to Kiwami 2 in 2021.
  2. Flashback: The Quest for Identity (Switch) - This game is a deep and intrinsic part of my childhood gaming history, but I didn't see the end until this year: I was nine or ten when I found the Genesis cart in a "$10 and Under" bin at a pawn shop in the mid-90's. Almost my entire NES and Genesis collections were loose carts from pawn shops, bought on box-art alone, "Hello, Ironsword and Demonsword, meet your new orphan brother, Flashback." Since then, I've always been fascinated by Flashback; it was one of the first titles to use rotoscoping, it was developed by a now-defunct studio called Delphine Software, and the licensing rights have been such a confusing mess that the game has long been considered vaporware. So I was a little peeved when I saw that some indie "developer" somewhere had grabbed a ROM of Flashback, cleaned up a few of the more ugly visuals, slapped a "rewind" function into the game and put it up on the eshop for twenty dollars. That, my friends, is FUCKED. They have ZERO rights to that game, because the rights aren't available, because they don't exist anymore. Give the game away? Sure. Sell someone else's decades-old work for TWENTY DOLLARS? Get fucked. Thankfully I noticed it in a sale for like $2 at one point and had enough eshop points to get it for nothing. But on to the game: Flashback: The Quest For Identity is a genesis-era ripoff of Total Recall, and you play as space fugitive Conrad as he attempts to piece together his memories after escaping from alien kidnappers. It's a great little sci-fi romp for its time, but the real joy is in the locations the game takes you, including space stations, jungle planets, and giant dystopian future cities. The gameplay is famously unforgiving, and that little rewind function ended up helping me a LOT in the second half of the game. For a title I started about 30 years ago, it was nice to see the end credits (except the part where the end credits gave ZERO credit to the original developers).
  3. What Remains of Edith Finch (XBox Game Pass) - This one was recommended by my girlfriend, who likes story-based games and puzzle games. Edith Finch is definitely more of the former than the latter, but it does have some entertaining puzzles. For the most part though, this game is a walking simulator that takes you through a few generations of a mentally ill family that lives in a big house on a high hill. Each family member is kinda their own, “level,” and many of them have interesting themes like “Baby in a Bathtub,” or “70’s Pulp Comic Book.” Overall I found the story to be a little melodramatic and wishy washy, but for a video game script it was “great.” You can unlock every achievement in a single playthrough, but it’s gonna take you awhile; there is no “run” function and the walking speed is stuck on molasses.
  4. Death Stranding (Playstation4) - I waited until this game was $20, and it was absolutely worth that price. I assume if you’re on this thread, you know about Death Stranding, so you know most of the time you spend with the game is full of questions: What am I doing? Who is Fragile and why can she teleport? So I’m some kind of ghost mailman? Why is this a video game instead of a movie? How did Hideo Kojima explain this scene to Mads Mikkleson when he made him act in it? Why exactly does Kojima make video games at all? Why is Guillermo Del Toro in this game? What does the plot have to do with the gameplay? Why is the ending 2 hours long? Was that Geoff Keighley? Did they make that poor girl pronounce english phonetically because she can’t speak it? A lot of the systems like shared travel networks, delivery points, etc. actually worked extremely well in this game. But in the end it became a third-person stealth/shooter like most of the other action Kojima has made. I know a lot of people complain that Kojima’s stories are too confusing, and I understand that complaint and overall I agree, but my bigger problem isn’t that the plots are complex and obtuse; with Death Stranding, my issue is that the plot doesn’t actually connect to the gameplay in any meaningful way; yes, you are delivering the next “network node” or whatever in your deliveries, but basically you are just walking from cutscene to cutscene… the first is gameplay, the second is plot, and they don’t really overlap.
  5. Carrion (Xbox Game Pass) - Oh, what a delight Carrion turned out to be. This was one of two games that caught my eye in the always-bizarre Devolver Digital video they did this summer for virtual E3 (the other being Fall Guys). Carrion is a simple game with a simple premise: It’s a monster movie, and you are the monster. You slide your disgusting, amorphous shape into vents and tubes and use your terrible array of teeth and tentacles to lay waste to the scientists and laboratory that spawned your gruesome form. The 2D graphics reminded me of SNES/ Genesis era games like Jurassic Park and, yes, Flashback: The Quest for Identity. With delightful references to movies like Alien and The Thing, Carrion was what more games should aspire to be: a simple concept, done well. I really hope we get a sequel!
  6. Shadow of the Colossus (Playstation4) - Not my first time with this title. I love Shadow of The Colossus, and I’ve played each release since the original PS2 game. I feel like if I have to tell you what this game is at this point, you’re probably on the wrong sub. The PS4 remake was pretty fun, and while it looked lovely and controlled better… there is still something about those games that makes the controls infuriating. I rage-quit the final boss and didn’t pick it up until weeks later… actually I did that a few times. I’m not just talking about SoTC here though, which brings me to…
  7. The Last Guardian (Playstation4) - I bought this game at launch, played maybe the first half of it, and got distracted by Final Fantasy XV. For whatever reason, I never went back until this year. I actually played this before Colossus, which I only played because they gave it to us for PS+. The Last Guardian is another story about a boy without a name, who is all alone in a big spooky deserted fantasy world. Except not TOTALLY alone, you’ve got a big dragon dog friend thing to help you! This game is all about your relationship with Trico, the titular dragon-dog. You guide him through puzzles and over obstacles, use him to destroy your foes (your character cannot attack on their own, so you have to rely on Trico to save you in a few tense moments), and feed him magical blue barrels that apparently make him like you more or something. Just like Colossus, the controls in Last Guardian will drive you right up the fucking wall. There are thousands of youtube videos of Trico doing LITERALLY ANYTHING except what you asked him to do. But when the game is working, it actually manages to tug on your heartstrings a bit. The end is sad like all the Team ICO games, but it’s a nice payoff. Still not sure why it was in development for like seven years though…
  8. Horizon: Zero Dawn (Playstation4) - I’m telling you guys, the best way to play Playstation exclusives is 2 years later for $20. Picked this one up in a sale and it sat on my hard drive for a couple months before I got bored and fired this up. What can I really say that hasn’t been said? SONY makes slick, polished, AAA exclusives, and this is that. The core premise is neat, but the plot is EXACTLY what you expect it to be, and the twists and turns are as predictable as any high-budget movie or game these days. The combat can be fun, but the world is actually overpacked in terms of enemies: If you engage that Thunderjaw, you will absolutely aggro every single animal within a thousand foot radius, and when you’re done there will be 70 dead robots around you. I’ve got two beefs with this game. Beef #1 is that the objects and animals have lazy, uninspired names. Like, zero effort there. You know what you make ice arrows with? “Chillwater.” Hey, what’s that really tall thing over there with the long neck? “Tallneck.” Wow, look at that alligator snap his big maw! “Actually, that’s a Snapmaw.” Alligator is a more interesting word. Like yeah, we have animals called woodpeckers, but we came up with NAMES for animals, like bison, giraffe, ostrich. Split the difference here guys, put in a little effort. Beef #2 is a little tougher to explain, so I’m gonna try and tiptoe through this minefield here… Why do “gamers” (as in the stereotype of the greasy, basement-dwelling, no-girls-allowed neckbeards) like this game? Shouldn’t it be a laundry list of things they hate? It’s got dumb collection quests and map-tower-climbing. It’s got a cast of mostly unforgettable characters. In fact, besides Sylens I can only remember one other name, and that’s Aloy. And speaking of Aloy... she’s a strong woman who doesn’t need anyone to tell her what to do. She actively rebuffs any romantic attempts and rolls her eyes at even mundane compliments. Doesn’t Aloy perfectly encapsulate the positive feminism that is supposedly “destroying gaming culture?” Shouldn’t “gamers” have boycotted this game or demanded a reskin? Why wasn’t hashtag, “GiveUsManAloy” (or “Maloy”) trending? Is this all it takes to reverse the vile spew? Some robot dinosaurs and an “exclusive” sticker? I guess I’m just confused as to where the lines are drawn here. I thought she was a great protagonist but I just kept thinking, “shouldn’t the internet hate her?” Horizon is GORGEOUS, and I really loved a lot of the different areas of the game, and having lived in Colorado for 15 years made the world an extra special treat. It’s eye candy pretty much the entire time, but I need to give a special shoutout to Meridian and the surrounding areas. Something about the design called up images of ancient Egypt for me… so much so that I ended up buying and completing Assassin’s Creed: Origins in 2019 before doubling back to wrap up Horizon in early 2020.
  9. Pokemon Moon (3DS) - I’ve been playing video games since around ‘88 or ‘89, but I didn’t play my first Pokemon game until 2016, when I picked up Pokemon Y on a whim. I thought it looked like a simple, casual JRPG that I could wander around collecting and slowly moving through while I did other things like laundry or binge-watching Red Dwarf. Y did exactly that, and Pokemon Moon is more of the same. It’s simple, it’s cute, it’s fun, it’s easy, and I totally get why you can just keep playing them. The monster catch/ battle/ evolve/ collect element has a real hook. I’ve started a playthrough of Omega Ruby, but haven’t finished it yet (and to be honest it’s been more than 6 months since I played). Now that I think about it, I especially loved Pokemon when traveling, and I played almost all of Y and Moon on airplanes or in airports and hotels. Maybe if we ever go back to normal, I’ll mention Omega Ruby in a future 12 in 12. Final Team: Incineroar, Raichu, Fearow, Mudsdale, Lunala, Lapras
  10. Untitled Goose Game (Xbox Game Pass) - We all know Untitled Goose Game. I thought it was very fun, very charming, and easy to play. It’s a delightful game that will only take you a couple of sittings, and it sticks with you after you put it down. Just like Carrion, more games should aspire to this level of polished simplicity.
  11. Resident Evil 2 Remake (PC) - I know I’m late to the party, but this game was FANTASTIC. I played it fairly early in the year, January-February, and as soon as I started it I was hooked until I finished it. I loved the… it’s not quite Metroidvania (which I have always considered to be a combination of upgrading/ unlocking abilities and backtracking to previous areas to use those abilities… Carrion does this really well), but more like… Puzzlevania? I really liked the whole gathering keys to new areas and then carrying items back and forth between them. I only played Leon’s storyline, so I might pick up Claire next month and do an anniversary replay! Fun Fact: I played the SHIT out of the original Resident Evil 2 on PS1, which I acquired in the most 90’s middle-school way ever: A kid gave it to me in exchange for a VHS of pornography taped off stolen pay-per-view.
  12. Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice (Xbox Game Pass) - This one was really nice. Hellblade is a very emotional game about love, loss, and the people that live inside our heads. It’s told in a very compelling way, couching parables about guilt and grief within the stories of Norse mythology; very similar to themes explored in God of War (which I didn’t quite finish and will talk about next year). There isn’t much here in terms of groundbreaking gameplay; it treads the very familiar paths of puzzles, secrets, and combat. Levels are fairly linear, but you’ll have to do a bit of poking around in corners to get every single story beat and lore note. This is one of those games that really highlights the value of Game Pass: I never would have paid for this game, but I’m glad I got to play it and I’m keeping my eye on the sequel.
  13. Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch) -- This one is cheating, but technically I did see the credits, and I’ve been playing it every goddamn day since launch like it’s a new job. I like it! I don’t like the focus on crafting. I wish there were more things to collect for the museum, and I wish it had some of the functions the old game had (remember when you could play Excitebike in Animal Crossing?), but I keep logging in! I think the game’s longevity is tied to friends a bit… My girlfriend plays Animal Crossing with me, and so do her parents. So does my brother, and his wife, and a few other friends. You wouldn’t think that the multiplayer would hold so much attention, especially given that there’s very few ways to actually interact with other players… but I keep logging in! I guess that means it’s fun… right?
And that’s my Baker’s Dozen! Let me know if you agree or disagree!
submitted by CaptConstantine to patientgamers [link] [comments]

Baker's Dozen: My First 12in1 2 Report Card

Long time listener, first time caller! It's the end of the year, and I'm pulling together my 12 in 12! This year I managed to complete 13 games (and like most of you, what I completed is a mere fraction of what I played), so I guess COVID was good for something! Here's what I finished, and how I felt about it, in no particular order:
  1. Yakuza Kiwami (PC) - Back in 2017 or so I took a gamble on my first Yakuza game, Yakuza Zero, and I loved it so much I swore I would never miss another Yakuza title. Here we are 3 years later and I finally finished... one more of them (I guess that means I'll be playing Like a Dragon in 2040 or so). Man, these games are so good. The characters take themselves so seriously for a game this wacky. How can you not love an RPG that features a TCG wherein bikini models wrestle each other while dressed as sexy insects? The side quests are hilarious and the main quest is interesting enough that I actually remember what happens when it's over! My only complaint with Kiwami was that I felt the chapters are front-loaded with side quests. If you're diligent, you'll be done with most of them by about halfway through the main quest... which makes the last 5 or 6 chapters a terrible slog of nothing but cutscenes and boss fights. And given that most of the "boss" characters have 4-6 health bars, it just becomes tedious. Finally, there is a mechanic where Majima Goro is supposed to jump out and challenge you randomly-- I don't know if this was a bug, but he only challenged me once or twice... until I cleared all the side quests. Then, he attacked me about every 2 or 3 minutes for the rest of the game, and considering Majima is a mini-boss that I'm running into while slogging my way through nothing but bosses and cutscenes... yeah. Kinda rough ending. It didn't sour me on the series though, and I look forward to Kiwami 2 in 2021.
  2. Flashback: The Quest for Identity (Switch) - This game is a deep and intrinsic part of my childhood gaming history, but I didn't see the end until this year: I was nine or ten when I found the Genesis cart in a "$10 and Under" bin at a pawn shop in the mid-90's. Almost my entire NES and Genesis collections were loose carts from pawn shops, bought on box-art alone, "Hello, Ironsword and Demonsword, meet your new orphan brother, Flashback." Since then, I've always been fascinated by Flashback; it was one of the first titles to use rotoscoping, it was developed by a now-defunct studio called Delphine Software, and the licensing rights have been such a confusing mess that the game has long been considered vaporware. So I was a little peeved when I saw that some indie "developer" somewhere had grabbed a ROM of Flashback, cleaned up a few of the more ugly visuals, slapped a "rewind" function into the game and put it up on the eshop for twenty dollars. That, my friends, is FUCKED. They have ZERO rights to that game, because the rights aren't available, because they don't exist anymore. Give the game away? Sure. Sell someone else's decades-old work for TWENTY DOLLARS? Get fucked. Thankfully I noticed it in a sale for like $2 at one point and had enough eshop points to get it for nothing. But on to the game: Flashback: The Quest For Identity is a genesis-era ripoff of Total Recall, and you play as space fugitive Conrad as he attempts to piece together his memories after escaping from alien kidnappers. It's a great little sci-fi romp for its time, but the real joy is in the locations the game takes you, including space stations, jungle planets, and giant dystopian future cities. The gameplay is famously unforgiving, and that little rewind function ended up helping me a LOT in the second half of the game. For a title I started about 30 years ago, it was nice to see the end credits (except the part where the end credits gave ZERO credit to the original developers).
  3. What Remains of Edith Finch (XBox Game Pass) - This one was recommended by my girlfriend, who likes story-based games and puzzle games. Edith Finch is definitely more of the former than the latter, but it does have some entertaining puzzles. For the most part though, this game is a walking simulator that takes you through a few generations of a mentally ill family that lives in a big house on a high hill. Each family member is kinda their own, “level,” and many of them have interesting themes like “Baby in a Bathtub,” or “70’s Pulp Comic Book.” Overall I found the story to be a little melodramatic and wishy washy, but for a video game script it was “great.” You can unlock every achievement in a single playthrough, but it’s gonna take you awhile; there is no “run” function and the walking speed is stuck on molasses.
  4. Death Stranding (Playstation4) - I waited until this game was $20, and it was absolutely worth that price. I assume if you’re on this thread, you know about Death Stranding, so you know most of the time you spend with the game is full of questions: What am I doing? Who is Fragile and why can she teleport? So I’m some kind of ghost mailman? Why is this a video game instead of a movie? How did Hideo Kojima explain this scene to Mads Mikkleson when he made him act in it? Why exactly does Kojima make video games at all? Why is Guillermo Del Toro in this game? What does the plot have to do with the gameplay? Why is the ending 2 hours long? Was that Geoff Keighley? Did they make that poor girl pronounce english phonetically because she can’t speak it? A lot of the systems like shared travel networks, delivery points, etc. actually worked extremely well in this game. But in the end it became a third-person stealth/shooter like most of the other action Kojima has made. I know a lot of people complain that Kojima’s stories are too confusing, and I understand that complaint and overall I agree, but my bigger problem isn’t that the plots are complex and obtuse; with Death Stranding, my issue is that the plot doesn’t actually connect to the gameplay in any meaningful way; yes, you are delivering the next “network node” or whatever in your deliveries, but basically you are just walking from cutscene to cutscene… the first is gameplay, the second is plot, and they don’t really overlap.
  5. Carrion (Xbox Game Pass) - Oh, what a delight Carrion turned out to be. This was one of two games that caught my eye in the always-bizarre Devolver Digital video they did this summer for virtual E3 (the other being Fall Guys). Carrion is a simple game with a simple premise: It’s a monster movie, and you are the monster. You slide your disgusting, amorphous shape into vents and tubes and use your terrible array of teeth and tentacles to lay waste to the scientists and laboratory that spawned your gruesome form. The 2D graphics reminded me of SNES/ Genesis era games like Jurassic Park and, yes, Flashback: The Quest for Identity. With delightful references to movies like Alien and The Thing, Carrion was what more games should aspire to be: a simple concept, done well. I really hope we get a sequel!
  6. Shadow of the Colossus (Playstation4) - Not my first time with this title. I love Shadow of The Colossus, and I’ve played each release since the original PS2 game. I feel like if I have to tell you what this game is at this point, you’re probably on the wrong sub. The PS4 remake was pretty fun, and while it looked lovely and controlled better… there is still something about those games that makes the controls infuriating. I rage-quit the final boss and didn’t pick it up until weeks later… actually I did that a few times. I’m not just talking about SoTC here though, which brings me to…
  7. The Last Guardian (Playstation4) - I bought this game at launch, played maybe the first half of it, and got distracted by Final Fantasy XV. For whatever reason, I never went back until this year. I actually played this before Colossus, which I only played because they gave it to us for PS+. The Last Guardian is another story about a boy without a name, who is all alone in a big spooky deserted fantasy world. Except not TOTALLY alone, you’ve got a big dragon dog friend thing to help you! This game is all about your relationship with Trico, the titular dragon-dog. You guide him through puzzles and over obstacles, use him to destroy your foes (your character cannot attack on their own, so you have to rely on Trico to save you in a few tense moments), and feed him magical blue barrels that apparently make him like you more or something. Just like Colossus, the controls in Last Guardian will drive you right up the fucking wall. There are thousands of youtube videos of Trico doing LITERALLY ANYTHING except what you asked him to do. But when the game is working, it actually manages to tug on your heartstrings a bit. The end is sad like all the Team ICO games, but it’s a nice payoff. Still not sure why it was in development for like seven years though…
  8. Horizon: Zero Dawn (Playstation4) - I’m telling you guys, the best way to play Playstation exclusives is 2 years later for $20. Picked this one up in a sale and it sat on my hard drive for a couple months before I got bored and fired this up. What can I really say that hasn’t been said? SONY makes slick, polished, AAA exclusives, and this is that. The core premise is neat, but the plot is EXACTLY what you expect it to be, and the twists and turns are as predictable as any high-budget movie or game these days. The combat can be fun, but the world is actually overpacked in terms of enemies: If you engage that Thunderjaw, you will absolutely aggro every single animal within a thousand foot radius, and when you’re done there will be 70 dead robots around you.I’ve got two beefs with this game. Beef #1 is that the objects and animals have lazy, uninspired names. Like, zero effort there. You know what you make ice arrows with? “Chillwater.” Hey, what’s that really tall thing over there with the long neck? “Tallneck.” Wow, look at that alligator snap his big maw! “Actually, that’s a Snapmaw.” Alligator is a more interesting word. Like yeah, we have animals called woodpeckers, but we came up with NAMES for animals, like bison, giraffe, ostrich. Split the difference here guys, put in a little effort. Beef #2 is a little tougher to explain, so I’m gonna try and tiptoe through this minefield here… Why do “gamers” (as in the stereotype of the greasy, basement-dwelling, no-girls-allowed neckbeards) like this game? Shouldn’t it be a laundry list of things they hate? It’s got dumb collection quests and map-tower-climbing. It’s got a cast of mostly unforgettable characters. In fact, besides Sylens I can only remember one other name, and that’s Aloy. And speaking of Aloy... she’s a strong woman who doesn’t need anyone to tell her what to do. She actively rebuffs any romantic attempts and rolls her eyes at even mundane compliments. Doesn’t Aloy perfectly encapsulate the positive feminism that is supposedly “destroying gaming culture?” Shouldn’t “gamers” have boycotted this game or demanded a reskin? Why wasn’t hashtag, “GiveUsManAloy” (or “Maloy”) trending? Is this all it takes to reverse the vile spew? Some robot dinosaurs and an “exclusive” sticker? I guess I’m just confused as to where the lines are drawn here. I thought she was a great protagonist but I just kept thinking, “shouldn’t the internet hate her?” Horizon is GORGEOUS, and I really loved a lot of the different areas of the game, and having lived in Colorado for 15 years made the world an extra special treat. It’s eye candy pretty much the entire time, but I need to give a special shoutout to Meridian and the surrounding areas. Something about the design called up images of ancient Egypt for me… so much so that I ended up buying and completing Assassin’s Creed: Origins in 2019 before doubling back to wrap up Horizon in early 2020.
  9. Pokemon Moon (3DS) - I’ve been playing video games since around ‘88 or ‘89, but I didn’t play my first Pokemon game until 2016, when I picked up Pokemon Y on a whim. I thought it looked like a simple, casual JRPG that I could wander around collecting and slowly moving through while I did other things like laundry or binge-watching Red Dwarf. Y did exactly that, and Pokemon Moon is more of the same. It’s simple, it’s cute, it’s fun, it’s easy, and I totally get why you can just keep playing them. The monster catch/ battle/ evolve/ collect element has a real hook. I’ve started a playthrough of Omega Ruby, but haven’t finished it yet (and to be honest it’s been more than 6 months since I played). Now that I think about it, I especially loved Pokemon when traveling, and I played almost all of Y and Moon on airplanes or in airports and hotels. Maybe if we ever go back to normal, I’ll mention Omega Ruby in a future 12 in 12. Final Team: Incineroar, Raichu, Fearow, Mudsdale, Lunala, Lapras
  10. Untitled Goose Game (Xbox Game Pass) - We all know Untitled Goose Game. I thought it was very fun, very charming, and easy to play. It’s a delightful game that will only take you a couple of sittings, and it sticks with you after you put it down. Just like Carrion, more games should aspire to this level of polished simplicity.
  11. Resident Evil 2 Remake (PC) - I know I’m late to the party, but this game was FANTASTIC. I played it fairly early in the year, January-February, and as soon as I started it I was hooked until I finished it. I loved the… it’s not quite Metroidvania (which I have always considered to be a combination of upgrading/ unlocking abilities and backtracking to previous areas to use those abilities… Carrion does this really well), but more like… Puzzlevania? I really liked the whole gathering keys to new areas and then carrying items back and forth between them. I only played Leon’s storyline, so I might pick up Claire next month and do an anniversary replay! Fun Fact: I played the SHIT out of the original Resident Evil 2 on PS1, which I acquired in the most 90’s middle-school way ever: A kid gave it to me in exchange for a VHS of pornography taped off stolen pay-per-view.
  12. Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice (Xbox Game Pass) - This one was really nice. Hellblade is a very emotional game about love, loss, and the people that live inside our heads. It’s told in a very compelling way, couching parables about guilt and grief within the stories of Norse mythology; very similar to themes explored in God of War (which I didn’t quite finish and will talk about next year). There isn’t much here in terms of groundbreaking gameplay; it treads the very familiar paths of puzzles, secrets, and combat. Levels are fairly linear, but you’ll have to do a bit of poking around in corners to get every single story beat and lore note. This is one of those games that really highlights the value of Game Pass: I never would have paid for this game, but I’m glad I got to play it and I’m keeping my eye on the sequel.
  13. Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch) -- This one is cheating, but technically I did see the credits, and I’ve been playing it every goddamn day since launch like it’s a new job. I like it! I don’t like the focus on crafting. I wish there were more things to collect for the museum, and I wish it had some of the functions the old game had (remember when you could play Excitebike in Animal Crossing?), but I keep logging in! I think the game’s longevity is tied to friends a bit… My girlfriend plays Animal Crossing with me, and so do her parents. So does my brother, and his wife, and a few other friends. You wouldn’t think that the multiplayer would hold so much attention, especially given that there’s very few ways to actually interact with other players… but I keep logging in! I guess that means it’s fun… right?
And that’s my Baker’s Dozen!
submitted by CaptConstantine to 12in12 [link] [comments]

Which Actress had the best run in the 40s?

Best run in terms of anything
Ingrid Bergman: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Casablanca, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Gaslight, Spellbound, The Bells of St. Mary’s, Notorious, June Night, Adam Had Four Sons, Rage in Heaven, Saratoga Trunk, Swedes in America, Arch of Triumph, American Creed, Under Capricorn, and Joan of Arc.
Olivia De Havilland: The Snake Pit, Santa Fe Trail, Their Boots On, The Heiress, To Each His Own, In This Our Life, My Love Came Back, The Strawberry Blonde, The Male Animal, The Well Groomed Bride, Hold Back the Dawn, Thank Your Lucky Stars, Devotion, The Dark Mirror, Princess O'Rourke, and Government Girl.
Judy Garland: Andy Hardy Meets Debutante, Strike Up the Band, Little Nellie Kelly, Meet Me in St. Louis, Presenting Lily Mars, For Me and My Gal, Thousands Cheer, Girl Crazy, Babes on Broadway, Life Begins for Andy Hardy, Ziegfeld Girl, In the Good Old Summertime, The Pirate, Words and Music, Easter Parade, The Harvey Girls, Till the Clouds Roll By, and Ziegfeld Follies.
Gene Tierney: Son of Fury: The Story of Benjamin Blake, Heaven can Wait, Laura, Leave Her to Heaven, Dragonwyck, The Razor’s Edge, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, Tobacco Road, The Return of Frank James, Hudson's Bay, The Shanghai Gesture, A Bell for Adano, China Girl, Sundown, Belle Starr, Thunder Birds, Rings on Her Fingers, The Iron Curtain, and That Wonderful Urge.
Bette Davis: In This Our Life, Thank Your Lucky Stars, The Man Who Came to Dinner, The Little Foxes, The Letter, Now, Voyager, Beyond the Forest, Winter Meeting, June Bride, A Stolen Life, Deception, Hollywood Canteen, Old Acquaintance, Mr. Skeffington, Shining Victory, The Bride Came C.O.D., Watch on the Rhine, All This, and Heaven Too, and The Corn Is Green.
Joan Crawford: When Ladies Meet, Possessed, Mildred Pierce, Hollywood Canteen, Humoresque, Flamingo Road, It's a Great Feeling, Daisy Kenyon, Reunion in France, They All Kissed the Bride, Strange Cargo, Susan and God, Above Suspicion, and A Woman's Face.
Carole Lombard: They Knew What They Wanted, To Be or Not to Be, Vigil in the Night, and Mr. & Mrs. Smith.
Agnes Moorehead: Citizen Kane, The Magnificent Ambersons, Dark Passage, Journey into Fear, The Big Street, The Youngest Profession, Government Girl, Jane Eyre, Dragon Seed, Since You Went Away, The Seventh Cross, Mrs. Parkington, Our Vines Have Tender Grapes, Tomorrow, the World!, Keep Your Powder Dry, Her Highness and the Bellboy, Johnny Belinda, The Lost Moment, Summer Holiday, The Woman in White, The Stratton Story, Station West, The Great Sinner, and Without Honor.
Shirley Temple: A Kiss for Corliss, Fort Apache, Adventure in Baltimore, The Story of Seabiscuit, Mr. Belvedere Goes to College, The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer, Since You Went Away, Kiss and Tell, I'll Be Seeing You, Honeymoon, Kathleen, Young People, Miss Annie Rooney, The Blue Bird, and That Hagen Girl.
Ava Gardner: The Killers, The Hucksters, Singapore, One Touch of Venus, The Bribe,The Great Sinner, Major Barbara, East Side, West Side, Reunion in France, Fancy Answers, H. M. Pulham, Esq., Shadow of the Thin Man, Babes on Broadway, This Time for Keeps, Joe Smith, American, We Do It Because, Sunday Punch, Kid Glove Killer, Calling Dr. Gillespie, Mighty Lak a Goat, Du Barry Was a Lady, Hitler's Madman, Ghosts on the Loose, Two Girls and a Sailor, Lost Angel, Young Ideas, Swing Fever, Maisie Goes to Reno, 3 Men in White, She Went to the Races, Blonde Fever, and Whistle Stop.
Katharine Hepburn: The Philadelphia Story, Song of Love, Adam's Rib, Undercurrent, Without Love, State of the Union, The Sea of Grass, Stage Door Canteen, Dragon Seed, Woman of the Year, and Keeper of the Flame.
Maureen O Hara: Dance, Girl, Dance, How Green Was My Valley, The Black Swan, The Spanish Main, Miracle on 34th Street, Sinbad the Sailor, A Bill of Divorcement, They Met in Argentina, To the Shores of Tripoli, Ten Gentlemen from West Point, Immortal Sergeant, This Land Is Mine, The Fallen Sparrow, Buffalo Bill, Sentimental Journey, Do You Love Me, The Homestretch, The Foxes of Harrow, Forever Amber, The Forbidden Street, Father Was a Fullback, Sitting Pretty, and A Woman's Secret.
Lauren Bacall: The Big Sleep, Dark Passage, Key Largo, Confidential Agent, Confidential Agent, and To Have and Have Not.
Vivien Leigh: Caesar and Cleopatra, Anna Karenina, 21 Days, Waterloo Bridge, and That Hamilton Woman.
Greer Garson: Mrs. Miniver, The Valley of Decision, Desire Me, That Forsyte Woman, The Miracle of Sound, Pride and Prejudice, Random Harvest, Blossoms in the Dust, Madame Curie, The Youngest Profession, When Ladies Meet, Adventure, Mrs. Parkington, and Julia Misbehaves.
Claudette Colbert: The Palm Beach Story, Since You Went Away, Bride for Sale, Sleep, My Love, Without Reservations, Family Honeymoon, Arise, My Love, Boom Town, Remember the Day, Skylark, No Time for Love, Practically Yours, So Proudly We Hail!, Guest Wife, Tomorrow Is Forever, The Secret Heart, and The Egg and I.
Lana Turner: Johnny Eager, Honky Tonk, Ziegfeld Girl, The Postman Always Rings Twice, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Somewhere I’ll Find You, Week-End at the Waldorf, Green Dolphin Street, Homecoming, The Three Musketeers, The Youngest Profession, Keep Your Powder Dry, We Who Are Young, Cass Timberlane, Slightly Dangerous, and Marriage Is a Private Affair.
Rita Hayworth: Gilda, Cover Girl, Blondie on a Budget, Tales of Manhattan, You Were Never Lovelier, The Lady from Shanghai, The Strawberry Blonde, You'll Never Get Rich, The Loves of Carmen, Affectionately Yours, My Gal Sal, Susan and God, Down to Earth, Tonight and Every Night, Blood and Sand, Angels Over Broadway, The Lady in Question, Music in My Heart, and Blondie on a Budget.
Joan Fontaine: Rebecca, Suspicion, The Constant Nymph, Jane Eyre, The Affairs of Susan, Ivy, Letter from an Unknown Woman, This Above All, Kiss the Blood Off My Hands, The Emperor Waltz, From This Day Forward, You Gotta Stay Happy, and Frenchman's Creek.
Jennifer Jones: The Song of Bernadette, Since You Went Away, Love Letters, Duel in the Sun, Madame Bovary, We Were Strangers, Portrait of Jennie, and Cluny Brown.
Hedy Lamarr: Comrade X, Come Live With Me, H.M. Pulham, Esq., Samson and Delilah, Tortilla Flat, Dishonored Lady, Ziegfeld Girl, Boom Town, Crossroads, The Strange Woman, White Cargo, Experiment Perilous, The Conspirators, Let's Live a Little, I Take This Woman, and The Heavenly Body.
Ginger Rogers: The Barkleys of Broadway, Tender Comrade, Kitty Foyle, Tom, Dick and Harry, I'll Be Seeing You, Roxie Hart, The Major and the Minor, Lucky Partners, Primrose Path, Week-End at the Waldorf, Once Upon a Honeymoon, Lady in the Dark, Magnificent Doll, Heartbeat, and It Had to Be You.
Barbara Stanwyck: East Side, West Side, Hollywood Canteen, Ball of Fire, The Lady Eve, Sorry, Wrong Number, Double Indemnity, Meet John Doe, You Belong to Me, Remember the Night, The Gay Sisters, The Great Man's Lady, Flesh and Fantasy, Lady of Burlesque, California, My Reputation, The Strange Love of Martha Ivers, The Bride Wore Boots, Christmas in Connecticut, Cry Wolf, The Two Mrs. Carrolls, Variety Girl, The Other Love, The Lady Gambles, and B.F.'s Daughter.
Veronica Lake: Sullivan’s Travels, This Gun for Hire, The Glass Key, I Married a Witch, So Proudly We Hail, Bring on the Girls, Miss Susie Slagle’s, The Blue Dahlia, I Wanted Wings, Forty Little Mothers, The Hour Before the Dawn, Ramrod, Hold That Blonde, Duffy's Tavern, Miss Susie Slagle's, Out of This World, Slattery's Hurricane, The Sainted Sisters, Isn't It Romantic?, Star Spangled Rhythm, and Saigon.
Setsuko Hara: Late Spring, Toyuki, Hebihimesama, Totsugu hi made, Onna no machi, Futari no sekai, Shimai no Yakusoku, Anî no hânayomê, Ôinaru kanô, Kêkkon no seitaî, A Story of Leadership, Kibô no aozora, Seishun no kiryû, Wakai sensei, Midori no daichi, Haha no chizu, Hawai Mare Oki Kaisen, Hawai Maree oki kaisen, Ahen senso, Bôrô no kesshitai, Toward the Decisive Battle in the Sky, Searing Wind, Suicide Troops of the Watchtower, Ikari no umi, Young Eagles, Shôri no hi made, Kita no san-nin, Koi no fuunjî, Midori no kokkyô, Reijin, Midori no kokkyô, No Regrets for Our Youth, Yuwaku, Kakedashi jidai, A Ball at the Anjo House, Onnadake no yoru, Sanbon yubi no otoko, Toki no teizo: zengohen, Fujisancho, Taifuken no onna, Kofuku no genkai, President and a female clerk, Tonosama Hotel, Ojôsan kanpai, Aoi sanmyaku, and Zoku aoi sanmyaku.
Betty Grable: Down Argentine Way, Mother Wore Tights, Down Argentine Way, When My Baby Smiles at Me, The Dolly Sisters, Pin Up Girl, Springtime in the Rockies, Coney Island, The Beautiful Blonde from Bashful Bend, Tin Pan Alley, Sweet Rosie O'Grady, A Yank in the R.A.F., Footlight Serenade, I Wake Up Screaming, Song of the Islands, Diamond Horseshoe,
Deborah Kerr: The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, Black Narcissus, Contraband, Penn of Pennsylvania, A Battle for a Bottle, Love on the Dole, Major Barbara, Major Barbara, Edward, My Son, Hatter's Castle, The Day Will Dawn, If Winter Comes, Perfect Strangers, and I See a Dark Stranger.
Donna Reed: Shadow of the Thin Man, Calling Dr. Gillespie, It's a Wonderful Life, Convicted Woman, The Get-Away, Babes on Broadway, The Courtship of Andy Hardy, The Bugle Sounds, Mokey, Apache Trail, Eyes in the Night, Dr. Gillespie's Criminal Case, The Human Comedy, The Man from Down Under, Thousands Cheer, See Here, Private Hargrove, Green Dolphin Street, Chicago Deadline, Beyond Glory, The Picture of Dorian Gray, They Were Expendable, Faithful in My Fashion, and Gentle Annie.
Kim Hunter: A Matter of Life and Death, When Strangers Marry, You Came Along, The Seventh Victim, Tender Comrade, and A Canterbury Tale.
Alida Valli: The Third Man, Piccolo mondo antico, The Paradine Case, The Miracle of the Bells, We the Living, T'amerò sempre, I pagliacci, Apparizione, The Song of Life, The Two Orphans, The First Woman Who Passes, Light in the Darkness, The Secret Lover, Manon Lescaut, The Last Enemy, Red Tavern, Beyond Love, Schoolgirl Diary, Invisible Chains, Stasera niente di nuovo, The Za-Bum Circus, Life Begins Anew, and Eugenia Grandet.
Anne Baxter: 20 Mule Team, The Magnificent Ambersons, Five Graves to Cairo, The Razor's Edge, Yellow Sky, The Great Profile, Swamp Water, Charley's Aunt, Sunday Dinner for a Soldier, The Fighting Sullivans, The North Star, Smoky, The Purple Heart, The Eve of St. Mark, Guest in the House, You're My Everything, The Walls of Jericho, Homecoming, The Luck of the Irish, Blaze of Noon, Angel on My Shoulder, and A Royal Scandal.
Teresa Wright: The Little Foxes, Mrs.. Miniver, Enchantment, Shadow of a Doubt, The Best Years of Our Lives, Pursued, The Trouble with Women, The Pride of the Yankees, The Little Foxes, Casanova Brown, and The Imperfect Lady.
Mary Astor: The Maltese Falcon, The Palm Beach Story, The Great Lie, Act of Violence, Meet Me in St. Louis, Fiesta, East Side, West Side, Young Ideas, Blonde Fever, Turnabout, Brigham Young, Across the Pacific, Claudia and David, Little Women, Any Number Can Play, Desert Fury, and Cynthia.
Ann Sheridan: They Drive by Night, The Man Who Came to Dinner, Kings Row, Nora Prentiss, I Was a Male War Bride, Honeymoon for Three, One More Tomorrow, City for Conquest, Torrid Zone, Castle on the Hudson, It All Came True, Navy Blues, George Washington Slept Here, Wings for the Eagle, Juke Girl, Silver River, The Unfaithful, Edge of Darkness, Thank Your Lucky Stars, Cinderella Jones, Shine On, Harvest Moon, and Good Sam.
Ida Lupino: They Drive by Night, Devotion, In Our Time, The Sea Wolf, High Sierra, Thank Your Lucky Stars, Out of the Fog, Life Begins at Eight-Thirty, Moontide, Ladies in Retirement, Hollywood Canteen, Forever and a Day, The Hard Way, Pillow to Post, Road House, The Man I Love, Escape Me Never, Deep Valley, Not Wanted, Never Fear, and Lust for Gold.
Joan Bennett: Man Hunt, The Woman in the Window, Scarlet Street, The House Across the Bay, The Man I Married, The Son of Monte Cristo, Green Hell, She Knew All the Answers, Wild Geese Calling, The Reckless Moment, Secret Beyond the Door, Hollow Triumph, The Woman on the Beach, Margin for Error, Twin Beds, Confirm or Deny, The Wife Takes a Flyer, Colonel Effingham's Raid, The Macomber Affair, Girl Trouble, and Nob Hill.
Tallulah Bankhead: A Royal Scandal, Stage Door Canteen, and Lifeboat.
Jane Greer: Out of the Past, Pan-Americana, Two O'Clock Courage, Sinbad the Sailor, George White's Scandals, The Falcon's Alibi, Dick Tracy, The Bamboo Blonde, Station West, Sunset Pass, They Won't Believe Me, and The Big Steal.
Margaret O'Brien: Jane Eyre, Meet Me in St. Louis, The Unfinished Dance, Our Vines Have Tender Grapes, Lost Angel, Three Wise Fools, Big City, Little Women, Tenth Avenue Angel, The Secret Garden, Music for Millions, Bad Bascomb, Journey for Margaret, You, John Jones!, and The Canterville Ghost.
Lucille Ball: Without Love, Ziegfeld Follies, Dance, Girl, Dance, The Big Street, Du Barry Was a Lady, The Marines Fly High, You Can't Fool Your Wife, A Girl, a Guy and a Gob, Too Many Girls,Thousands Cheer, Seven Days' Leave, Easy Living, Abbott and Costello in Hollywood, Look Who's Laughing, Valley of the Sun, Lured, Easy to Wed, Two Smart People, Her Husband's Affairs, Sorrowful Jones, The Dark Corner, Lover Come Back, Best Foot Forward, and Meet the People.
Cyd Charisse: Ziegfeld Follies, Escort Girl, Something to Shout About, Thousands Cheer, Mission to Moscow, The Harvey Girls, Till the Clouds Roll By, In Our Time, Three Wise Fools, Fiesta, The Unfinished Dance, On an Island with You, and The Kissing Bandit.
Susan Hayward: The Lost Moment, Smash-Up, the Story of a Woman, My Foolish Heart, Adam Had Four Sons, Sis Hopkins, They Won't Believe Me, Canyon Passage, And Now Tomorrow, Deadline at Dawn, Hit Parade of 1943, Star Spangled Rhythm, A Letter from Bataan, Young and Willing, Tulsa, The Saxon Charm, House of Strangers, Tap Roots, Among the Living, Reap the Wild Wind, The Forest Rangers, Jack London, The Fighting Seabees, and The Hairy Ape.
June Allyson: The Secret Heart, Music for Millions, Best Foot Forward, Meet the People, Two Girls and a Sailor, Girl Crazy, All Girl Revue, Her Highness and the Bellboy, The Three Musketeers, Good News, The Stratton Story, Words and Music, High Barbaree, Till the Clouds Roll By, The Sailor Takes a Wife, Two Sisters from Boston, and The Bride Goes Wild.
Susan Peters: Young Ideas, Tish, Santa Fe Trail, The Big Shot, Random Harvest, Keep Your Powder Dry, Song of Russia, Assignment in Brittany, The Sign of the Ram, Dr. Gillespie's New Assistant, Andy Hardy's Double Life, A New Romance of Celluloid: Personalities, Sockaroo, River's End, Meet John Doe, The Strawberry Blonde, Scattergood Pulls the Strings, Three Sons o' Guns, Young America Flies, Money and the Woman, and The Man Who Talked Too Much.
Betty Hutton: Duffy's Tavern, Hollywood Victory Caravan, Dream Girl, Red, Hot and Blue, Star Spangled Rhythm, One for the Book, Happy Go Lucky, Strictly G.I., Skirmish on the Home Front, The Miracle of Morgan's Creek, Cross My Heart, The Perils of Pauline, The Stork Club,Here Come the Waves, And the Angels Sing, Incendiary Blonde, The Fleet's In, and Let's Face It.
Celeste Holm: Road House, Gentleman's Agreement, Come to the Stable, The Snake Pit, Everybody Does It, Chicken Every Sunday, A Letter to Three Wives, Three Little Girls in Blue, and Carnival in Costa Rica.
Celia Johnson: In Which We Serve, Brief Encounter, This Happy Breed, Dear Octopus, and A Letter from Home.
Jane Wyman: Brother Rat and a Baby, Bad Men of Missouri, Johnny Belinda, The Lost Weekend, An Angel from Texas, Flight Angels, Gambling on the High Seas, My Love Came Back, Tugboat Annie Sails Again, Honeymoon for Three, You're in the Army Now, The Body Disappears, Larceny, Inc., My Favorite Spy, Footlight Serenade, Princess O'Rourke, Make Your Own Bed, The Doughgirls, Crime by Night, One More Tomorrow, Night and Day, The Yearling, Magic Town, Cheyenne, A Kiss in the Dark, and The Lady Takes a Sailor.
Angela Lansbury: National Velvet, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Gaslight, The Harvey Girls, The Private Affairs of Bel Ami, If Winter Comes, The Hoodlum Saint, Till the Clouds Roll By, The Red Danube, The Three Musketeers, Tenth Avenue Angel, State of the Union, and Samson and Delilah.
Jean Simmons: Hamlet, Kiss the Bride Goodbye, Give Us the Moon, Black Narcissus, The Way to the Stars, Great Expectations, Caesar and Cleopatra, Meet Sexton Blake, Mr. Emmanuel, Sports Day, Adam and Evelyne, The Blue Lagoon, The Woman in the Hall, Uncle Silas, and Hungry Hill.
Jeanne Crain: Pinky, Home in Indiana, Leave Her to Heaven, In the Meantime, Darling, Winged Victory, State Fair, The Gang's All Here, Margie, The Fan, You Were Meant for Me, Centennial Summer, Apartment for Peggy, and Apartment for Peggy.
Jane Darwell: The Grapes of Wrath, The Great Gildersleeve, It Happened in Flatbush, Government Girl, The Loves of Edgar Allan Poe, The Ox-Bow Incident, The Impatient Years, Music in Manhattan, Untamed, Brigham Young, Chad Hanna, All Through the Night, Small Town Deb, On the Sunny Side, The Devil and Daniel Webster, Young America, Thieves Fall Out, Youth Will Be Served, Private Nurse, Stage Door Canteen, Highways by Night, Reckless Age, Tender Comrade, Gildersleeve's Bad Day, My Darling Clementine, Train to Alcatraz, 3 Godfathers, Red Canyon, I Live in Grosvenor Square, Captain Tugboat Annie, Sunday Dinner for a Soldier, She's a Sweetheart, The Dark Horse, Three Wise Fools, Keeper of the Bees, The Red Stallion, and Men of Texas.
Jean Arthur: The More the Merrier, Arizona, Too Many Husbands, The Talk of the Town, A Foreign Affair, The Impatient Years, A Lady Takes a Chance, and The Devil and Miss Jones.
Elizabeth Taylor: National Velvet, There's One Born Every Minute, Lassie Come Home, Courage of Lassie, Cynthia, Julia Misbehaves, A Date with Judy, Little Women, Life with Father, Conspirator, The White Cliffs of Dover, and Jane Eyre.
Virginia Mayo: The Best Years of Our Lives, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Smart Girls Don't Talk, The Girl from Jones Beach, White Heat, Flaxy Martin, Colorado Territory, Always Leave Them Laughing, The Kid from Brooklyn, Seven Days Ashore, The Princess and the Pirate, Wonder Man, Out of the Blue, A Song Is Born, Follies Girl, Up in Arms, Jack London, and Red Light.
Myrna Loy: Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House, The Red Pony, The Senator Was Indiscreet, That Dangerous Age, So Goes My Love, The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer, Northward, Ho!, The Thin Man Goes Home, I Love You Again, Third Finger, Left Hand, Shadow of the Thin Man, Love Crazy, Show Business at War, The Best Years of Our Lives, and Song of the Thin Man.
Margaret Sullavan: The Mortal Storm, The Shop Around the Corner, Back Street, Appointment for Love, and Cry 'Havoc'.
Joan Leslie: Sergeant York, High Sierra, Yankee Doodle Dandy, Too Young to Know, Northwest Stampede, Janie Gets Married, Two Guys from Milwaukee, Repeat Performance, Where Do We Go from Here?, I Am an American, Laddie, Alice in Movieland, Susan and God, Star Dust, Young as You Feel, High School, Military Academy, The Wagons Roll at Night, The Great Mr. Nobody, Foreign Correspondent, Thieves Fall Out, Thank Your Lucky Stars, The Sky's the Limit, Rhapsody in Blue, Cinderella Jones, Hollywood Canteen, Nine Lives Are Not Enough, The Hard Way, This Is the Army, and The Male Animal.
Linda Darnell: Forever Amber, Unfaithfully Yours, A Letter to Three Wives, Star Dust, The Mark of Zorro, It Happened Tomorrow, City Without Men, Slattery's Hurricane, My Darling Clementine, Anna and the King of Siam, Hangover Square, Summer Storm, Buffalo Bill, The Song of Bernadette, Brigham Young, Blood and Sand, Chad Hanna, The Loves of Edgar Allan Poe, Rise and Shine, The Walls of Jericho, Centennial Summer, The Great John L., Sweet and Low-Down, Everybody Does It, and Fallen Angel.
It’s Gene Tierney or Joan Fontaine for me
submitted by Britneyfan456 to classicfilms [link] [comments]

Which Actress had the best run in the 40s?

Best run in terms of anything
Ingrid Bergman: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Casablanca, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Gaslight, Spellbound, The Bells of St. Mary’s, Notorious, June Night, Adam Had Four Sons, Rage in Heaven, Saratoga Trunk, Swedes in America, Arch of Triumph, American Creed, Under Capricorn, and Joan of Arc.
Olivia De Havilland: The Snake Pit, Santa Fe Trail, Their Boots On, The Heiress, To Each His Own, In This Our Life, My Love Came Back, The Strawberry Blonde, The Male Animal, The Well Groomed Bride, Hold Back the Dawn, Thank Your Lucky Stars, Devotion, The Dark Mirror, Princess O'Rourke, and Government Girl.
Judy Garland: Andy Hardy Meets Debutante, Strike Up the Band, Little Nellie Kelly, Meet Me in St. Louis, Presenting Lily Mars, For Me and My Gal, Thousands Cheer, Girl Crazy, Babes on Broadway, Life Begins for Andy Hardy, Ziegfeld Girl, In the Good Old Summertime, The Pirate, Words and Music, Easter Parade, The Harvey Girls, Till the Clouds Roll By, and Ziegfeld Follies.
Gene Tierney: Son of Fury: The Story of Benjamin Blake, Heaven Can Wait, Laura, Leave Her to Heaven, Dragonwyck, The Razor’s Edge, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, Tobacco Road, The Return of Frank James, Hudson's Bay, The Shanghai Gesture, A Bell for Adano, China Girl, Sundown, Belle Starr, Thunder Birds, Rings on Her Fingers, The Iron Curtain, and That Wonderful Urge.
Bette Davis: In This Our Life, Thank Your Lucky Stars, The Man Who Came to Dinner, The Little Foxes, The Letter, Now, Voyager, Beyond the Forest, Winter Meeting, June Bride, A Stolen Life, Deception, Hollywood Canteen, Old Acquaintance, Mr. Skeffington, Shining Victory, The Bride Came C.O.D., Watch on the Rhine, All This, and Heaven Too, and The Corn Is Green.
Joan Crawford: When Ladies Meet, Possessed, Mildred Pierce, Hollywood Canteen, Humoresque, Flamingo Road, It's a Great Feeling, Daisy Kenyon, Reunion in France, They All Kissed the Bride, Strange Cargo, Susan and God, Above Suspicion, and A Woman's Face.
Carole Lombard: They Knew What They Wanted, To Be or Not to Be, Vigil in the Night, and Mr. & Mrs. Smith.
Agnes Moorehead: Citizen Kane, The Magnificent Ambersons, Dark Passage, Journey into Fear, The Big Street, The Youngest Profession, Government Girl, Jane Eyre, Dragon Seed, Since You Went Away, The Seventh Cross, Mrs. Parkington, Our Vines Have Tender Grapes, Tomorrow, the World!, Keep Your Powder Dry, Her Highness and the Bellboy, Johnny Belinda, The Lost Moment, Summer Holiday, The Woman in White, The Stratton Story, Station West, The Great Sinner, and Without Honor.
Shirley Temple: A Kiss for Corliss, Fort Apache, Adventure in Baltimore, The Story of Seabiscuit, Mr. Belvedere Goes to College, The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer, Since You Went Away, Kiss and Tell, I'll Be Seeing You, Honeymoon, Kathleen, Young People, Miss Annie Rooney, The Blue Bird, and That Hagen Girl.
Ava Gardner: The Killers, The Hucksters, Singapore, One Touch of Venus, The Bribe,The Great Sinner, Major Barbara, East Side, West Side, Reunion in France, Fancy Answers, H. M. Pulham, Esq., Shadow of the Thin Man, Babes on Broadway, This Time for Keeps, Joe Smith, American, We Do It Because, Sunday Punch, Kid Glove Killer, Calling Dr. Gillespie, Mighty Lak a Goat, Du Barry Was a Lady, Hitler's Madman, Ghosts on the Loose, Two Girls and a Sailor, Lost Angel, Young Ideas, Swing Fever, Maisie Goes to Reno, 3 Men in White, She Went to the Races, Blonde Fever, and Whistle Stop.
Katharine Hepburn: The Philadelphia Story, Song of Love, Adam's Rib, Undercurrent, Without Love, State of the Union, The Sea of Grass, Stage Door Canteen, Dragon Seed, Woman of the Year, and Keeper of the Flame.
Maureen O Hara: Dance, Girl, Dance, How Green Was My Valley, The Black Swan, The Spanish Main, Miracle on 34th Street, Sinbad the Sailor, A Bill of Divorcement, They Met in Argentina, To the Shores of Tripoli, Ten Gentlemen from West Point, Immortal Sergeant, This Land Is Mine, The Fallen Sparrow, Buffalo Bill, Sentimental Journey, Do You Love Me, The Homestretch, The Foxes of Harrow, Forever Amber, The Forbidden Street, Father Was a Fullback, Sitting Pretty, and A Woman's Secret.
Lauren Bacall: The Big Sleep, Dark Passage, Key Largo, Confidential Agent, Confidential Agent, and To Have and Have Not.
Vivien Leigh: Caesar and Cleopatra, Anna Karenina, 21 Days, Waterloo Bridge, and That Hamilton Woman.
Greer Garson: Mrs. Miniver, The Valley of Decision, Desire Me, That Forsyte Woman, The Miracle of Sound, Pride and Prejudice, Random Harvest, Blossoms in the Dust, Madame Curie, The Youngest Profession, When Ladies Meet, Adventure, Mrs. Parkington, and Julia Misbehaves.
Claudette Colbert: The Palm Beach Story, Since You Went Away, Bride for Sale, Sleep, My Love, Without Reservations, Family Honeymoon, Arise, My Love, Boom Town, Remember the Day, Skylark, No Time for Love, Practically Yours, So Proudly We Hail!, Guest Wife, Tomorrow Is Forever, The Secret Heart, and The Egg and I.
Lana Turner: Johnny Eager, Honky Tonk, Ziegfeld Girl, The Postman Always Rings Twice, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Somewhere I’ll Find You, Week-End at the Waldorf, Green Dolphin Street, Homecoming, The Three Musketeers, The Youngest Profession, Keep Your Powder Dry, We Who Are Young, Cass Timberlane, Slightly Dangerous, and Marriage Is a Private Affair.
Rita Hayworth: Gilda, Cover Girl, Blondie on a Budget, Tales of Manhattan, You Were Never Lovelier, The Lady from Shanghai, The Strawberry Blonde, You'll Never Get Rich, The Loves of Carmen, Affectionately Yours, My Gal Sal, Susan and God, Down to Earth, Tonight and Every Night, Blood and Sand, Angels Over Broadway, The Lady in Question, Music in My Heart, and Blondie on a Budget.
Joan Fontaine: Rebecca, Suspicion, The Constant Nymph, Jane Eyre, The Affairs of Susan, Ivy, Letter from an Unknown Woman, This Above All, Kiss the Blood Off My Hands, The Emperor Waltz, From This Day Forward, You Gotta Stay Happy, and Frenchman's Creek.
Jennifer Jones: The Song of Bernadette, Since You Went Away, Love Letters, Duel in the Sun, Madame Bovary, We Were Strangers, Portrait of Jennie, and Cluny Brown.
Hedy Lamarr: Comrade X, Come Live With Me, H.M. Pulham, Esq., Samson and Delilah, Tortilla Flat, Dishonored Lady, Ziegfeld Girl, Boom Town, Crossroads, The Strange Woman, White Cargo, Experiment Perilous, The Conspirators, Let's Live a Little, I Take This Woman, and The Heavenly Body.
Ginger Rogers: The Barkleys of Broadway, Tender Comrade, Kitty Foyle, Tom, Dick and Harry, I'll Be Seeing You, Roxie Hart, The Major and the Minor, Lucky Partners, Primrose Path, Week-End at the Waldorf, Once Upon a Honeymoon, Lady in the Dark, Magnificent Doll, Heartbeat, and It Had to Be You.
Barbara Stanwyck: East Side, West Side, Hollywood Canteen, Ball of Fire, The Lady Eve, Sorry, Wrong Number, Double Indemnity, Meet John Doe, You Belong to Me, Remember the Night, The Gay Sisters, The Great Man's Lady, Flesh and Fantasy, Lady of Burlesque, California, My Reputation, The Strange Love of Martha Ivers, The Bride Wore Boots, Christmas in Connecticut, Cry Wolf, The Two Mrs. Carrolls, Variety Girl, The Other Love, The Lady Gambles, and B.F.'s Daughter.
Veronica Lake: Sullivan’s Travels, This Gun for Hire, The Glass Key, I Married a Witch, So Proudly We Hail, Bring on the Girls, Miss Susie Slagle’s, The Blue Dahlia, I Wanted Wings, Forty Little Mothers, The Hour Before the Dawn, Ramrod, Hold That Blonde, Duffy's Tavern, Miss Susie Slagle's, Out of This World, Slattery's Hurricane, The Sainted Sisters, Isn't It Romantic?, Star Spangled Rhythm, and Saigon.
Setsuko Hara: Late Spring, Toyuki, Hebihimesama, Totsugu hi made, Onna no machi, Futari no sekai, Shimai no Yakusoku, Anî no hânayomê, Ôinaru kanô, Kêkkon no seitaî, A Story of Leadership, Kibô no aozora, Seishun no kiryû, Wakai sensei, Midori no daichi, Haha no chizu, Hawai Mare Oki Kaisen, Hawai Maree oki kaisen, Ahen senso, Bôrô no kesshitai, Toward the Decisive Battle in the Sky, Searing Wind, Suicide Troops of the Watchtower, Ikari no umi, Young Eagles, Shôri no hi made, Kita no san-nin, Koi no fuunjî, Midori no kokkyô, Reijin, Midori no kokkyô, No Regrets for Our Youth, Yuwaku, Kakedashi jidai, A Ball at the Anjo House, Onnadake no yoru, Sanbon yubi no otoko, Toki no teizo: zengohen, Fujisancho, Taifuken no onna, Kofuku no genkai, President and a female clerk, Tonosama Hotel, Ojôsan kanpai, Aoi sanmyaku, and Zoku aoi sanmyaku.
Betty Grable: Down Argentine Way, Mother Wore Tights, Down Argentine Way, When My Baby Smiles at Me, The Dolly Sisters, Pin Up Girl, Springtime in the Rockies, Coney Island, The Beautiful Blonde from Bashful Bend, Tin Pan Alley, Sweet Rosie O'Grady, A Yank in the R.A.F., Footlight Serenade, I Wake Up Screaming, Song of the Islands, Diamond Horseshoe,
Deborah Kerr: The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, Black Narcissus, Contraband, Penn of Pennsylvania, A Battle for a Bottle, Love on the Dole, Major Barbara, Major Barbara, Edward, My Son, Hatter's Castle, The Day Will Dawn, If Winter Comes, Perfect Strangers, and I See a Dark Stranger.
Donna Reed: Shadow of the Thin Man, Calling Dr. Gillespie, It's a Wonderful Life, Convicted Woman, The Get-Away, Babes on Broadway, The Courtship of Andy Hardy, The Bugle Sounds, Mokey, Apache Trail, Eyes in the Night, Dr. Gillespie's Criminal Case, The Human Comedy, The Man from Down Under, Thousands Cheer, See Here, Private Hargrove, Green Dolphin Street, Chicago Deadline, Beyond Glory, The Picture of Dorian Gray, They Were Expendable, Faithful in My Fashion, and Gentle Annie.
Kim Hunter: A Matter of Life and Death, When Strangers Marry, You Came Along, The Seventh Victim, Tender Comrade, and A Canterbury Tale.
Alida Valli: The Third Man, Piccolo mondo antico, The Paradine Case, The Miracle of the Bells, We the Living, T'amerò sempre, I pagliacci, Apparizione, The Song of Life, The Two Orphans, The First Woman Who Passes, Light in the Darkness, The Secret Lover, Manon Lescaut, The Last Enemy, Red Tavern, Beyond Love, Schoolgirl Diary, Invisible Chains, Stasera niente di nuovo, The Za-Bum Circus, Life Begins Anew, and Eugenia Grandet.
Anne Baxter: 20 Mule Team, The Magnificent Ambersons, Five Graves to Cairo, The Razor's Edge, Yellow Sky, The Great Profile, Swamp Water, Charley's Aunt, Sunday Dinner for a Soldier, The Fighting Sullivans, The North Star, Smoky, The Purple Heart, The Eve of St. Mark, Guest in the House, You're My Everything, The Walls of Jericho, Homecoming, The Luck of the Irish, Blaze of Noon, Angel on My Shoulder, and A Royal Scandal.
Teresa Wright: The Little Foxes, Mrs.. Miniver, Enchantment, Shadow of a Doubt, The Best Years of Our Lives, Pursued, The Trouble with Women, The Pride of the Yankees, The Little Foxes, Casanova Brown, and The Imperfect Lady.
Mary Astor: The Maltese Falcon, The Palm Beach Story, The Great Lie, Act of Violence, Meet Me in St. Louis, Fiesta, East Side, West Side, Young Ideas, Blonde Fever, Turnabout, Brigham Young, Across the Pacific, Claudia and David, Little Women, Any Number Can Play, Desert Fury, and Cynthia.
Ann Sheridan: They Drive by Night, The Man Who Came to Dinner, Kings Row, Nora Prentiss, I Was a Male War Bride, Honeymoon for Three, One More Tomorrow, City for Conquest, Torrid Zone, Castle on the Hudson, It All Came True, Navy Blues, George Washington Slept Here, Wings for the Eagle, Juke Girl, Silver River, The Unfaithful, Edge of Darkness, Thank Your Lucky Stars, Cinderella Jones, Shine On, Harvest Moon, and Good Sam.
Ida Lupino: They Drive by Night, Devotion, In Our Time, The Sea Wolf, High Sierra, Thank Your Lucky Stars, Out of the Fog, Life Begins at Eight-Thirty, Moontide, Ladies in Retirement, Hollywood Canteen, Forever and a Day, The Hard Way, Pillow to Post, Road House, The Man I Love, Escape Me Never, Deep Valley, Not Wanted, Never Fear, and Lust for Gold.
Joan Bennett: Man Hunt, The Woman in the Window, Scarlet Street, The House Across the Bay, The Man I Married, The Son of Monte Cristo, Green Hell, She Knew All the Answers, Wild Geese Calling, The Reckless Moment, Secret Beyond the Door, Hollow Triumph, The Woman on the Beach, Margin for Error, Twin Beds, Confirm or Deny, The Wife Takes a Flyer, Colonel Effingham's Raid, The Macomber Affair, Girl Trouble, and Nob Hill.
Tallulah Bankhead: A Royal Scandal, Stage Door Canteen, and Lifeboat.
Jane Greer: Out of the Past, Pan-Americana, Two O'Clock Courage, Sinbad the Sailor, George White's Scandals, The Falcon's Alibi, Dick Tracy, The Bamboo Blonde, Station West, Sunset Pass, They Won't Believe Me, and The Big Steal.
Margaret O'Brien: Jane Eyre, Meet Me in St. Louis, The Unfinished Dance, Our Vines Have Tender Grapes, Lost Angel, Three Wise Fools, Big City, Little Women, Tenth Avenue Angel, The Secret Garden, Music for Millions, Bad Bascomb, Journey for Margaret, You, John Jones!, and The Canterville Ghost.
Lucille Ball: Without Love, Ziegfeld Follies, Dance, Girl, Dance, The Big Street, Du Barry Was a Lady, The Marines Fly High, You Can't Fool Your Wife, A Girl, a Guy and a Gob, Too Many Girls,Thousands Cheer, Seven Days' Leave, Easy Living, Abbott and Costello in Hollywood, Look Who's Laughing, Valley of the Sun, Lured, Easy to Wed, Two Smart People, Her Husband's Affairs, Sorrowful Jones, The Dark Corner, Lover Come Back, Best Foot Forward, and Meet the People.
Cyd Charisse: Ziegfeld Follies, Escort Girl, Something to Shout About, Thousands Cheer, Mission to Moscow, The Harvey Girls, Till the Clouds Roll By, In Our Time, Three Wise Fools, Fiesta, The Unfinished Dance, On an Island with You, and The Kissing Bandit.
Susan Hayward: The Lost Moment, Smash-Up, the Story of a Woman, My Foolish Heart, Adam Had Four Sons, Sis Hopkins, They Won't Believe Me, Canyon Passage, And Now Tomorrow, Deadline at Dawn, Hit Parade of 1943, Star Spangled Rhythm, A Letter from Bataan, Young and Willing, Tulsa, The Saxon Charm, House of Strangers, Tap Roots, Among the Living, Reap the Wild Wind, The Forest Rangers, Jack London, The Fighting Seabees, and The Hairy Ape.
June Allyson: The Secret Heart, Music for Millions, Best Foot Forward, Meet the People, Two Girls and a Sailor, Girl Crazy, All Girl Revue, Her Highness and the Bellboy, The Three Musketeers, Good News, The Stratton Story, Words and Music, High Barbaree, Till the Clouds Roll By, The Sailor Takes a Wife, Two Sisters from Boston, and The Bride Goes Wild.
Susan Peters: Young Ideas, Tish, Santa Fe Trail, The Big Shot, Random Harvest, Keep Your Powder Dry, Song of Russia, Assignment in Brittany, The Sign of the Ram, Dr. Gillespie's New Assistant, Andy Hardy's Double Life, A New Romance of Celluloid: Personalities, Sockaroo, River's End, Meet John Doe, The Strawberry Blonde, Scattergood Pulls the Strings, Three Sons o' Guns, Young America Flies, Money and the Woman, and The Man Who Talked Too Much.
Betty Hutton: Duffy's Tavern, Hollywood Victory Caravan, Dream Girl, Red, Hot and Blue, Star Spangled Rhythm, One for the Book, Happy Go Lucky, Strictly G.I., Skirmish on the Home Front, The Miracle of Morgan's Creek, Cross My Heart, The Perils of Pauline, The Stork Club,Here Come the Waves, And the Angels Sing, Incendiary Blonde, The Fleet's In, and Let's Face It.
Celeste Holm: Road House, Gentleman's Agreement, Come to the Stable, The Snake Pit, Everybody Does It, Chicken Every Sunday, A Letter to Three Wives, Three Little Girls in Blue, and Carnival in Costa Rica.
Celia Johnson: In Which We Serve, Brief Encounter, This Happy Breed, Dear Octopus, and A Letter from Home.
Jane Wyman: Brother Rat and a Baby, Bad Men of Missouri, Johnny Belinda, The Lost Weekend, An Angel from Texas, Flight Angels, Gambling on the High Seas, My Love Came Back, Tugboat Annie Sails Again, Honeymoon for Three, You're in the Army Now, The Body Disappears, Larceny, Inc., My Favorite Spy, Footlight Serenade, Princess O'Rourke, Make Your Own Bed, The Doughgirls, Crime by Night, One More Tomorrow, Night and Day, The Yearling, Magic Town, Cheyenne, A Kiss in the Dark, and The Lady Takes a Sailor.
Angela Lansbury: National Velvet, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Gaslight, The Harvey Girls, The Private Affairs of Bel Ami, If Winter Comes, The Hoodlum Saint, Till the Clouds Roll By, The Red Danube, The Three Musketeers, Tenth Avenue Angel, State of the Union, and Samson and Delilah.
Jean Simmons: Hamlet, Kiss the Bride Goodbye, Give Us the Moon, Black Narcissus, The Way to the Stars, Great Expectations, Caesar and Cleopatra, Meet Sexton Blake, Mr. Emmanuel, Sports Day, Adam and Evelyne, The Blue Lagoon, The Woman in the Hall, Uncle Silas, and Hungry Hill.
Jeanne Crain: Pinky, Home in Indiana, Leave Her to Heaven, In the Meantime, Darling, Winged Victory, State Fair, The Gang's All Here, Margie, The Fan, You Were Meant for Me, Centennial Summer, Apartment for Peggy, and Apartment for Peggy.
Jane Darwell: The Grapes of Wrath, The Great Gildersleeve, It Happened in Flatbush, Government Girl, The Loves of Edgar Allan Poe, The Ox-Bow Incident, The Impatient Years, Music in Manhattan, Untamed, Brigham Young, Chad Hanna, All Through the Night, Small Town Deb, On the Sunny Side, The Devil and Daniel Webster, Young America, Thieves Fall Out, Youth Will Be Served, Private Nurse, Stage Door Canteen, Highways by Night, Reckless Age, Tender Comrade, Gildersleeve's Bad Day, My Darling Clementine, Train to Alcatraz, 3 Godfathers, Red Canyon, I Live in Grosvenor Square, Captain Tugboat Annie, Sunday Dinner for a Soldier, She's a Sweetheart, The Dark Horse, Three Wise Fools, Keeper of the Bees, The Red Stallion, and Men of Texas.
Jean Arthur: The More the Merrier, Arizona, Too Many Husbands, The Talk of the Town, A Foreign Affair, The Impatient Years, A Lady Takes a Chance, and The Devil and Miss Jones.
Elizabeth Taylor: National Velvet, There's One Born Every Minute, Lassie Come Home, Courage of Lassie, Cynthia, Julia Misbehaves, A Date with Judy, Little Women, Life with Father, Conspirator, The White Cliffs of Dover, and Jane Eyre.
Virginia Mayo: The Best Years of Our Lives, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Smart Girls Don't Talk, The Girl from Jones Beach, White Heat, Flaxy Martin, Colorado Territory, Always Leave Them Laughing, The Kid from Brooklyn, Seven Days Ashore, The Princess and the Pirate, Wonder Man, Out of the Blue, A Song Is Born, Follies Girl, Up in Arms, Jack London, and Red Light.
Myrna Loy: Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House, The Red Pony, The Senator Was Indiscreet, That Dangerous Age, So Goes My Love, The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer, Northward, Ho!, The Thin Man Goes Home, I Love You Again, Third Finger, Left Hand, Shadow of the Thin Man, Love Crazy, Show Business at War, The Best Years of Our Lives, and Song of the Thin Man.
Margaret Sullavan: The Mortal Storm, The Shop Around the Corner, Back Street, Appointment for Love, and Cry 'Havoc'.
Joan Leslie: Sergeant York, High Sierra, Yankee Doodle Dandy, Too Young to Know, Northwest Stampede, Janie Gets Married, Two Guys from Milwaukee, Repeat Performance, Where Do We Go from Here?, I Am an American, Laddie, Alice in Movieland, Susan and God, Star Dust, Young as You Feel, High School, Military Academy, The Wagons Roll at Night, The Great Mr. Nobody, Foreign Correspondent, Thieves Fall Out, Thank Your Lucky Stars, The Sky's the Limit, Rhapsody in Blue, Cinderella Jones, Hollywood Canteen, Nine Lives Are Not Enough, The Hard Way, This Is the Army, and The Male Animal.
Linda Darnell: Forever Amber, Unfaithfully Yours, A Letter to Three Wives, Star Dust, The Mark of Zorro, It Happened Tomorrow, City Without Men, Slattery's Hurricane, My Darling Clementine, Anna and the King of Siam, Hangover Square, Summer Storm, Buffalo Bill, The Song of Bernadette, Brigham Young, Blood and Sand, Chad Hanna, The Loves of Edgar Allan Poe, Rise and Shine, The Walls of Jericho, Centennial Summer, The Great John L., Sweet and Low-Down, Everybody Does It, and Fallen Angel.
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My 1st 2020 mock draft

 Is it ever to early for NFL mock drafts? I think not. We are currently heading into week 5 of the NFL season and week 6 of the college season and we are starting to really learn team weaknessea and strengths of the pro teams and the top players in college. Fans, especially of the bad teams, are starting to ask who should my team draft? So here is my thoughts on the draft. While yes many things can change between week 5 and end of the Superbowl such as teams catching fire or catching a cold, a major injury, or a major trade could happen so keep that in mind as you see what your favorite team grabs to build the future. And with that the 2020 NFL Draft opens up with… 
  1. Miami Dolphins select Chase Young, Edge Ohio State • WHAT? No QB? But this season is tank for Tua! As a Miami and Alabama fan I love Tua and want him on my team, but Josh Rosen has definitely been showing the ability that made him a top 10 pick last year (and I’m not really a Rosen fan). So now to Young. The Miami defense has played surprisingly respectable so far with becoming a solid run defense and good play from young and NFL inexperienced linebackers is being hurt bad by no pass rush. Young is without a doubt the top rusher and has top NFL potential and will make life harder on opposing teams. Charles Harris has been a bust and Taco Charlton does have 2 sacks, 3 hurries, and 2 tackles for loss can he become the player he was expected?
  2. Cincinnati Bengals select Tua Tagovailoa, QB Alabama • Yes it is time to move on from Andy Dalton. Has he been bad? No. The Bengals though have become stale and the time has come for Zac Taylor to start his regime and give this team a spark. At Alabama Tua has shown the ability to make big throws and smart throws. Able to manipulate a defense with his eyes and open up receivers that way and even throw them open. While Tua does have good speed he prefers to move to extend plays giving his team more time to get open which I’m sure AJ Green, Tyler Boyd, Tyler Eifert would love against the tough AFC North defenses (and not to mention the defense).
  3. Washington Redskins select Andrew Thomas, OT Georgia • With Trent Williams bound and determined to leave the nation capital they need to bring in a replacement and protect Haskins and open holes for Guice ,eventually maybe, of AP. Thomas has been dominant against SEC defenses and would be an amazing friend to help Haskins build and become better by standing up to make plays.
  4. Denver Broncos select Jerry Jeudy, WR Alabama • While some people are clamoring for Tua (spoiler he gone already) or another QB Elway did draft Drew Lock last year and that’s who I see leading the Broncos fulltime next season and why not give him two very talented receivers to throw to? A very fast and excellent route running Jeudy teaming with the big 6’4” 216lb Courtland Sutton would be a great duo for big arm Lock.
  5. New York Jets select AJ Epenesa, Edge Iowa • While yes the Jets could easily select a wide receiver or an offensive lineman I think they keep trying to build the defense that they spent A LOT of money on this past offseason. With a division consisting of 2 recent top 10 picks in Josh Allen and Josh Rosen and then of course the ageless Tom Brady and can’t forget the emergence of a very good looking AFC QB group including Patrick Mahomes, Dashaun Watson, Baker Mayfield, Lamar Jackson the pass rush could be extremely important.
  6. Arizona Cardinals select CeeDee Lamb, WR Oklahoma • Yes they should go offensive line Larry Fitzgerald is almost done and yes they have Christian Kirk, but the Cards double dip Oklahoma and bring in one of Murray top targets from last year in Lamb. The plan is to make Murray more at home and make that throw the ball offense more dangerous.
  7. Miami Dolphins select Tristan Wirfs, OT Iowa • Well their back. This is the pick from trading Minkah Fitzpatrick to the Steelers and with it they either replace Laremy Tunsil at left tackle or shift him inside to guard to solidify the interior with Michael Deiter. Bring in Rosen some help with this dreadful line and allow him some time to find the receivers or open up holes for the running backs.
  8. Atlanta Falcons select Derrick Brown, IDL Auburn • This is one team I don’t expect to be here at the end of the season. This team is too good to be this high. The d-line is very talented with Tak McKinley, Vic Beasley, Grady Jarrett. Finish it off with the lethality by bringing in who would’ve been a top defensive player last year. Get after the explosive NFC South and NFC offenses in general.
  9. Jacksonville Jaguars select Henry Ruggs, WR Alabama • Minshew mania has taken over Jacksonville, but is he the future guy? Well if not they signed Nick Foles to a big deal and if Minshew doesn’t take it then Foles is back and the receiving group is…well lacking still. So bring in Ruggs who is unbelievably fast, great hands that don’t drop, good routes, and a very good blocker. Add Ruggs to that group and they are deep and dangerous.
  10. Indianapolis Colts select Grant Delpit, S LSU • After Andrew Luck sudden retirement they gave Jacoby Brissett an extension but not a big extension. Could they draft a QB like Herbet, Fromm, Eason absolutely, but unless Brissett just disappoints this year then they address other parts of the team. So they pick Delpit and bring in reinforcements against the pass against an upcoming AFC South with DeAndre Hopkins, Will Fuller, AJ Brown, Dede Westbrook, DJ Chark.
  11. Baltimore Ravens select Isaiah Simmons, LB Clemson • With the offense seemingly addressed in all phases it’s time to finish addressing the defense. There are holes in the defense and in Ravens fashion they address from the inside out starting at middle linebacker. With the ability to play sideline to sideline and play the run inside and lead what has been a great defense is a great way to get the Ravens defense back to greatness.
  12. New York Giants select Laviska Shenault Jr, WR Colorado • They have their running back in Saquan Barkley and maybe their QB in Daniel Jones so now address the wide receiver and bring in a playmaker to fill the hole left by Odell Beckham. An explosive playmaker that is use to a high catch count and after the catch turning into running back could really help this offense and help the defense by putting more points on the board.
  13. Las Vegas Raiders select Creed Humphrey, IOL Oklahoma • The Raiders are gambling that Carr is the guy to lead this team after passing on Justin Herbert and Jack Fromm. So they bring in protection for Carr and a hole opener for Josh Jacobs. Being used to pass blocking a lot at Oklahoma Humphrey should be able to help start the new Vegas show.
  14. Philadelphia Eagles select Xavier McKinney, S Alabama • The Eagles cornerback woes have improved over the last couple years with Ronald Darby and previous picks finally panning out. But McLeod has been by himself on the backside. So bring in McKinney to help patrol and cause mayhem going after the ball.
  15. Tennessee Titans select Justin Herbert, QB Oregon • Yes you read that right. Titans get tired of Marcus Mariota and the injuries and lackluster up and down play. So they bring in a fresh start in Herbert to give a new boost to this overall good team stuck in mediocrity. Herbert big arm and athleticism can bring in a fresh start and replace the former Oregon QB with a new Oregon QB.
  16. Carolina Panthers select Kristian Fulton, CB LSU • The Carolina defense is coming together and very good. The offense needs some work but this isn’t the time. For awhile now the defense has needed a better secondary so help it out and address it with Fulton. LSU defensive backs have very coming into the at a very high caliber and Fulton will continue it and help legitimize the secondary with his big frame and excellent man coverage skills.
  17. Tampa Bay Buccaneers select Julian Okwara, Edge Norte Dame • The Bucs defense has been good so far this season and Shaquil Barrett is having a great season so let’s get him a partner on the other side. Could they get a new QB? Yes absolutely and this might change later, but Winston has a lot to show this year.
  18. Minnesota Vikings select Jake Fromm, QB Georgia • Yes despite the big contract Vikings bite the bullet and move on from Kirk Cousins. They bring in the player that led Georgia to a national championship his freshman year. Bring in a confident QB that is very accurate, great arm, just athletic enough to extend plays. Fromm will take the risks to get the ball to Theilan and Diggs (as of now still on the team).
  19. Detroit Lions select Paulson Adebo, CB Stanford • The Lions offense is seemingly back so gotta continue to fix the defense. One thing that the Lions have forever been trying to fix is the cornerback opposite of Darius Slay. With last season the lions signing Trey Flowers maybe in free agency this is the start of a great defense.
  20. Seattle Seahawks select Tyler Biadasz, C Wisconsin • The Seattle offensive line has needed work for years. While it’s better then it was in recent years the interior still needs help since Max Unger got traded. Not only will Russell Wilson benefit but so will that running game with a Wisconsin lineman in the middle.
  21. Cleveland Browns select Lucas Niang, OT TCU • The 2019 NFL Draft saw the Browns needing a left tackle for the first time since 2006 season. While in that draft they decided to go with Greg Robinson and while he’s been serviceable he isn’t the long term answer. While they miss out on the top 2 tackles in this draft in Thomas and Wirfs they get Niang. A player used to Big 12 play blocking for a former Big 12 in Baker Mayfield. A better pass blocker than run blocker, but that’s what Cleveland needs to help Mayfield not to end up flushed out or on his back.
  22. Los Angeles Chargers select Jordan Love, QB Utah State • It’s time. The Chargers finally draft the successor to Phillip Rivers and it’s the fast rising Love. Still raw and not ready to start in the NFL immediately so Carson California is perfect able to sit behind Rivers for last couple years. The arm and athleticism is just too good for Chargers to pass on.
  23. Dallas Cowboys select Jeffrey Okudah, CB Ohio State • With it looking like the Cowboys will be losing Byron Jones the Cowboys look to replace him. With the success of OSU cornerbacks in recent years Dallas hope to continue to capture the magic.
  24. Green Bay Packers select Jalen Reagor, WR TCU • The Packers defense actually looks pretty good, the running game seems to be stable, offensive line is still good enough. But the receiving game now needs someone opposite of Davante Adams. The current group has not produced a reliable enough of a playmaker to lean on. While Aaron Rodgers doesn’t seem to be the same and career winding down he still has enough to guide them but needs that second option.
  25. Miami Dolphins select Bryce Hall, CB Virginia • Guess who’s back. Back again. Miami’s back up and back addressing the pass defense by getting Hall to be opposite of Xavien Howard. The Dolphins currently have Eric Rowe, Chris Lammons, and Jomal Wiltz currently revolving opposite of Howard and none are being effective and QBs just target that side of the field and have lots of success. The big 4 year starter should be a big upgrade.
  26. Buffalo Bills select Alton Robinson, Edge Syracuse • In the last draft Buffalo selected a very raw but talented linebacker in Tremaine Edwards. This year they draft another raw talented player, but at edge to be opposite of Jerry Hughes and maybe even replace him. Robinson will be joining a very good defense with lots of time to learn.
  27. Los Angels Rams select Raekwon Davis, DL Alabama • Absolutely the Rams could get edge rusher or offensive line help, but I have the Rams getting Davis who is a very good run stopper and a good pass rusher with a high motor. With this pick though they could very well go other ways.
  28. Las Vegas Raiders select Yuter Gross-Matos, Edge Penn State • Raiders are back up and this time they go defensively and bring in another pass rusher. Yes they brought in Colin Ferrell last year but he needs help. What can make a defense so much better is a good pass rush. I mean you can never have enough right?
  29. New Orleans Saints select Joe Burrow, QB LSU • While I’m not a huge Burrow fan if what we’re seeing from him so far this year is the real Joe Burrow he seems to be the perfect replacement for Drew Brees. While they have Teddy Bridgewater and Taysom Hill I’m not sold and I don’t think the team is that they are the future. Burrow has a big arm and likes to throw the ball deep and a lot. Which I do believe the Saints still throw the ball quite a bit.
  30. New England Patriots select Curtis Weaver, Edge Boise State • Many people have the Patriots taking a QB in this spot, but well I think Stidham could develop. And while the Patriots are able to develop a pass rush from anywhere on the outside they have Chase Winovich and not much more so Weaver seems to fit them pretty well. More the power rushers that double as run stopper. They just want versatility.
  31. San Francisco 49ers select Trevon Diggs, CB Alabama • While the 49ers do need offensive line here they go with Diggs to add to the constantly struggling secondary. Richard Sherman doesn’t have many years left so bring in the former wide receiver to play opposite and learn from one of the best cornerbacks in the last decade.
  32. Kansas City Chiefs select AJ Terrell, CB Clemson • A bit of a reach here but the Chiefs are still needing secondary help to help cover for the lack of pass rush. Since the Chiefs traded Marcus Peters (which is starting to look like a win now) and now Eric Berry this secondary is really lacking a good solid piece.
Round 2 33. Miami Dolphins Travis Etienne RB Clemson • Kenyan Drake is in his last year and I don’t think Ballage, Walton, or Gaskin is iit. 34. Cincinnati Bengals Alex Leatherwood • The Bengals need a lot of help on the o-line and Leatherwood has played tackle and guard at high levels. 35. Indianapolis Colts Jacob Eason QB Washington • Only time will tell is Jacoby Brissett is the guy but get a very good QB on rookie deal just in case. 36. Denver Broncos Javon Kinlaw IDL • Broncos have outside pass disruptions but a interior disruption can make them better. 37. New York Jets Collin Johnson WR Texas • Jets need a big target for Sam Darnold and Johnson is a big 6’6” target. 38. Arizona Cardinals Prince Tega Wanogho T Auburn • Cardinals finally bring in protection for Kyler Murray in a very quick and raw tackle. 39. Pittsburgh Steelers K'Lavon Chaisson Edge LSU • Steelers bring in a versatile pass rusher opposite of TJ Watt to get after the speedy QBs in their division and conference. 40. Atlanta Falcons Brandon Jacobs S Texas • Falcons bring in a thumper safety to help in the run game against very good NFC South running teams. 41. Jacksonville Jaguars D’Andre Swift RB Georgia • Jags give up on Fournette who has not produced or been around to produce and bring in a different mold of running back. 42. Indianapolis Colts Grant Calcaterre TE Oklahoma • I don’t think Eric Ebron is longterm but more of a flash in the pan. 43. Baltimore Ravens Shawn Wade CB Ohio State • After another injury Jimmy Smith tenure might be done in Baltimore. 44. New York Giants Kenny Willekes Edge Michigan State • Bring in an edge rush opposite of Oshane Ximines and this d-line looks very stout. 45. Chicago Bears Jaylon Johnson CB Utah • Prince Amukamara is probably going to be after this year so bring in Johnson to go opposite of Kyle Fuller. 46. Philadelphia Eagles Jalen Hurts QB Oklahoma • Carson Wentz very good when he plays, but has been bit by the injury bug bad. 47. Tennessee Titans Brycen Hopkins TE Purdue • Delanie Walker has been injured a lot and career is about over. 48. Carolina Panthers Hamsah Nasirildeen S Florida State • Carolina finishes up addressing the secondary to pair with Eric Reid. 49. Tampa Bay Buccaneers Jonathan Taylor RB Wisconsin • Peyton Barber and Ronald Jones have not progressed as hoped so it’s time to replace them. 50. Minnesota Vikings Rashad Lawrence IDL • After losing Shariff Floyd the void has been difficult to fill, Lawrence should fill it. 51. Detroit Lions Tee Higgins WR Clemson • Lions offense is looking like a complete unit so bring in another weapon for Stafford. 52. Seattle Seahawks Jabari Zuniga Edge Florida • After trading Frank Clark the Seahawks need to fill the hole. 53. Cleveland Browns Darryl Williams IOL Mississippi State • Browns continue to build the o-line for Mayfield and Nick Chubb. 54. Los Angeles Chargers Jared Pinkney TE Vanderbilt • Hunter Henry can’t stay on the field so it is time to put effort to move on. 55. Dallas Cowboys Reggie Floyd S Virginia Tech • Cowboys finish the defense by solidifying the secondary. (This pick is if they resign Amari Cooper) 56. Green Bay Packers Alaric Jackson T Iowa • Improve the o-line for Rodgers sake. 57. Houston Texans JK Dobbins RB Ohio State • Carlos Hyde is a band-aid and Duke Johnson hasn’t proved to be anything beyond a receiving back. 58. Buffalo Bills Tyler Johnson WR Minnesota • Josh Allen needs someone to throw the ball to. 59. Los Angeles Rams Anfernee Jennings Edge Alabama • Rams continue to bring in support for Aaron Donald. 60. Chicago Bears Trey Adams T Washington • Give one more season to give Trubisky every chance to build and succeed by improving the o-line. 61. Miami Dolphins KJ Hill WR Ohio State • With Albert Wilson being injured the Dolphins move on to a younger version. 62. New England Patriots Hunter Bryant TE Washington • Patriots fill the void left by Rob Gronkowski retirement. 63. Kansas City Chiefs Monty Rice LB Georgia • Chiefs are still needing to fix the linebackers since the end of their great groups a few years back. 64. Seattle Seahawks Tylan Wallace WR Oklahoma • Russell Wilson needs more weapons to get the ball to.
submitted by Speig14 to NFL_Draft [link] [comments]

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Creede & Mineral County Visitor Center & Chamber of Commerce. Open Tue-Sat 9am-4pm 904 S. Main St., PO Box 580 Creede, CO 81130 Area Information Located North of Door. Free WiFi is always on! 719-658-2374 [email protected]. Donations are appreciated. As a non-profit organization, we thrive on the kindness and charity of our visitors. Thank you! Casinos in or near Creede, Colorado, CO. There are 22 Casinos in or near Creede, Colorado CO. A A Towing. A A Towing is located approximately 132 miles from Creede. Visit A A Towing at 1761 State Road 502. Their phone number is (505) 455-7861. Read more about A A Towing in Santa Fe, NM. Couple this with the fact that the state’s capitol, Denver, was going through a reform period in which its good citizens were looking to ban shady establishments, such as gambling halls. With gambling being snubbed out of Denver, the owners of these establishment viewed rapidly growing Creede as a great place to relocate. Creede is one of the most picturesque towns in Southwest Colorado, with adventurous tings to do year round. The downtown strip is nestled at the foot of a stunning, narrow canyon. It looks like a Wild West town, which it definitely was. In its heyday, it was one of the craziest boom towns in Colorado. Bob Ford is one of Creede's most famous historical figures. The murderer of Jesse James had moved to Creede during its "boom" to set up a saloon and gambling hall. On June 7, 1892 Ed O'Kelly killed Ford in Ford's saloon. Ford was buried in the Creede cemetery, his wife later moved his body for burial in the midwest. Wheeler Geologic Area Set a dormant volcanic caldera surrounded by sheer cliffs and the spectacular San Juan Mountains, Creede is a small town in Colorado that boasts a warm and welcoming atmosphere and offers a wide variety of things to see and do. Featuring quaint 1890s storefronts, plenty of little shops to explore and restaurants to dine out at, Creede also has an array of attractions such as the Creede ... The Creede Museum, housed in the town’s 127-year-old railroad depot, is packed with exhibits of frontier-era tools and utensils, historical photographs and newspapers, hand-drawn fire wagons and horse-drawn hearses, gambling paraphernalia, and many other items that depict life as it was during Creede’s silver-boom years. Colorado Casinos & Gambling Guide WE UPDATED! We sure hope you like the improvements. We continue to be your source for information on the Colorado casinos in Black Hawk, Central City, Cripple Creek, Ignacio and Towaoc. Creede had more than it's share of notorious characters. The list included gambler Bob Ford, the killer of Jesse James. Ford apparently controlled much of the gambling in Creede from his Exchange gambling hall. He was shot in the back by a disgruntled patron, Ed O'Kelley. O'Kelley was tried and convicted for slaying Ford and put in jail. In order to escape the James gang, Bob Ford meandered his way around until he eventually settled at the Silver Camp in Creede Colorado, where he opened a gambling and dance hall called the “Exchange.” A friend of Jesse James, Ed O’Kelly, caught up with Bob Ford in Creede and shot and killed him at the the “Exchange.”

is there gambling in creede colorado top

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Colorado Experience: Creede - The Last Boom Town - YouTube

Waterfront BOONDOCKING FREE CAMPING ALONG COLORADO RIVER ..Check out how you can RV FOR FREE along the Colorado River. Exit 1 off Interstate 10 Ehrenberg Ar... Kaitlyn and I took a little trip up the mountain to see if we could win the magic coin again! In this video we win some tickets and lots of bulk prizes...but... DJI Phantom 3 4K flight programmed in Litchi. The Grand Z hotel and casino is located in Central City, Colorado. Thirty Mile Campground is a really nice campground located 30 miles from Creede Colorado along the Rio Grande River. Colorado's largest wilderness area, the... Top 10 best towns in Colorado. These are the best places to live.Colorado is one of the most awe-inspiring landscapes in the United States. Enjoy.Patreon: ht... In so many ways, the story of Colorado is the story of mining. And Creede stands as one of the last mining towns of its kind. So many mines and their legacie...

is there gambling in creede colorado

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